Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Eucalyptus dumosa
Eucalyptus dumosa A.Cunn. ex J.Oxley legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
Eucalyptus anceps (R.Br. ex Maiden) Blakely auct. non (R.Br. ex Maiden) Blakely: Boomsma, C.D. (1981), Native Trees of South Australia Edn. 2: 112, p.p.
  • Limited intergradation is recorded between E. cretata and E. dumosa (Lang & Brooker, 1990). Jacobs & Pickard (1981) raised E. incrassata var. dumosa to subspecies rank in E. dumosa, but as they did not recognise any other subspecies in E. dumosa, and nor has anyone else, before or since, this name has no standing. Intergrades are recorded between E. gypsophila and E. dumosa (Nicolle 1997).
  • SA, NSW, Vic
Eucalyptus dumosa auct. non A.Cunn. ex J.Oxley: Boomsma, C.D. (1972) [fide Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006)] = Eucalyptus cyanophylla Brooker
Eucalyptus dumosa auct. non A.Cunn. ex J.Oxley: Jessop, J.P. (1986) [fide Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006)] , p.p. = Eucalyptus percostata Brooker & P.J.Lang
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