Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Juncus polyanthemus
Juncus polyanthemus Buchenau legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census
  • Hybrids between Juncus polyanthemus and J. mollis and between J. polyanthemus and J. usitatus are recorded from NSW.
  • WA (naturalised), Qld, NSW
Juncus polyanthemus auct. non Buchenau: Black, J.M. (1943) [fide State Herbarium of South Australia (2008)] , p.p. = Juncus usitatus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus polyanthemus auct. non Buchenau: Black, J.M. (1943) [fide State Herbarium of South Australia (2008)] , p.p. = Juncus sarophorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus polyanthemus auct. non Buchenau: Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981) [fide Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010)] = Juncus aridicola L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus polyanthemus auct. non Buchenau: Pickard, J. (1984) [fide Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010)] = Juncus aridicola L.A.S.Johnson