Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Hibbertia platyphylla
Hibbertia platyphylla Toelken legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census
Hibbertia sericea (R.Br. ex DC.) Benth. auct. non (R.Br. ex DC.) Benth.: Black, J.M. (December 1926), Meliaceae - Scrophulariaceae. Flora of South Australia 3: 386, p.p. Hibbertia sericea (R.Br. ex DC.) Benth. auct. non (R.Br. ex DC.) Benth.: Black, J.M. (1952), Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 3: 575, Fig. 750, p.p. Hibbertia stricta (DC.) R.Br. ex F.Muell. auct. non (DC.) R.Br. ex F.Muell.: Tate, R. (1890), A Handbook of the Flora of Extratropical South Australia: 4, 205, p.p.
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