Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Pomaderris paniculosa
Pomaderris paniculosa F.Muell. ex Reissek legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census
Pomaderris obcordata Fenzl auct. non Fenzl: Gardner, C.A. (May 1931), Part III. Geraniaceae–Compositae. Enumeratio Plantarum Australiae Occidentalis: 76 Pomaderris obcordata Fenzl auct. non Fenzl: Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 111 Pomaderris oraria F.Muell. ex Reissek auct. non F.Muell. ex Reissek: Willis, J.H. (1973), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2: 366, p.p. Pomaderris oraria F.Muell. ex Reissek auct. non F.Muell. ex Reissek: Blackall, W.E. & Grieve, B.J. (1974), How to know Western Australian wildflowers: a key to the flora of the temperate regions of Western Australia Edn. 2, 1: 331 Pomaderris oraria F.Muell. ex Reissek auct. non F.Muell. ex Reissek: Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 185 Pomaderris racemosa Hook. auct. non Hook.: Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1: 421, 422, p.p. Pomaderris racemosa Hook. auct. non Hook.: Maiden, J.H. & Betche, E. (1916), A Census of New South Wales Plants: 133, p.p. Pomaderris racemosa Hook. auct. non Hook.: Ewart, A.J. (1931), Flora of Victoria: 748, p.p.
  • WA, SA, NSW (presumed extinct), Vic, Tas