Vascular Plants Australian Plant Census (APC)

Showing Eucalyptus piperita
Eucalyptus piperita J.White legitimate | sensu Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census
  • A reputed hybrid E. piperita x E. racemosa 'subsp. rossii' is the basis of E. chisholmii (Pryor & Johnson, 1971; Chippendale, 1988). A reputed hybrid E. moorei x E. piperita is the basis for E. moorei var. arborea Blakely (Pryor & Johnson, 1971; Chippendale, 1988). A reputed hybrid E. oreades x E. piperita is the basis for E. piperita var. orophila Blakely (Pryor & Johnson, 1971; Chippendale, 1988). A reputed hybrid E. capitellata x E. piperita is the basis of E. pseudo-piperita Maiden & Blakely (Pryor & Johnson, 1971; Chippendale, 1988). A reputed hybrid E. haemastoma x E. piperita 'subsp. piperita' is the basis of E. joyceae Blakely (Pryor & Johnson, 1971; Chippendale, 1988). A reputed hybrid E. piperita 'subsp. urceolaris' x E. racemosa according to Euclid, or E. piperita 'subsp. urceolaris' x E. sclerophylla according to Pryor & Johnson (1971) and Chippendale (1988) is the basis for E. congener Maiden & Blakely. The subspecies subsp. piperita and subsp. urceolaris are no longer recognised in NSW, although still separated in Euclid.
  • NSW
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