Tribe Satyrini

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 ADDED

Subtribe Eritina

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 ADDED

Genus Orsotriaena Wallengren, 1858





Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Qld: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), NSW North Coast (NNC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

General References

Ackery, P.R. 1984. Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London, no. 11. Part 1 Systematics. pp. 9-21 in Vane-Wright, R.I. & Ackery, P.R. (eds). The Biology of Butterflies. London : Academic Press 429 pp. [16]

Ackery, P.R. 1988. Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London 33: 95-203 [103] (bibliography)

Common, I.F.B. & Waterhouse, D.F. 1981. Butterflies of Australia. Sydney : Angus & Robertson xiv 682 pp. 49 pls. [324]

Gaede, M. 1931. Familia Satyridae II. Lepidopterorum Catalogus Pt 46 pp. 321–544. [376]

Miller, L.D. 1968. The higher classification, phylogeny and zoogeography of the Satyridae (Lepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 24: i-iii, 1-174 [57]

Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea; their systematics and biology. San Diego : Academic Press 736 pp. [554]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 MOVED

Species Orsotriaena medus (Fabricius, 1775)

Smooth-eyed Bush-brown

Taxonomic Decision for Subspecies Arrangement





Extra Distribution Information

Extralimital distribution—Papua New Guinea, Oriental Region.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Qld: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), NSW North Coast (NNC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

Ecological Descriptors

Larva: herbivore.

Extra Ecological Information

Larval food plants not recorded from the Australian mainland, but on Dauan Is. in northern Torres Strait, eggs were obtained by enclosing females on Imperata sp. (Poaceae), and in captivity larvae were reared successfully on Panicum maximum, an introduced grass.


Details of nominate subspecies, not present in Australia

Orsotriaena medus medus (Fabricius, 1775)

Papilio medus Fabricius, J.C. 1775. Systema Entomologiae sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Flensburgi et Lipsiae : Libraria Kortii 8 vols xxx 832 pp. [488].
Type data: type status unknown BMNH *; Fabricius in the original description did not indicate the number of specimens described, nor did he give the collection from which he described the species; Jones, W. 1783. Icones. [unpublished original watercolour paintings with added notes]. Located at Oxford University, Hope Department of Entomology 6 Vols. [approx. 1783–1818] [vol. 6, pl. 52. fig. 3] (figured a specimen from Banks' collection); Riley, N.D. & Gabriel, A.G. 1924. Catalogue of the Type Specimens of Lepidoptera Rhopalocera in the British Museum. Part I. Satyrinae. London : British Museum 62 pp. [35] (did not list a type in the BMNH); Corbet, A.S. 1941. Observations on certain of the Fabrician names of Indo-Australian Rhopalocera (Lepid.). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London B 10(6): 98–106 [104] (discussed Banks' specimen concluding that it may be the type); Zimsen, E. 1964. The Type Material of I.C. Fabricius. Copenhagen : Munksgaard 656 pp. [514] (listed the species but did not locate a type specimen).
Type locality: Java, Indonesia (as 'Capite Bonae Spei' in original description), see Zimsen, E. 1964. The Type Material of I.C. Fabricius. Copenhagen : Munksgaard 656 pp. [104] (gave Java as the type locality).


General References

Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea; their systematics and biology. San Diego : Academic Press 736 pp. [554]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 MOVED

Subspecies Orsotriaena medus licium (Fruhstorfer, 1908)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy





Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


Qld: Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Desert Uplands (DEU), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), NSW North Coast (NNC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Wet Tropics (WT)

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Ecological Descriptors

Larva: herbivore.


General References

Braby, M.F. 1995. The distribution, status and habitat associations of the satyrine (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) fauna of northeastern Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 34: 51-61 [54]

Common, I.F.B. & Waterhouse, D.F. 1981. Butterflies of Australia. Sydney : Angus & Robertson xiv 682 pp. 49 pls. [324] (biology)

Johnson, S.J., Johnson, I.R. & Valentine, P.S. 1995. Notes on the early stages of Orsotriaena medus moira Waterhouse & Lyell and Melanitis constantia Cramer (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from Torres Strait, Australia. Australian Entomologist 22: 65-68 [65] (biology)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 MOVED

Subtribe Mycalesina

History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 ADDED

Genus Mycalesis Hübner, 1818


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy




Northern Territory, Queensland

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NT, Qld: Australian Alps (AA), Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), King (KIN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater

Original AFD Distribution Data

Afrotropical Region

Australian Region

Oriental Region

General References

Ackery, P.R. 1984. Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London, no. 11. Part 1 Systematics. pp. 9-21 in Vane-Wright, R.I. & Ackery, P.R. (eds). The Biology of Butterflies. London : Academic Press 429 pp. [16]

Ackery, P.R. 1988. Hostplants and classification: a review of nymphalid butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society of London 33: 95-203 [103] (bibliography)

Braby, M.F. 1994. Morphology of the early stages of Mycalesis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from north-east Australia. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 33: 289-294 [289]

Braby, M.F. 1994. Phenotypic variation on adult Mycalesis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) from the Australian wet-dry tropics. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 33: 327-336 [327]

Miller, L.D. 1968. The higher classification, phylogeny and zoogeography of the Satyridae (Lepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 24: i-iii, 1-174 [57]

Moore, G.J. 1999. The Bushbrowns, Mycalesis species (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). pp. 217-226 in Kitching, R.L., Scheermeyer, E., Jones, R.L. & Pierce, N.E. (eds). Biology of Australian Butterflies. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing xvi 395 pp. [217]

Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea; their systematics and biology. San Diego : Academic Press 736 pp. [544]

Waterhouse, G.A. & Lyell, G. 1914. The Butterflies of Australia: a monograph of the Australian Rhopalocera introducing a complete scheme of structural classification, and giving descriptions and illustrations of all the butterflies found in Australia, including a number now recorded for the first time. Sydney : Angus & Robertson 239 pp. 38 pls + 3 unnumbered colour pls. [Date published 25 July 1914] [28]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
06-Sep-2017 PAPILIONOIDEA 29-Jun-2017 MODIFIED
05-Mar-2013 05-Mar-2013 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 30-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 MOVED

Species Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775)

Dingy Bush-brown

Taxonomic Decision for Subspecies Arrangement




Northern Territory, Queensland

Extra Distribution Information

Extralimital distribution—Indonesia (Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Oriental Region.

Note that conversion of the original AFD map of states, drainage basins and coastal and oceanic zones to IBRA and IMCRA regions may have produced errors. The new maps will be reviewed and corrected as updates occur. The maps may not indicate the entire distribution. See further details below.


NT, Qld: Australian Alps (AA), Arnhem Coast (ARC), Arnhem Plateau (ARP), Avon Wheatbelt (AW), Brigalow Belt North (BBN), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Ben Lomond (BEL), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Burt Plain (BRT), Central Arnhem (CA), Carnarvon (CAR), Channel Country (CHC), Central Kimberley (CK), Central Mackay Coast (CMC), Coolgardie (COO), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Central Ranges (CR), Cape York Peninsula (CYP), Daly Basin (DAB), Darwin Coastal (DAC), Desert Uplands (DEU), Dampierland (DL), Davenport Murchison Ranges (DMR), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Einasleigh Uplands (EIU), Esperance Plains (ESP), Eyre Yorke Block (EYB), Finke (FIN), Flinders Lofty Block (FLB), Flinders (FLI), Gascoyne (GAS), Gawler (GAW), Gibson Desert (GD), Gulf Fall and Uplands (GFU), Geraldton Sandplains (GS), Great Sandy Desert (GSD), Gulf Coastal (GUC), Gulf Plains (GUP), Great Victoria Desert (GVD), Hampton (HAM), Jarrah Forest (JF), Kanmantoo (KAN), King (KIN), Little Sandy Desert (LSD), MacDonnell Ranges (MAC), Mallee (MAL), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mitchell Grass Downs (MGD), Mount Isa Inlier (MII), Mulga Lands (ML), Murchison (MUR), Nandewar (NAN), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), New England Tablelands (NET), Northern Kimberley (NK), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Nullarbor (NUL), Ord Victoria Plain (OVP), Pine Creek (PCK), Pilbara (PIL), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ), Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields (SSD), Stony Plains (STP), Sturt Plateau (STU), Swan Coastal Plain (SWA), Tanami (TAN), Tasmanian Central Highlands (TCH), Tiwi Cobourg (TIW), Tasmanian Northern Midlands (TNM), Tasmanian Northern Slopes (TNS), Tasmanian South East (TSE), Tasmanian Southern Ranges (TSR), Tasmanian West (TWE), Victoria Bonaparte (VB), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP), Warren (WAR), Wet Tropics (WT), Yalgoo (YAL)

Other Regions

Torres Strait Islands terrestrial, marine & freshwater

Original AFD Distribution Data

Australian Region

Oriental Region

Ecological Descriptors

Larva: herbivore (associated flora: Heteropogon triticeus (R.Br.) Stapf ex Craib [POACEAE] Giant Speargrass; Panicum maximum Jacq., 1781 [POACEAE] Guinea Grass; Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A.Camus [POACEAE] Queensland Blue Grass; Themeda triandra Forsskål [POACEAE]).

Extra Ecological Information

Panicum maximum (Poaceae) is introduced.


General References

Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea; their systematics and biology. San Diego : Academic Press 736 pp. [545] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement did not recognise subspecies in the Australia-New Guinea-Vanuatu region and made no mention of populations outside of this area)

Parsons, M.J. 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea; their systematics and biology. San Diego : Academic Press 736 pp. [545]

Waterhouse, G.A. & Lyell, G. 1914. The Butterflies of Australia: a monograph of the Australian Rhopalocera introducing a complete scheme of structural classification, and giving descriptions and illustrations of all the butterflies found in Australia, including a number now recorded for the first time. Sydney : Angus & Robertson 239 pp. 38 pls + 3 unnumbered colour pls. [Date published 25 July 1914] [29]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
07-Mar-2024 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Michael Braby
04-Feb-2023 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Michael Braby (ANU)
13-May-2022 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Michael Braby
26-Feb-2021 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Michael Braby
04-Jun-2020 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED Dr Michael Braby
04-Jun-2020 NYMPHALIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED
06-Sep-2017 PAPILIONOIDEA 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED
05-Mar-2013 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED
30-Mar-2012 06-Jan-2025 MODIFIED
05-Apr-2011 MOVED
Note: the generation of this complete preview for Satyrini was cancelled at Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775) owing to the initation of another complete preview for Laminopora dispar (MacGillivray, 1869). Only one complete preview may be executed at a time. Previews were generated for 8 of 93 taxa.