Tribe Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy



The Boarmiini are the second largest tribe of the Geometridae represented in Australia (the Nacophorini are the largest) with almost 150 named species in 36 genera, and several species unassigned to genus. However at least half of the fauna are still undescribed. Young (2006b, 2008a,b) found that the monophyly of Boarmiini was well supported by both immature and adult morphological characters in her studies of Australian Geometridae. However only a moderately small number of Australian Boarmiini was sampled in this study: eight of a total of 17 southern Australian genera and two New Zealand species, Cleora scriptaria Walker and Pseudocoremia productata Walker. Synapomorphies that united most of the taxa of this group, at least, follow.

Eggs of the Boarmiini generally share well-recognised features that support the inter-generic and tribal relationships of this group. However, the eggs of Cleora Curtis resemble those of the bistonine genera Paleacrita Riley and Phigalia Duponchel. These eggs all have very wide, undulating, elevated walls. Interestingly, Bistonini are now included as part of the Boarmiini sensu lato (Holloway 1994). The eggs of the remaining genera have typical Boarmiine features (sensu Salkeld, 1983), such as narrow and elongated shape, heavy-walled polygonal cells arranged in longitudinal rows and a soft chorion (Young 2006b). Young (2006b) also found that the presence of minute, irregularly shaped blisters on the chorion is relatively more common in the Boarmiini than any other group in her study, but these structures also occur in the Australian Nacophorini, the Australian lithinine Idiodes, Guenée and the robust-bodied oenochromine Arhodia Guenée .

Larvae are typically ennomine in morphology and have few outstanding features. However, boarmiine caterpillars are usually slender to medium in width, and are leaf or twig mimics (Young 2008b). Two Australian genera in Young's study, Ectropis Hübner and Scioglyptis Guest, have larvae with a granulated epidermis. Interestingly, both of these genera also have a granulated chorion in the egg. Sato (1984) also noted that a granulated larval epidermis was characteristic of the boarmiine genera Alcis Curtis and Hypomecis Hübner. However, this feature also occurs in the Ennomini (Heitzman, 1985), Palaeartic Archiearinae (Singh, 1959), and Larentiinae (Hashimoto, 1982, 1986). A fleshy protuberance just dorsad of the spiracle on A2 has been noted in some Boarmiini (McGuffin 1977; Sato 1984) and was present in the Australian Boarmiini, Ectropis, Gastrinodes, and Scioglyptis (Young 2008b).

Boarmiine adults are typically slender-bodied and rest in a planiform position with all wings exposed. Foveae are often present in the forewings but are also present in many other ennomines (McGuffin, 1977; Holloway, 1994). In Australian genera, antennae are variable, but quadripectinate forms occur, e.g. in Ectropis excursaria (Guenée) and Didymoctenia exsuperata (Walker), and rami in bipectinate forms, are long, scaled, and inserted distally, and the terminal segments are often simple. The boarmiine valva is usually complex. The costa is often modified with basal extensions, e.g., Euphronarcha epiphloea Turner and Gastrinodes bitaeniaria Le Guillou, or separated into free arms, e.g. D. exsuperata and Phelotis cognata . The harpe or clasper is often developed to form a protruding setose pad or spine, and the sacculus is often extended distally. Modified ampullae, e.g. C. scriptaria, D. exsuperata, and Syneora mundifera (Walker), and a bifid uncus, e.g. G. bitaeniaria and S. mundifera, are sometimes present. Socii are usually absent, and the gnathos is usually short, weak, and devoid of apical spines. Processes of the anellus are absent, but the juxta is generally large, tonguelike, and extended posteriorly. In the aedeagus, discrete cornuti are generally absent. In the female, long ovipositors frequently are present and are associated with the insertion of the soft-shelled eggs into crevices.

Pupae of the following species in this group were available for comparison in Young (2008a): E. excursaria, Gastrinodes sp., G. bitaeniaria, Phelotis cognata (Walker), Scioglyptis sp., and Syneora mundifera. These pupae are rather long and slender, and all share the following features: bulging eye-pieces; mandibles flat, not elevated; labium exposed, variable in size; long setae; tips of meta-tibae exposed; pro-thoracic spiracle conspicuously well-developed, consisting of an ellipsoid, elevated, disc-shaped structure bearing fine setae; punctation on A1-8, occasionally present on metadorsum; punctures small, shallow, randomly arranged, dense; A5 spiracular development consisting of a transverse groove directly anterior to the A5 spiracle; dorsal and lateral grooves well-developed and deep, except very under-developed in P. cognata; cremaster long and slender, shaftlike; cremaster bifurcate, setae very short to long, sometimes flattened dorso-ventrally. Short cremastral setae, give a T-shaped appearance to the cremaster similar to that of Alsophila Hübner (see Young, 2006a). The bifurcate cremaster is typically boarmiine (Patočka & Zach 1994; Holloway 1994).


Excluded Taxa


GEOMETRIDAE: Selidosema zygophora Lower, 1893 — Edwards, E.D. 2010. The identity of Selidosema zygophora Lower, 1893 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae). Australian Entomologist 37(4): 179-183 (found to be a junior subjective synonym of the New Zealand Pseudocoremia suavis (Butler), a common pest of Pinus radiata plantations; Australian specimens believed to have been mislabelled)


General References

Hashimoto, S. 1982. Immature stages of four Japanese Trichopterygini. Tinea, Tokyo 2: 99–112

Hashimoto, S. 1986. Immature stages of Heterophleps fusca fusca (Butler). Tinea, Tokyo 12: 81-84

Heitzman, R.L. 1985. Systematic study of the mature larvae of the Nearctic Ennomini and related tribes (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, Maryland.

Holloway, J.D. 1994. The Moths of Borneo Part 11. Family Geometridae, Subfamily Ennominae. Malayan Nature Journal 47(1-2): 1–309

McGuffin, W.C. 1977. Guide to the Geometridae of Canada (Lepidoptera) II. Subfamily Ennominae. 2. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 101: 1–191

Patočka, J. & Zach, P. 1994. On the pupae of central European Geometridae (Lepidoptera). Subfamilies Archiearinae, Oenochrominae and Ennominae, tribe Theriini. Biologia 49(5): 739–745

Salkeld, E.H. 1983. A catalogue of the eggs of some Canadian Geometridae (Lepidoptera), with comments. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 126: 67 pp.

Sato, R. 1984. Taxonomic study of the genus Hypomecis Hübner and its allied genera from Japan (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae). Special Bulletin of Essa Entomological Society 1: 1–213

Singh, B. 1959. Description of larva of Brephos infans Moeschler (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Brephinae), with a note on the relationship and affinity of subfamily Brephinae with larvae of other subfamilies of Geometridae. Indian Forest Records 9: 211-214

Young, C.J. 2006a. Molecular relationships of the Australian Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and implications for the phylogeny of the Geometridae from molecular and morphological data. Zootaxa 1264: 1-147

Young, C.J. 2006bb. Descriptions of the eggs of some southern Australian Geometridae (Lepidoptera). Zootaxa 1287: 294 pp.

Young, C.J. 2008a. Characterisation of the Australian Nacophorini using adult morphology, and phylogeny of the Geometridae based on morphological characters. Zootaxa 1736: 141 pp.

Young, C.J. 2008bb. Characterisation of the Larvae of Australian Nacophorini. Zootaxa 1862: 1-74


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 29-Oct-2013 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus "Hypomecis"

History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 23-Nov-2015 MODIFIED
GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 ADDED Dr Federica Turco (QM)

Species "Hypomecis" catephes (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations



Schmidt (2012) notes that Scoble (1999) placed Boarmia catephes in "Hypomecis” but states that "[t]he generic
placement of the species needs to be reconsidered".


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [81]

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 23-Nov-2015 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species "Hypomecis" conspersa (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations



Schmidt (2012) notes that Scoble (1999) placed Boarmia conspersa in "Hypomecis” but states that "[t]he generic placement of the species needs to be reconsidered".


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [82]

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 23-Nov-2015 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
08-Mar-2012 MODIFIED

Species "Hypomecis" curtaria (Walker, 1866)


Generic Combinations



Schmidt (2012) notes that Scoble (1999) placed Boarmia curtaria in "Hypomecis” but states that "[t]he generic placement of the species needs to be reconsidered".


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 28-Jun-2016 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species "Hypomecis" platyleuca (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations



Schmidt (2012) notes that Scoble (1999) placed Boarmia platyleuca in "Hypomecis” but states that "[t]he generic placement of the species needs to be reconsidered".


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [84]

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 23-Nov-2015 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Amblychia Guenée, 1857


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [210] (Note #307: Amblychia Guenée, 1857 and Elphos Guenée, 1857 were published simultaneously. Priority was given to Amblychia Guenée by Holloway (1993) as first reviser)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 19-Jun-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Amblychia angeronaria Guenée, 1857


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 17-Jun-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Amblychia subrubida (Warren, 1896)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Amraica Moore, 1888


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Amraica debrunnescens (L.B. Prout, 1926)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Apheloceros Turner, 1947


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Apheloceros dasciodes Turner, 1947


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [81]


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Ateloptila Meyrick, 1886


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [209] (Note #303: Ateloptila Meyrick, 1886. Until the holotype of Ateloptila psamathopa Meyrick, 1886, probably in the Macleay Museum, Sydney, can be found the identity of this genus must be doubtful. It is possible that A. psamathopa Meyrick, Darisa marmorata Warren, 1899, Ateloptila confusa Warren, 1900 and Boarmia nyctopora Turner, 1917 are all closely related. The male genitalia of A. confusa are similar to Eunoumea geteberi (Viette) from New Caledonia but certainly not conspecific, and the adults look similar)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ateloptila confusa Warren, 1900


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Bracca Hübner, 1820


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [211] (Note #310: Bracca Hübner [1820] and Cosmethis Hübner [1820] were published simultaneously. Priority was given to Bracca Hübner by Holloway (1991) as first reviser)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 19-Jun-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Bracca matutinata (Walker, 1862)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Bracca ribbei (Pagenstecher, 1886)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Bracca rosenbergi (Pagenstecher, 1886)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 17-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Bracca rotundata (Butler, 1877)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Catoria Moore, 1887


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Catoria camelaria (Guenée, 1857)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Catoria delectaria (Walker, 1866)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Catoria hemiprosopa (Turner, 1904)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Chorodna Walker, 1860


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Chorodna strixaria (Guenée, 1857)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 20-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 20-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 09-Apr-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Cleora Curtis, 1825


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora costiplaga (Fletcher, 1953)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora decisaria (Walker, 1866)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora displicata (Walker, 1860)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora eugraphica (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora fuliginosa (Warren, 1894)


General References

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [169] (as subspecies of C. injectaria)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 11-Jan-2018 MODIFIED
21-Apr-2011 ADDED

Species Cleora godeffroyi (Butler, 1886)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora goldfinchi Prout, 1937


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora illustraria (Walker, 1863)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora injectaria (Walker, 1860)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 17-Jun-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora lacteata (Warren, 1897)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora obiana Herbulot, 1977


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 25-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 19-Feb-2012 MOVED
28-Apr-2011 ADDED

Species Cleora palawanica Herbulot, 1985


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 25-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 19-Feb-2012 MOVED
28-Apr-2011 ADDED

Species Cleora perfumosa (Warren, 1896)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora perlepidaria (Warren, 1900)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora repetita (Butler, 1882)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.) Rottler [VERBENACEAE] Buas Buas; Eucalyptus l'Hérit. [MYRTACEAE] Gum trees; Acacia mangium Willd. [FABACEAE] Mangium; Terminalia calamansanai Standley & L.O.Williams [COMBRETACEAE] Philippine almond; Callistemon R.Br, [MYRTACEAE] bottlebrush; Terminalia brassii Exell [COMBRETACEAE] brown terminalia; Persea Mill. [LAURACEAE] laurel; Flindersia [RUTACEAE]; Myrtella F.Muell. [MYRTACEAE]).

Associated Flora References

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. (Premna corymbosa; Flindersia; Eucalyptus; Callistemon; Acacia mangium; Terminalia calamansanai; Persea; Terminalia brassii)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora rostrata (Fletcher, 1953)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora sabulata (Fletcher, 1953)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Cleora sulawesica Herbulot, 1993


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 25-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 19-Feb-2012 MOVED
21-Apr-2011 ADDED

Species Cleora tenebrata (Fletcher, 1953)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 02-Mar-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 25-Jun-2012 MOVED
19-Jun-2012 ADDED

Genus Craspedosis Butler, 1877


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Craspedosis leucosticta Warren, 1896


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Didymoctenia Warren, 1901


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Didymoctenia exsuperata (Walker, 1860)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Ectropis Hübner, 1825


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 11-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis aganopa (Meyrick, 1892)


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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis argalea Meyrick, 1892


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis bhurmitra (Walker, 1860)


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Theobroma cacao L. [MALVACEAE] Cacao Tree, Cocoa Tree; Quercus myrsinaefolia Blume [FAGACEAE] Chinese evergreen oak; Citrus L. [RUTACEAE] Citrus; Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth [COMBRETACEAE] Indian laurel; Quercus myrsinaefolia Blume [LAURACEAE] Japanese evergreen oak; Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels [MYRTACEAE] Java plum; Bombax anceps Pierre [MALVACEAE] Kekabu Hutan; Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit [LEGUMINOSAE] Lead Tree; Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit [FABACEAE] Lead Tree; Anthocephalus chinensis (Lam.) Rich. ex Walp. [RUBIACEAE] Leichhardt Pine; Azadirachta excelsa (Jack) Jacobs [MELIACEAE] Marrango Tree; Aleurites montana (Lour.) Wils. [EUPHORBIACEAE] Montana Tung; Castanopsis fissa (Champ. ex Benth.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson [FAGACEAE] Soi Phang, Li Shuo Zhui; Castanopsis fissa (Champ. ex Benth.) Rehder & E.H. Wilson [FAGACEAE] Soi Phang, Li Shuo Zhui; Maesa chisia Buch.-Ham [PRIMULACEAE] Susi-porma; Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken [SAPINDACEAE] Tamil; Piper nigrum L. [PIPERACEAE] black pepper; Aleurites moluccana L. [EUPHORBIACEAE] candlenut; Cassia L. [FABACEAE] cassia; Artemisa vulgaris L. [ASTERACEAE] mugwort; Terminalia complanata K.Schum [COMBRETACEAE] pale yellow terminalia; Citrus maxima Merr [RUTACEAE] pomelo fruit; Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume real cinnamon; Albizia Durazz, 1772 [FABACEAE] silk tree; Mallotus Lour. [EUPHORBIACEAE] spurge; Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze [THEACEAE] tea plant; Tectona grandis L.f. [VERBENACEAE] teak; Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume [LAURACEAE] true cinnamon; Mallotus Lour. [EUPHORBIACEAE]; Melastoma normale D. Don [MELASTOMATACEAE]; Cassia L. [LEGUMINOSAE]; Symplocos Jacq. [SYMPLOCACEAE]; Gmelina arborea Roxb. [VERBENACEAE]; Albizia Durazz. [LEGUMINOSAE]; Coffea rubica L. [RUBIACEAE]).


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [210] (Note #304: Ectropis bhurmitra (Walker, 1860) and E. diffusaria (Walker, 1860) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to E. bhurmitra (Walker) by Hampson (1895: 260) as first reviser)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis bispinaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis calida Goldfinch, 1944


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis despicata (Walker, 1860)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis excursaria (Guenée, 1857)

Twig Looper


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Hakea Schrad. & J.C.Wendl. [PROTEACEAE]; Gardenia J.Ellis [RUBIACEAE]; Pultenaea Sm. [FABACEAE] Bush Pea; Citrus L. [RUTACEAE] Citrus; Hardenbergia violacea (Schneev.) Stearn [FABACEAE] False Sarsaparilla; Eucalyptus l'Hérit. [MYRTACEAE] Gum trees; Acacia [FABACEAE] Wattle; Leptospermum J.R.Forster & G.Forster [MYRTACEAE] myrtle; Pinus L. [PINACEAE] pine; Juglans DC. [JUGLANDACEAE] walnut; Rosa L. [ROSACEAE]; Pelargonium [GERANIACEAE]; Hedera L. [ARALIACEAE]; Bursaria Cav. [PITTOSPORACEAE]; Cassia Lindl. [FABACEAE]; Rubus L. [ROSACEAE]; Arctotheca [ASTERACEAE]).

Associated Flora References

McFarland, N. 1988. Portraits of South Australian geometrid moths. Kansas : Allen Press, Lawrence iv+400 pp., frontispiece. [91] (Hardenbergia violacea)

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [261 (all)] (Acacia)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [210] (Note #305: Ectropis excursaria (Guenée, 1857), E. exportaria (Guenée, 1857) and E. phibalapteraria (Guenée, 1857) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to E. excursaria (Guenée) over both E. exportaria (Guenée) and E. phibalapteraria (Guenée) by Meyrick (1892: 609) as first reviser)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis fractaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis fragilis (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations



As "Ectropis" fragilis; generic placement needs to be reconsidered (Scoble 1999; Schmidt 2012).


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [85]

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing.


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis gravis (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis lignea Goldfinch, 1944


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis mniara Turner, 1917


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ectropis petrozona (Lower, 1900)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Euphronarcha Warren, 1898


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Euphronarcha epiphloea (Turner, 1926)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Euphronarcha leptodesma (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Euphronarcha luxaria (Guenée, 1857)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [209] (Note #301: Emphronarcha luxatia (Guenée, 1857) and E. hemipteraria (Guenée, 1857) were published simultaneously. Priority [was] given to E. luxaria (Guenée) as first revisers. Prout (1934: 136) gives E. bemipteraria (Guenée) as a senior subjective synonym of E. epiphloea (Turner, 1926). Semmens, McQuillan and Hayhurst (1992) considered E. epiphloea (Turner) a separate species. Studies of photographs of the holotypes suggest that E. hemipteriaria (Guenée) is a synonym of E. laxaria (Guenée) and that E. epiphloea (Turner) is a separate species)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Gastrinodes Warren, 1898


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Gastrinodes argoplaca (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Gastrinodes bitaeniaria (Le Guillou, 1841)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Heterogena Turner, 1947


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 06-Jul-2016 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Heterogena exitela Turner, 1947


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Hypomecis Hübner, 1821


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 19-Jun-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
15-Apr-2012 ADDED

Species Hypomecis agoraea (Meyrick, 1892)


Generic Combinations


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (no generic assignment)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 15-Apr-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 08-Mar-2012 MODIFIED
08-Mar-2012 MODIFIED

Species Hypomecis pallidiscaria (Walker, 1863)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 25-Jun-2012 MOVED
21-Feb-2022 15-Apr-2012 MOVED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Hyposidra Guenée, 1857


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hyposidra incomptaria (Walker, 1866)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Terminalia calamansanai (Blanco) Rolfe [COMBRETACEAE] Anarep; Palaquium gutta (Hook.) Burck [SAPOTACEAE] Gutta Percha; Eucalyptus deglupta Blume [MYRTACEAE] Kamarere; Campnosperma brevipetiolatum Volkens [ANACARDIACEAE] Kelela charm; Calophyllum peekelii A.C. Smith [CLUSIACEAE] Kolio, Ure-Ure, Calophyllum; Terminalia brassii Exell [COMBRETACEAE] swamp oak; Merremia pacifica Ooster. [CONVOLVULACEAE] veliyawa; Merremia peltata (L.) Merr. [CONVOLVULACEAE]).


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [211] (Note #309: Hyposidra incomptaria (Walker, 1866), and H. corticata (Walker, 1866) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to H. incomptaria by Swinhoe (1900: 249) as first reviser)

Rothschild, L.W. 1915. Lepidoptera of the British Ornithologists' Union and Wollaston Expeditions in the Snow Mountains, Southern Dutch New Guinea. Macrolepidoptera. Part 1. London : Hazell, Watson & Viney pp. 1-168.

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [479]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hyposidra janiaria Guenée, 1857


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Glycine Willd. [FABACEAE] Twining Pea).

Associated Flora References

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. (Glycine)


General References

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [480]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Hyposidra talaca (Walker, 1860)


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Khaya anthotheca (Welw.) C. DC. [MELIACEAE] African Mahogany, White Mahogany; Coffea arabica L. [RUBIACEAE] Arabian Coffee; Acacia catechu (L.f.) Willd. [FABACEAE] Atechu, Cachou, Cutchtree, Black Cutch, Black Catechu; Jatropha curcas L. [EUPHORBIACEAE] Barbados nut, purging nut,; Theobromo cacao L. [MALVACEAE] Cacao Tree, Cocoa Tree; Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze [THEACEAE] Chinese tea; Citrus L. [RUTACEAE] Citrus; Carissa spinarum L. [APOCYNACEAE] Conkerberry, Bush Plum; Bombax ceiba L. [MALVACEAE] Cotton Tree, Kapok Tree; Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. [FABACEAE] Cow Pea; Terminalia elliptica Willd. [COMBRETACEAE] Indian-laurel; Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels [MYRTACEAE] Java plum; Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken [SAPINDACEAE] Kusum Tree; Acacia mangium Willd. [FABACEAE] Mangium; Hevea brasiliensis Müll.Arg. [EUPHORBIACEAE] Pará rubber tree; Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) I.C.Nielsen [FABACEAE] Sengon; Glycine max (L.) Merr. [FABACEAE] Soybean; Glochidion zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A. Juss. [PHYLLANTHACEAE] Sri Lanka Glochidion, Hong Kong Abacus; Acacia niloticha (L.) Willd. ex Delile [FABACEAE] Thorn Mimosa; Eugenia aquea Burm. f., 1768 [MYRTACEAE] Water Apple; Albizia procera (Willd.) Benth. [FABACEAE] White Siris; Indigofera teysmannii Miq. [FABACEAE] Zollinger's indigo; Combretum Loefl. [COMBRETACEAE] bushwillows, combretums; Manihot esculenta Crantz [EUPHORBIACEAE] cassava; Ricinus communis L. [EUPHORBIACEAE] castor oil plant; Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume [LAURACEAE] cinnamon, cassia; Ficus tinctoria G. Forst. [MORACEAE] dye fig, humped fig; Litchi chinensis Sonn. [SAPINDACEAE] leechi, litchi, laichi, lichu, lizhi; Citrus maxima Merr. [RUTACEAE] pomelo; Nephelium lappaceum L. [SAPINDACEAE] rambutan; Hevea Aubl. [EUPHORBIACEAE] rubberwood; Pelargonium l'Hérit. [GERANIACEAE] scented geraniums, storksbills; Castanopsis fissa Wils [FAGACEAE] soi phang, ca oi dau ne; Tectona grandis L. [VERBENACEAE] teak; Mallotus Lour. [EUPHORBIACEAE]; Coffea liberica Hiern [MYRTACEAE]; Coffea L. [MYRTACEAE]; Derris Lour. [FABACEAE]; Syzygium R.Br. ex Gaertn. [MYRTACEAE]).

Associated Flora References

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [480, 481 (all listed foodplants)] (Carissa spinarum)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [211] (Note #308: Hyposidra talaca (Walker, 1860), H. successaria (Walker, 1860), H. decipiens (Walker, 1860) and H. deceptatura (Walker, 1860) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to H. talaca (Walker) over H. deceptatura (Walker) by Moore (1886: 392) as first reviser. Priority was given to H. successaria (Walker) over H. decipiens (Walker) by Hampson (1895: 214). Priority was given to H. talaca (Walker) over H. successaria (Walker) by Holloway (1993))

Scoble, M.J. 1999. Geometrid Moths of the World; a Catalogue. Collingwood, Victoria, Australia : CSIRO Publishing. [481]


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Iulotrichia Warren, 1894


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Iulotrichia semiumbrata (Warren, 1896)


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Terminalia complanata L. [COMBRETACEAE]).


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Krananda Moore, 1868


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Krananda extranotata L.B. Prout, 1926


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Lipogya Warren, 1898


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Lipogya capnota (Meyrick, 1892)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 14-Jul-2016 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Lipogya eutheta (Turner, 1917)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (Note #291: Lipogya eutheta (Turner, 1917) and L. scotina (Turner, 1917) were published simultaneously. Priority [was] given to L. eutheta (Turner) as first revisers)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Lipogya exprimataria (Walker, 1863)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 15-Jul-2016 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Lipogya leucoprosopa (Turner, 1947)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (Note #290: Lipogya leucoprosopa (Turner, 1947) and L. piperata (Turner, 1947) were published simultaneously. Priority [was] given to L. leucoprosopa (Turner) as first revisers)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Milionia Walker, 1854


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Milionia aetheria (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Milionia queenslandica Jordan & Rothschild, 1895


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Neogyne Warren, 1898


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neogyne elongata Warren, 1898


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Neogyne mochlosema (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Pachyplocia Warren, 1896


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pachyplocia atmocyma (Turner, 1917)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pachyplocia griseata Warren, 1896


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pachyplocia loxocyma (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pachyplocia prionodes (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Paradromulia Warren, 1896


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Paradromulia ambigua Warren, 1896


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Phelotis Guest, 1887


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Phelotis cognata (Walker, 1860)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Pholodes D.S.Fletcher, 1979


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pholodes sinistraria (Guenée, 1857)


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Citrus L. [RUTACEAE] Citrus; Eucalyptus l'Hérit. [MYRTACEAE] Gum trees; Mentha L. [LAMIACEAE] Mint; Acacia [FABACEAE] Wattle; Exocarpos Pers. [SANTALACEAE] sandalwood; Litchi Sonn. [SAPINDACEAE] soapberry; Pinus L. [PINACEAE]; Angophora Cav. [MYRTACEAE]; Malus Tourn. ex L. [ROSACEAE]; Prunus L. [ROSACEAE]).


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Pleurolopha Turner, 1904


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Pleurolopha nebridota Turner, 1904


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Polyacme Warren, 1896


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Polyacme dissimilis (Warren, 1897)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Polyacme subpulchra (Warren, 1897)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Praesos Walker, 1854


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Praesos mariana (White, 1852)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Psilalcis Warren, 1893


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilalcis isombra (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Psilosticha Meyrick, 1892


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha absorpta (Walker, 1860)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha attacta (Walker, 1860)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (Note #298: Psilosticha attacta (Walker, 1860) and P. integraria (Walker, 1860) were published simultaneously. Priority [was] given to P. attacta (Walker) as first revisers)

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100 [82]


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha loxoschema (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha mactaria (Guenée, 1857)



P. mactaria occurs in two forms. The larger form inhabits high altitude including sub-alpine areas where the larvae have been recorded feeding on Hakea lissosperma R. Br. and H. microcarpa R. Br. (Proteaceae). Adults are medium-sized moths and resemble boarmiines superficially. Wings are triangular, and both forewings and hindwings are similarly cryptically patterned with white irrorated with grey. The moths rest with wings flattened on to the substrate with both fore- and hind-wings exposed. Moths of lower altitude populations are found in dry sclerophyll forests where the larvae feed on the legume Pultenaea juniperina Labill. (Young 2006a).

This species most likely belongs to the Macariini on the basis of molecular and morphological characters (Young 2006a). The presence of sub-apical horns on the uncus of the male genitalia is strong evidence that P. mactaria is a macariine, although the species lacks other typical macariine feature i.e. divided valvae, large chaetosemata and a cleft, excavated or emarginate sternum eight (Scoble & Krüger 2002). It is also likely that Psilosticha is polyphyletic as the genitalia of P. prisitis are typically boarmiine (Young 2006a).

Evidence for the placement of P. mactaria into the Macariini is also apparent from egg morphology. The eggs greatly resemble those of the Australian macariines ‘Boarmia’ penthearia Guenée, Dissomorphia australiaria and Parosteodes Warren and share few common features with described boarmiine eggs (Young 2006b).


Ecological Descriptors

Caterpillar: herbivore (associated flora: Pultenaea juniperina R. Br. [FABACEAE] Prickly Beauty, Prickly Bush-pea; Hakea lissosperma R. Br. [PROTEACEAE] needle bush; Hakea microcarpa R. Br. [PROTEACEAE] small-fruit Hakea).

Associated Flora References

Young, C.J. 2006. Molecular relationships of the Australian Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and implications for the phylogeny of the Geometridae from molecular and morphological data. Zootaxa 1264: 1–147 [52] (Pultenaea juniperina; Hakea microcarpa; Hakea lissosperma)


General References

Scoble, M.J. & Krüger, M. 2002. A review of the genera of Macariini with a revised classification of the tribe (Geometridae: Ennominae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 134: 257-315

Young, C.J. 2006. Molecular relationships of the Australian Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) and implications for the phylogeny of the Geometridae from molecular and morphological data. Zootaxa 1264: 1-147 [52]

Young, C.J. 2006b. Descriptions of the eggs of some southern Australian Geometridae (Lepidoptera). Zootaxa 1287: 294 pp.


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
05-Jun-2024 GEOMETROIDEA 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 24-Nov-2023 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 05-Jun-2024 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha oresitropha Turner, 1947


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Psilosticha pristis (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Racotis Moore, 1887


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Racotis maculata (T.P. Lucas, 1890)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Ruttellerona Swinhoe, 1894


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Ruttellerona sp. A

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Genus Scioglyptis Guest, 1887


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis canescaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis chionomera (Lower, 1893)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis heterogyna (Lower, 1893)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis loxographa (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis lyciaria (Guenée, 1857)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [209] (Note #300: Scioglyptis lyciaria (Guenic, 1857) and S. poecilaria (Guen6e, 1857) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to S. lyciaria (Guenée) by Meyrick (1892) as first reviser)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Scioglyptis violescens (Warren, 1898)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Symmetroctena Warren, 1895


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Symmetroctena fumosa Warren, 1895


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Syneora Turner, 1917


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora acclinis (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora acrotypa (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora adelphodes (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora amphiclina (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora cheleuta (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora cymatomita (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora emmelodes (Turner, 1904)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora euboliaria (Walker, 1860)


Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora excursaria (Walker, 1863)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora fractata (Walker, 1862)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora gypsochroa (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora hemeropa (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora leucanthes (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora lithina (Warren, 1897)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora mesochra (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora mundifera (Walker, 1860)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [209] (Note #299: Syneora mundifera (Walker, 1860) and S. disrupta (Walker, 1860) were published simultaneously. Priority was given to S. mundifera (Walker) by Turner (1917a) as first reviser)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora nigrilinea Goldfinch, 1944


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora odontosticha (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora praecisa (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora silicaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Syneora strixata (Walker, 1862)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Thallogama Guest, 1887


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Thallogama aellographa (Turner, 1947)


General References

Schmidt, O. 2012. An annotated and illustrated list of the primary type specimens of geometrid moths deposited in the Queensland Museum (Australia, Brisbane). Spixiana (Munich) 35(1): 79-100


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Thallogama corticola (Goldfinch, 1944)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Thallogama destinataria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Thallogama nigraria (R.Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Thallogama pansticta (Turner, 1947)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETRIDAE 16-Apr-2014 MODIFIED Dr Federica Turco (QM)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Genus Zermizinga Walker, 1863


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
05-May-2015 Boarmiini Duponchel, 1845 06-Jul-2016 MODIFIED
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Zermizinga sinuata (Warren, 1897)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Unplaced to Genus


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Unplaced to Genus

History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
12-Feb-2010 (import)

Species Unplaced atactopa (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced cremnodes (Lower, 1893)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced crimnodes (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced desumpta (Walker, 1860)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced driophila (Goldfinch, 1944)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced epiconia (Turner, 1926)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced exesaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced externaria (Walker, 1866)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced hieroglyphica (Lower, 1900)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced leucoplecta (Meyrick, 1892)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced lithinopa (Meyrick, 1892)


Generic Combinations


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced macariata (Warren, 1897)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced mesombra (Lower, 1893)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced nesiotis (Turner, 1926)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced odontocrossa (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced panconita (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

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Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced phloeopa (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced phricomita (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced pissinopa (Turner, 1922)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced plectroneura (Lower, 1900)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (Note #292: Ectropis plectroneura Lower, 1900 and Selidosema diagramma Lower, 1900 were described simultaneously. Priority [was] given to E. plectroneura Lower as first revisers. There are problems with the identities of both. A specimen is marked as the 'type' of E. plectroneura in SAMA but it is very damaged. If it is a male as stated in the description then the antennal pectinations do not agree with the description. All the surviving specimens, identified by Lower as S. diagramma Lower, cannot be syntypes. The synonymy of the two names should be regarded as tentative)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced polysticta (Turner, 1947)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced proschora (Turner, 1926)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced suasaria (Guenée, 1857)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced symmorpha (Turner, 1904)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced taeniota (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced thermaea (Meyrick, 1892)


General References

McQuillan, P.B. & Edwards, E.D. 1996. Geometridae. pp. 200-228 in Nielsen, E.S., Edwards, E.D. & Rangsi, T.V. (eds). Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Collingwood : CSIRO Publishing Vol. 4 xiv 529 pp. & CD-ROM. [208] (Note #293: Selidosema thermaea Meyrick, 1892 was originally spelled in two ways, thermea on p. 600 and thermaea in the index on p. 678. Turner (1917a) used thermaea but made no mention of thermea. Priority [was] given to thermaea as first revisers)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
08-Mar-2012 MODIFIED

Species Unplaced zaloschema (Turner, 1917)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
21-Feb-2022 GEOMETROIDEA 04-Dec-2021 MODIFIED Dr Cathy Byrne (TMAG) Di Moyle (TMAG)
21-Feb-2022 28-Jun-2012 MODIFIED
26-May-2010 MODIFIED