Aggregate Species Spenceriella (notabilis) Jamieson, 2000
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex andersoni Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [44-45].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40105, Gerangamete, Victoria [38°29'S 143°43'E].
Paralectotype(s) NMV F401414, Gerangamete, Victoria [38°29'S 143°43'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: South East Coastal Plain (SCP)
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [97]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta australis Fletcher, J.J. 1886. Notes on Australian Earthworms—Part I. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1(2): 523-574 [561-565].
Type data:
Syntype(s) whereabouts unknown (according to Jamieson (2000) syntypes are 'Lost?'; specimens from another type locality, Mt Wilson, were referred to Megascolex monticola by Fletcher (1887)), Burrawang [33°30'S 150°23'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Burrawang and Sydney.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Buchanan, G. 1910. Notes on the accessory glands of Cryptodrilus. Pt II. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 22: 221-223 [210-211]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta austrina Fletcher, J.J. 1886. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1(2): 943-973 [956-957].
Type data:
Syntype(s) whereabouts unknown (according to Jamieson (2000) 'Syntypes: lost. 27 specimens from Burrawang, Fletcher collection, exceed the 6 mentioned in the type description and cannot therefore certainly be considered types.'), Burrawang, New South Wales [34°36'S 150°31'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Burrawang; between Mt Victoria and Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Michaelsen, W. 1907. Oligochaeten von Australien. Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 19(1): 1-25 [16-17] (as Megascolex austrinus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Spenceriella bywongensis Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [591].
Type data:
Holotype QM QMG218235 clitellate specimen, 'Bywong', Sutton, ca 20 km NE of Canberra, ACT [35°10'S 149°20'E].
Paratype(s) QM QMG218236-40 1-5 weakly clitellate specimens, 'Bywong', Sutton, ca 20 km NE of Canberra, ACT [35°10'S 149°20'E]; QM QMG218241-43 6-8 specimens, faintly clitellate (CSIRO sample D, coll. Scown, J.), 'Gold Creek', NE of Gungahlin, Canberra.
Australian Capital Territory
ACT: Australian Alps (AA), South Eastern Highlands (SEH)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Australian Capital Territory
Ecological Descriptors
Soil dweller.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Anisochaeta erica Blakemore, R.J. 2000. New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 52: 1-40 [20-21].
Type data:
Holotype AM W24448 mature specimen (dissected), 500 m east of Junction Holes, near Barrington River, New South Wales [31°59'S 151°45'E].
Paratype(s) ANIC RB.98.2.15 mature specimen (dissected), 500 m east of Junction Holes, near Barrington River, New South Wales [31°59'S 151°45'E]; AM W24549 juvenile with weak genital markings (dissected), 500 m east of Junction Holes, near Barrington River, New South Wales [31°59'S 151°45'E]; AM W24450 juvenile that agrees superficially, 500 m east of Junction Holes, near Barrington River, New South Wales [31°59'S 151°45'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Junction Holes, near Barrington River.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta (exigua) f. typica Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [387-389].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1347 (syntypes were re-examined by Jamieson (2000), who reported '[t]he many syntypes are labelled 'Springwood, Jun 18 1887' but Fletcher (1887a) also records Randwick and Manly Beach as type localities), Springwood [33°42'S 150°34'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Vicinity of Sydney; Springwood; Galston Gorge.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [225] (as Megascolex exigua)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex fardyi Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [46-47].
Type data:
Status unknown, NMV 107 single specimen in very poor condition (re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Heathcote, Victoria [36°55'S 144°42'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Victorian Midlands (VM)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta hallii Spencer, W.B. 1892. Preliminary notice of Victorian earthworms. Part II. The genus Perichaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 5: 1-26 [7-8].
Type data:
Syntype(s) NMV F40205 (specimens missing from the jar (Jamieson 2000); Jamieson (2000) examined and referred to one of a number of specimens from Castlemaine, deposited in the Australian Museum (W1303) and 'presumably from, or all of, the type series'; of these a single, previously dissected specimen was referred to as a 'putative syntype'), Castlemaine, Victoria [37°04'S 144°13'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Castlemaine; Derrinal; Big Hill, West Bendigo; Maldon.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [106]
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [219] (as Megascolex halli (correction of spelling of Megascolex hallii; Beddard,1895))
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta hamiltoni Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [399].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1349 (re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), branch of Cudgegong River, Guntawang, New South Wales [32°24'S 149°29'E]. - Anisochaeta chani Blakemore, R.J. 2000. New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 52: 1-40 [18].
Type data:
Holotype ANIC RB.98.2.47, Neville nr Orange, NSW [ca 33°42'S 148°15'E].
Paratype(s) AM W24537; ANIC RB.98.2.48; AM W24538; ANIC RB.98.2.49.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [594]
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Neville; near Blayney and Bathurst.
NSW: Australian Alps (AA), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mulga Lands (ML), Nandewar (NAN), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW North Coast (NNC), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: Murray-Darling basin, SE coastal
Ecological Descriptors
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta hoggii Spencer, W.B. 1892. Preliminary notice of Victorian earthworms. Part II. The genus Perichaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 5: 1-26 [6-7].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40199, Mt Macedon, Victoria [37°23'S 144°35'E].
Paralectotype(s) NMV F401446, 198, 200, Healesville, Victoria [37°39'S 145°32'E]; AM W1299 (suggested as possible types by Jamieson (2000) but no associated locality given); ZMH V6885 (suggested as possible types by Jamieson (2000) but no associated locality given).
Extra Distribution Information
Mt Macedon and Healesville.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [106] (as Perichaeta hoggii)
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [218] (as Megascolex hoggi (corrected spelling from Megascolex hogg11; Beddard, 1895))
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Spenceriella imparicystis Jamieson, B.G.M. 1974. Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 98: 79-112 [103-105].
Type data:
Holotype AM W6098, 1.6 km S of Naracoorte, South Australia [36°59'S 140°44'E].
Paratype(s) BMNH 1978.21.14-15, 1.6 km S of Naracoorte, South Australia [36°59'S 140°44'E].
South Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Near Naracoorte and vicinity of Millicent.
SA: Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- South Australia: SE coastal
General References
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1237]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta indissimilis Fletcher, J.J. 1889. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part V. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 3(2): 1521-1558 [1550-1552].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1385, shores of Lake Alexandrina, South Australia [35°25'S 139°10'E].
South Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Lake Alexandrina.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
SA: Murray Darling Depression (MDD)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex inermis Stephenson, J. 1933. Oligochaeta from Australia, North Carolina, and other parts of the world. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1932(4): 899-941 [published 1933] [914-916].
Type data:
Status unknown, BMNH 1932.5.5.7 single specimen, near Melbourne, Victoria [ca 37°49'S 144°57'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Near Melbourne.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex jenolanensis Boardman, W. 1943. On a collection of Oligochaeta from the Jenolan Caves District, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21(3): 168-178 [176-178].
Type data:
Holotype AM W3317-3319 (specimens re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Cave Hill, New South Wales [34°11'S 146°17'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Cave Hill.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
NSW: Cobar Peneplain (CP)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex larpentensis Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [45-46].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40106 (specimen re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Gerangamete, Victoria [38°29'S 143°43'E].
Paralectotype(s) NMV F401415 single specimen, Gerangamete, Victoria [38°29'S 143°43'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: South East Coastal Plain (SCP)
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [97] (as Megascolex larpentensis)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta macleayi Fletcher, J.J. 1889. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part V. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 3(2): 1521-1558 [1556-1558].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1344-1345 2 specimens (specimen W1344 re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, New South Wales [33°53'S 151°12'E]. - Anisochaeta filix Blakemore, R.J. 2000. New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 52: 1-40 [21] [the only two species of Spenceriella with two pairs of calciferous glands are S. macleayi and S. filix (Blakemore 2000), collected by Easton from Tree Fern Valley, NSW; it appears probable, from its description, that S. filix is conspecific with S. macleayi (Jamieson 2001: 598)].
Type data:
Holotype AMS W24476 (Col: E. Easton, 17/03/1983), Tree Fern Valley, New England N.P., NSW [30°30'S 152°30'E].
Paratype(s) AMS W24477, W24478, same data as holotype; ANIC RB.98.2.31, RB.98.2.32, RB.98.2.36, same data as holotype.
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [597] (tentative synonymy of Anisochaeta filix Blakemore, 2000)
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Wide ranging through the central coast of NSW, from Upper Manning River in the north to Bundanoon, near Moss Vale in the south.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Fletcher, J.J. 1890. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part VI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 4(2): 987-1019 [1004-1007] (as Perichaeta macleayi, varieties a, b and c)
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [598] (presenting alternative taxonomic arrangement the only two species of Spenceriella with two pairs of calciferous glands are S. macleayi and S. filix (Blakemore, 2000), collected by Easton from Tree Fern Valley, NSW, it thus appears probable, from its description, that S. filix is conspecific with S. macleayi)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | ANNELIDA | 16-Jan-2024 | MODIFIED | |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta macquariensis Fletcher, J.J. 1890. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part VI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 4(2): 987-1019 [1000-1002].
Type data:
Syntype(s) whereabouts unknown (according to Jamieson (2000), the syntypes are 'Lost?'), Dubbo, banks of the Macquarie River, New South Wales [32°15'S 148°37'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Dubbo, banks of the Macquarie River.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
NSW: Brigalow Belt South (BBS)
General References
Buchanan, G. 1909. Contributions to our knowledge of Australian earthworms. The blood vessels — Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 22: 59-84 [67] (as Megascolex macquariensis)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Spenceriella manningi Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [600].
Type data:
Holotype AM AM W197644 mature specimen (dissected), Upper Manning River, NSW [31°49'S 151°56'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Upper Manning River.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Easton, E.G. 1983. A guide to the valid names of Lumbricidae (Oligochaeta). pp. 475-485 in Satchell, J.E. (ed.). Earthworm Ecology from Darwin to Vermiculture. London : Chapman & Hall. (holotype of S. manningi was identified by Easton as S. raymondi)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Megascolex montanus Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [48].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40109 mature specimen, in hardened condition (much dissected) (re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Mt Baw Baw, Victoria [37°50'S 146°17'E].
Paralectotype(s) NMV F401416, Mt Baw Baw, Victoria [37°50'S 146°17'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Mt Baw Baw.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA)
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [98] (as Megascolex montanus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta monticola Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [390-391].
Type data:
Neotype AM W1390 (Jamieson (2000) considered that other records of this species believed to be part of the original type series (Boardman 1941) would more correctly comprise the lectotype and paralectotpes), Mt Wilson, New South Wales [33°30'S 150°23'E].
Paratype(s) AM W1390, Mt Wilson, New South Wales [33°30'S 150°23'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Several localities in the Blue Mountains — Jenolan region.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Boardman, W. 1943. On a collection of Oligochaeta from the Jenolan Caves District, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 21(3): 168-178 [170-173] (as Megascolex monticola)
Michaelsen, W. 1907. Oligochaeten von Australien. Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 19(1): 1-25 [16] (as Megascolex monticola)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta exigua murrayana Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [389] [as Perichaeta exigua var. murrayana].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1323, Mulwaba, New South Wales [35°59'S 146°00'E].Type locality references:
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1271] (Australian Museum specimens, W1323, labelled "Perichaeta exigua var Murrayana, Mulwaba (T.G.S.) 12/5/87" recognised as types).
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1272] (although raising Perichaeta exigua var. murrayana to specific rank, noted that it is questionable whether S. murrayana is distinct from S. exigua; however, see Blakemore (2000a: 3))
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Mulwaba (or Mulwala?), near the Murray River.
NSW: Australian Alps (AA), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mulga Lands (ML), Nandewar (NAN), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), South Eastern Highlands (SEH)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: Murray-Darling basin
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Spenceriella nevillensis Jamieson, B.G.M. 2001. Six species of Megascolecinae (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta) from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 46(2): 589-602 [599].
Type data:
Holotype QM QMG218257 weakly clitellate specimen, ca 5 km S of Neville, near Blayney and Bathurst, NSW [33°43'S 149°13'E].
Paratype(s) QM QMG218258-59 weakly clitellate specimen, ca 5 km S of Neville, near Blayney and Bathurst, NSW [33°43'S 149°13'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Vicinity of Bathurst.
NSW: Australian Alps (AA), Brigalow Belt South (BBS), Broken Hill Complex (BHC), Cobar Peneplain (CP), Darling Riverine Plains (DRP), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Mulga Lands (ML), Nandewar (NAN), New England Tablelands (NET), NSW South Western Slopes (NSS), Riverina (RIV), South Eastern Highlands (SEH)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: Murray-Darling basin
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Diporochaeta notabilis Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [57-58].
Type data:
Neotype NMV F40353, Dimboola, Victoria [36°27'S 142°02'E].Subsequent designation references:
Jamieson, B.G.M. 1972. The Australian earthworm genus Spenceriella and description of two new genera (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 33: 73-88 (established neotype?).
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Murray Darling Depression (MDD)
General References
Jamieson, B.G.M. 1972. The Australian earthworm genus Spenceriella and description of two new genera (Megascolecidae: Oligochaeta). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 33: 73-88 [74-75] (as Spenceriella notabilis)
Jamieson, B.G.M. 1974. Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 98: 79-112 [102] (as Spenceriella notabilis)
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1274] (as Spenceriella notabilis)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Spenceriella (Spenceriella) penolaensis Jamieson, B.G.M. 1974. Earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 98: 79-112 [105-106].
Type data:
Holotype AM W6099, 11 km S of Penola, South Australia [37°28'S 140°49'E].
Paratype(s) AM W6100-6102 3 specimens, ?26 km from Mt Gambier, South Australia [?38°01'S 140°55'E]; BMNH 1978.21.16-18 3 specimens, ?26 km from Mt Gambier, South Australia [?38°01'S 140°55'E]; SAMA E1572-1573 2 specimens, ?26 km from Mt Gambier, South Australia [?38°01'S 140°55'].
South Australia
Extra Distribution Information
Vicinity of Mount Gambier.
SA: Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- South Australia: SE coastal
General References
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1285]
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta raymondiana Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [398-399].
Type data:
Status unknown, whereabouts unknown, Raymond Terrace, New South Wales [32°46'S 151°45'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Barrington Tops to Cabbage Tree Island (Port Stevens).
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Anisochaeta rubeospina Blakemore, R.J. 2000. New species of the earthworm genus Anisochaeta (Oligochaeta: Megascolecidae) from New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 52: 1-40 [33-34].
Type data:
Holotype ANIC RB.97.5.5 mature specimen (dissected), Bago-Maragle State Forest, New South Wales [AMG 603014 6052807].
Paratype(s) AM W25447 mature specimen (dissected), Bago-Maragle State Forest, New South Wales [AMG 603014 6052807]; ANIC RB.98.7 mature specimen (dissected), Bago-Maragle State Forest, New South Wales [AMG 603014 6052807].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Bago-Maragle State Forest.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
12-Feb-2010 | (import) |
Subspecies Spenceriella rubra frenchii (Spencer, 1892)
- Perichaeta frenchii Spencer, W.B. 1892. Preliminary notice of Victorian earthworms. Part II. The genus Perichaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 5: 1-26 [9-10].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40210, Loch [38°22'S 145°43'E]; apparently (Jamieson 2000), there is one specimen but three localities, the above, and Waratah Bay [38°01'S 145°18'E] and Narre Warren [38°51'S 146°04'E], thus lectotype locality is uncertain.
Extra Distribution Information
Loch, Narre Warren and Waratah Bay.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [105] (as Perichaeta frenchii)
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [218-219] (as Megascolex frenchii)
Sweet, G. 1900. On the structure of the spermiducal glands and associated parts in Australian earthworms. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 28: 109-139 [116-117] (as Megascolex frenchii)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
Subspecies Spenceriella rubra lobulatus (Spencer, 1900)
- Megascolex lobulatus Spencer, W.B. 1900. Further descriptions of Australian earthworms, Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 13(1): 29-67 [48-49].
Type data:
Lectotype NMV F40229, Nar Nar Goon, Victoria [38°05'S 145°34'E].
Paralectotype(s) NMV F401432, Nar Nar Goon, Victoria [38°05'S 145°34'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Nar Nar Goon.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: South East Coastal Plain (SCP)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
Subspecies Spenceriella rubra rubra (Spencer, 1892)
Extra Distribution Information
Tallarook, Goulburn River.
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Victorian Midlands (VM)
General References
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [107-108] (as Perichaeta rubra)
Sweet, G. 1900. On the structure of the spermiducal glands and associated parts in Australian earthworms. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 28: 109-139 [119] (as Megascolex rubra)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta steelii Spencer, W.B. 1892. Preliminary notice of Victorian earthworms. Part II. The genus Perichaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 5: 1-26 [10-11].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1304 3 surface-hardened specimens, Woodend, Victoria [37°22'S 144°32'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Known only from type locality.
Australian Endemic.
Vic: Victorian Midlands (VM)
General References
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1313] (as Spenceriella steelii)
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110 [108] (as Perichaeta steelii )
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [218] (as Megascolex steeli, note spelling altered from steelii to steeli)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 08-Feb-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta sylvatica Spencer, W.B. 1892. Preliminary notice of Victorian earthworms. Part II. The genus Perichaeta. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 5: 1-26 [5-6].
Type data:
Status unknown, AM W 1306 (original types lost (Jensz & Smith 1969) but these specimens from Victoria in the Fletcher collection, labelled 'P. sylvatica. Peri sp? 30, ident. W.B. Spencer' are presumably type material' Jamieson (2000)), Fern Tree Gully, Victoria [37°53'S 145°18'E].
Extra Distribution Information
Fern Tree Gully.
Vic: Australian Alps (AA), Flinders (FLI), Murray Darling Depression (MDD), Naracoorte Coastal Plain (NCP), South East Coastal Plain (SCP), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Highlands (SEH), Victorian Midlands (VM), Victorian Volcanic Plain (VVP)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- Victoria: SE coastal
General References
Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1315]
Jensz, R.L. & Smith, B.J. 1969. Catalogue of Baldwin Spencer earthworm types in the National Museum of Victoria, Australia. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 29: 85-110
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [219] (as Megascolex sylvaticus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta tenax Fletcher, J.J. 1886. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part II. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 1(2): 943-973 [953-955].
Type data:
Status unknown, whereabouts unknown (types 'Lost' (Reynolds & Cook 1976)), Auburn, near Parramatta, New South Wales [32°09'S 147°44'E]. - Perichaeta albida Michaelsen, W. 1892. Terricolen der Berliner Zoologischen Sammlung. II. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 58: 209-261 [237-238].
Taxonomic Decision for Synonymy
- Jamieson, B.G.M. 2000. Native Earthworms of Australia (Megascolecidae, Megascolecinae). Enfield, New Hampshire, USA : Science Publishers, Inc. [CD ROM] 2506 pp. [Date published 12 December 2000] [1319] (Perichaeta albida placed as synonym of Spenceriella tenax)
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Auburn, near Parramatta; County of Cumberland; Springwood, Blue Mountains.
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Fletcher, J.J. 1890. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part VI. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 4(2): 987-1019 [1014-1015] (as Perichaeta tenax)
Jamieson, B.G.M. 1965. Recognizing Australian earthworms. Australian Natural History 15: 39-43 [43] (as Megascolex tenax)
Raff, J.W. 1910. Contributions to our knowledge of Australian earthworms. The Alimentary Canal. Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 22: 244-254 [250-251] (as Megascolex tenax)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |
- Perichaeta wilsoniana Fletcher, J.J. 1887. Notes on Australian earthworms—Part III. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 375-402 [400-401].
Type data:
Syntype(s) AM W1350 (re-examined by Jamieson (2000)), Mt Wilson, New South Wales [33°30'S 150°23'E].
New South Wales
Extra Distribution Information
Blue Mountains Region (from Mt Wilson in the north to Jenolan Caves in the south, from Hazelgrove (near Oberon) in the west to Hazelbrook in the east).
NSW: NSW North Coast (NNC), Sydney Basin (SB), South East Corner (SEC), South Eastern Queensland (SEQ)
Original AFD Distribution Data
Australian Region
- Australia
- New South Wales: SE coastal
General References
Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich, Vermes, Lief. 10, Oligochaeta. Berlin : Friedländer und Sohn. [274] (as Megascolex wilsonianus)
Michaelsen, W. 1907. Oligochaeten von Australien. Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg 19(1): 1-25 [17] (as Megascolex wilsonianus)
History of changes
Published | As part of group | Action Date | Action Type | Compiler(s) |
17-Oct-2023 | OLIGOCHAETA | 02-Jan-2013 | MODIFIED | Dr Robin Wilson |
15-Jul-2010 | MODIFIED |