Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Regional Maps

Species Francesca saleminophila Kirkaldy, 1906

Compiler and date details

28.7.2010 - Murray J. Fletcher



Larger (6 mm) than many other Australian Plectoderini, this species is dark brown but otherwise not well characterised in the literature. Examination of the original type material is required.





IBRA and IMCRA regions (map not available)


Qld: Wet Tropics (WT)

Ecological Descriptors

Adult: phloem feeder.

Nymph: fungivore.



Sordid testaceous, frons laterally with a row of blackish brown spots. Posteriorly three-fifths of the disk of scutellum dark brown, lateral parts of scutellum (exterior to keels) with a large thin blackish brown subtriangular ocellus. Tegmina hyaline, thickly spotted and smudged with brownish cinereous; veins on apical third white. Legs pallid, anterior and intermediate tibiae annulate with black. Abdomen brown, posterior margin of each segment narrowly pallid-sanguineous. Length: 6 mill. (Kirkaldy 1906)


History of changes

Note that this list may be incomplete for dates prior to September 2013.
Published As part of group Action Date Action Type Compiler(s)
12-Aug-2010 12-Aug-2010 MODIFIED
21-Jul-2010 MODIFIED