Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Granara de Willink, M.C. 1999. [Soft scale insects of Argentina (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)] Las cochinillas blandas de la República Argentina (Homoptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae). Contributions on Entomology, International 3(1): 1-183

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Akermes Cockerell, 1920 Valid Name Akermes Cockerell, 1920 Introduction 27-28
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Akermes Cockerell, 1920 Valid Name Akermes Cockerell, 1920 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Valid Name Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Introduction 47-48, 57-58, 78
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Valid Name Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Valid Name Ceroplastes Gray, 1828 Custom: SYSTEMATICS
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction 57
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Coccus Linnaeus, 1758 Valid Name Coccus Linnaeus, 1758 Introduction 80-81
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Coccus Linnaeus, 1758 Valid Name Coccus Linnaeus, 1758 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus, 1758 Valid Name Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus, 1758 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eucalymnatus Cockerell in Cockerell & Parrott, 1901 Valid Name Eucalymnatus Cockerell in Cockerell & Parrott, 1901 Introduction 94
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eucalymnatus Cockerell in Cockerell & Parrott, 1901 Valid Name Eucalymnatus Cockerell in Cockerell & Parrott, 1901 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eucalymnatus tessellatus (Signoret, 1873) Valid Name Eucalymnatus tessellatus (Signoret, 1873) Introduction 94
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eucalymnatus tessellatus (Signoret, 1873) Valid Name Eucalymnatus tessellatus (Signoret, 1873) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eulecanium Cockerell, 1893 Valid Name Eulecanium Cockerell, 1893 Introduction 96-97
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Eulecanium Cockerell, 1893 Valid Name Eulecanium Cockerell, 1893 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parasaissetia Takahashi, 1955 Valid Name Parasaissetia Takahashi, 1955 Introduction 114-115
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parasaissetia Takahashi, 1955 Valid Name Parasaissetia Takahashi, 1955 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium Šulc, 1908 Valid Name Parthenolecanium Šulc, 1908 Introduction 117
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium Šulc, 1908 Valid Name Parthenolecanium Šulc, 1908 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844) Valid Name Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Valid Name Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Introduction 122-123
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Valid Name Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 Valid Name Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 Introduction 78, 143-144
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 Valid Name Pulvinaria Targioni Tozzetti, 1866 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood, 1870) Valid Name Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood, 1870) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi (Vallot, 1829) Valid Name Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi (Vallot, 1829) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 Valid Name Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 Introduction 157
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 Valid Name Saissetia Deplanche, 1859 Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Saissetia coffeae (Walker, 1852) Valid Name Saissetia coffeae (Walker, 1852) Custom: GENERAL
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Saissetia oleae oleae (Olivier, 1791) Valid Name Saissetia oleae oleae (Olivier, 1791) Custom: GENERAL

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