Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lis, J.A. 1999. Burrower bugs of the Old World - a catalogue (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae). Genus (Wroclaw) 10(2): 165-249

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa Amyot & Serville, 1843 Valid Name Adrisa Amyot & Serville, 1843 Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa Amyot & Serville, 1843 Valid Name Adrisa Amyot & Serville, 1843 Distributions 183-5
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa angusta Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Adrisa angusta Signoret, 1881 Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa atra (Dallas, 1851) Valid Name Adrisa atra (Dallas, 1851) Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa distincta Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Adrisa distincta Signoret, 1881 Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa erichsoni Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Adrisa erichsoni Signoret, 1881 Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa expansa Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Adrisa expansa Signoret, 1881 Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa flavomarginata (Vollenhoven, 1868) Valid Name Adrisa flavomarginata (Vollenhoven, 1868) Introduction 183
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa mayri Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Adrisa mayri Signoret, 1881 Introduction 184
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa numeensis (Montrouzier, 1858) Valid Name Adrisa numeensis (Montrouzier, 1858) Introduction 184
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa punctulata (Dallas, 1851) Valid Name Adrisa punctulata (Dallas, 1851) Introduction 184
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Adrisa rugosa (Dallas, 1851) Valid Name Adrisa rugosa (Dallas, 1851) Introduction 184
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Aethus nitens Kirby, 1900 synonym Fromundus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Type Data 198
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Aethus parvulus (Signoret, 1882) Valid Name Aethus parvulus (Signoret, 1882) Introduction 187
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Aethus philippinensis Dallas, 1851 Valid Name Aethus philippinensis Dallas, 1851 Introduction 187
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Alonips obsoletus Signoret, 1881 Valid Name Alonips obsoletus Signoret, 1881 Introduction 190
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena Walker, 1868 Valid Name Blaena Walker, 1868 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena blothroposa Froeschner, 1966 Valid Name Blaena blothroposa Froeschner, 1966 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena cirra Froeschner, 1966 Valid Name Blaena cirra Froeschner, 1966 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena coarctata Froeschner, 1960 Valid Name Blaena coarctata Froeschner, 1960 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena mediocarinata Froeschner, 1960 Valid Name Blaena mediocarinata Froeschner, 1960 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena multitricha Froeschner, 1960 Valid Name Blaena multitricha Froeschner, 1960 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena setosa Walker, 1868 Valid Name Blaena setosa Walker, 1868 Introduction 172
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaena subsulcata Froeschner, 1960 Valid Name Blaena subsulcata Froeschner, 1960 Introduction 173
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaenocoris Lis, 1997 Valid Name Blaenocoris Lis, 1997 Introduction 173
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Blaenocoris robustus Lis, 1997 Valid Name Blaenocoris robustus Lis, 1997 Introduction 173
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Byrsinus Fieber, 1861 Valid Name Byrsinus Fieber, 1861 Distributions 191-194
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Byrsinus ochraceus (Distant, 1899) Valid Name Byrsinus ochraceus (Distant, 1899) Introduction 192
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris Mayr, 1865 Valid Name Chilocoris Mayr, 1865 Introduction 173
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris australis Lis, 1995 Valid Name Chilocoris australis Lis, 1995 Introduction 174
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris barbarae Lis, 1991 Valid Name Chilocoris barbarae Lis, 1991 Introduction 174
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris biroi Horváth, 1919 Valid Name Chilocoris biroi Horváth, 1919 Introduction 174
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris neozealandicus Larivière & Froeschner, 1994 Valid Name Chilocoris neozealandicus Larivière & Froeschner, 1994 Introduction 177
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Chilocoris tasmanicus Lis, 1995 Valid Name Chilocoris tasmanicus Lis, 1995 Introduction 178
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Choerocydnus White, 1841 Valid Name Choerocydnus White, 1841 Distributions 194
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Choerocydnus coleopteroides Bergroth, 1909 Valid Name Choerocydnus coleopteroides Bergroth, 1909 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Choerocydnus foveolatus White, 1841 Valid Name Choerocydnus foveolatus White, 1841 Introduction 194
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnochoerus Lis, 1996 Valid Name Cydnochoerus Lis, 1996 Introduction 195
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnochoerus nigrosignatus (White, 1878) Valid Name Cydnochoerus nigrosignatus (White, 1878) Introduction 195
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnus Fabricius, 1803 Valid Name Cydnus Fabricius, 1803 Introduction 179
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnus Fabricius, 1803 Valid Name Cydnus Fabricius, 1803 Distributions 179-180
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnus australis Erichson, 1842 synonym Macroscytus australis (Erichson, 1842) Type Data 207
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnus pericarti Lis, 1996 Valid Name Cydnus pericarti Lis, 1996 Introduction 180
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Cydnus rarociliatus Ellenreider, 1862 synonym Fromundus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Secondary source 198
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Eulonips Lis, 1996 Valid Name Eulonips Lis, 1996 Introduction 196
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Eulonips niger (Signoret, 1883) Valid Name Eulonips niger (Signoret, 1883) Introduction 196
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Eulonips pilitylus (Signoret, 1881) Valid Name Eulonips pilitylus (Signoret, 1881) Introduction 196
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Fromundus Distant, 1901 Valid Name Fromundus Distant, 1901 Introduction 196
ARTHROPODA CYDNIDAE Fromundus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Valid Name Fromundus pygmaeus (Dallas, 1851) Introduction 198

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