Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Winterbottom, R., Hanner, R.H., Burridge, M. & Zur, M. 2014. A cornucopia of cryptic species - a DNA barcode analysis of the gobiid fish genus Trimma (Percomorpha, Gobiiformes. ZooKeys 381: 79–111

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) Valid Name Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) Introduction
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) Generic Combination Trimma capostriatum (Goren, 1981) 97
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985 Valid Name Trimma emeryi Winterbottom, 1985 Introduction 100
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma fangi Winterbottom & Chen, 2004 Valid Name Trimma fangi Winterbottom & Chen, 2004 Introduction 93
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma okinawae (Aoyagi, 1949) Valid Name Trimma okinawae (Aoyagi, 1949) Introduction 98
CHORDATA GOBIIDAE Trimma striatum (Herre, 1945) Valid Name Trimma striatum (Herre, 1945) Introduction

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