Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Brignoli, P.M. 1981. New or interesting Anapidae (Arachnida, Araneae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 88: 109-134

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Chasmocephalon O.P.-Cambridge, 1889 Valid Name Chasmocephalon O.P.-Cambridge, 1889 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Maxanapis burra (Forster, 1959) Valid Name Maxanapis burra (Forster, 1959) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Maxanapis crassifemoralis (Wunderlich, 1976) Valid Name Maxanapis crassifemoralis (Wunderlich, 1976) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Octanapis octocula (Forster, 1959) Valid Name Octanapis octocula (Forster, 1959) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Pseudanapis Simon, 1905 Valid Name Pseudanapis Simon, 1905 Distributions
ARTHROPODA ANAPIDAE Spinanapis darlingtoni (Forster, 1959) Valid Name Spinanapis darlingtoni (Forster, 1959) Introduction

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