Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Naumann, I.D., Ingram, R.J. & Floyd, R. 2002. Australian Insect Common Names, based on CSIRO Handbook of Australian Insect Names. 6th edn 1993.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Eucalypt Leafgall Scale Common Name Opisthoscelis subrotunda Schrader, 1863
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Felted Manuka Scale Common Name Acanthococcus leptospermi (Maskell, 1891)
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Felted Pine Coccid Common Name Uhleria araucariae araucariae (Maskell, 1879)
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Felted Pine Coccid Common Name Uhleria araucariae minor (Maskell, 1895)
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Felted Pine Coccid Common Name Uhleria araucariae (Maskell, 1879)
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Manuka Blight Scale Common Name Acanthococcus orariensis (Hoy, 1954)
ARTHROPODA ERIOCOCCIDAE Redgum Pit Scale Common Name Lachnodius eucalypti (Maskell, 1892)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Bamboo Mealybug Common Name Chaetococcus bambusae (Maskell, 1893)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Casuarina Mealybug Common Name Pseudoripersia turgipes (Maskell, 1893)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Cereal Mealybug Common Name Trionymus ascripticius Williams, 1985
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Dendrobium Mealybug Common Name Pseudococcus dendrobiorum Williams, 1985
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Giant Bamboo Mealybug Common Name Chaetococcus bambusae (Maskell, 1893)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Grass-crown Mealybug Common Name Antonina graminis (Maskell, 1897)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Grevillea Mealybug Common Name Australicoccus grevilleae (Fuller, 1899)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Hibiscus Mealybug Common Name Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, 1908)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Lantana Mealybug Common Name Phenacoccus parvus Morrison, 1924
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE New Zealand Flax Mealybug Common Name Trionymus diminutus (Leonardi, 1918)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Passionvine Mealybug Common Name Planococcus minor (Maskell, 1897)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Rice Mealybug Common Name Brevennia rehi (Lindinger, 1943)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Tuber Mealybug Common Name Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret, 1875)
ARTHROPODA PSEUDOCOCCIDAE Wattle Mealybug Common Name Melanococcus albizziae (Maskell, 1892)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Black Scale Common Name Saissetia oleae oleae (Olivier, 1791)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Brown Gooseberry Scale Common Name Eulecanium tiliae (Linnaeus, 1758)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Flavicans Scale Common Name Pulvinaria flavicans flavicans Maskell, 1889
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Flavicans Scale Common Name Pulvinaria flavicans Maskell, 1889
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Hopbush Scale Common Name Pulvinaria dodonaeae Maskell, 1893
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Loranthi Scale Common Name Tectopulvinaria loranthi Froggatt, 1915
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Pigface Scale Common Name Pulvinaria mesembryanthemi (Vallot, 1829)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Salicornia Scale Common Name Pulvinaria salicorniae Froggatt, 1915
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Saltbush Scale Common Name Megapulvinaria maskelli (Olliff, 1891)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Sydney Scale Common Name Pulvinaria decorata Borchsenius, 1957
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Thompson Scale Common Name Pulvinaria thompsoni Maskell, 1896
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Cottony Urbicola Scale Common Name Pulvinaria urbicola Cockerell, 1893
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Flat Scale Common Name Discochiton expansum expansum (Green, 1896)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Frosted Scale Common Name Parthenolecanium pruinosum (Coquillett, 1891)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Grapevine Scale Common Name Parthenolecanium persicae persicae (Fabricius, 1776)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Grass Coccid Common Name Luzulaspis australis (Maskell, 1894)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Green Coffee Scale Common Name Coccus viridis (Green, 1889)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Hemispherical Scale Common Name Saissetia coffeae (Walker, 1852)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Indian White Wax Scale Common Name Ceroplastes ceriferus (Fabricius, 1798)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Long Soft Scale Common Name Coccus longulus (Douglas, 1887)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Lord Howe Island Wax Scale Common Name Ceroplastes insulanus De Lotto, 1971
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Nigra Scale Common Name Parasaissetia nigra (Nietner, 1861)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Plum Scale Common Name Parthenolecanium corni (Bouché, 1844)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Soft Brown Scale Common Name Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus, 1758
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Wattle Tick Scale Common Name Cryptes baccatus baccatus (Maskell, 1892)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Wattle Tick Scale Common Name Cryptes baccatus (Maskell, 1892)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE Western Australian Wattle Tick Scale Common Name Cryptes baccatus marmoreus (Fuller, 1897)
ARTHROPODA COCCIDAE White Wax Scale Common Name Ceroplastes destructor Newstead, 1917
ARTHROPODA DACTYLOPIIDAE (Prickly Pear Cochineal) Common Name Dactylopius confusus (Cockerell, 1893)

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