Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Richer de Forges, B. & Poore, G.C.B. 2008. Deep-sea majoid crabs of the genera Oxypleurodon and Rochinia (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Epialtidae) mostly from the continental margin of Western Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65: 63-70

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Anamathia pulchra Miers, 1886 original spelling Rochinia pulchra (Miers, 1886) Secondary source 68, fig. 2b
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Oxypleurodon wilsoni Richer de Forges & Poore, 2008 synonym Oxypleurodon wilsoni Richer de Forges & Poore, 2008 Primary 64, fig. 1b
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Rochinia annae Richer de Forges & Poore, 2008 synonym Samadinia annae (Richer de Forges & Poore, 2008) Primary 66, figs 1c, 3
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Rochinia pulchra (Miers, 1886) Valid Name Rochinia pulchra (Miers, 1886) Distributions 68-69
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Rochinia sibogae Griffin & Tranter, 1986 synonym Rochinia sibogae Griffin & Tranter, 1986 Secondary source 69, fig. 2c
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Rochinia strangeri Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973 synonym Rochinia strangeri Serène & Lohavanijaya, 1973 Secondary source 69, fig. 2d
ARTHROPODA EPIALTIDAE Sphenocarcinus luzonicum Rathbun, 1916 synonym Oxypleurodon luzonicum (Rathbun, 1916) Secondary source 64, fig. 1a

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