Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Alismatales R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
, legitimate , scientific
Alismataceae Vent.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Aponogetonaceae Planch.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Araceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Cymodoceaceae Vines
, nom. cons. , scientific
Hydrocharitaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Juncaginaceae Rich.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Limnocharitaceae Takht. ex Cronquist
, legitimate , scientific
Posidoniaceae Vines
, nom. cons. , scientific
Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J.Presl
, nom. cons. , scientific
Ruppiaceae Horan.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Zosteraceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Arecales Bromhead
, legitimate , scientific
Arecaceae Bercht. & J.Presl
, nom. cons. , scientific
Pandanales R.Br. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
, legitimate , scientific
Pandanaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Stemonaceae Caruel
, nom. cons. , scientific
Triuridaceae Gardner
, nom. cons. , scientific
Commelinales Mirb. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
, legitimate , scientific
Commelinaceae Mirb.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Haemodoraceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Hanguanaceae Airy Shaw
, legitimate , scientific
Philydraceae Link
, nom. cons. , scientific
Pontederiaceae Kunth
, nom. cons. , scientific
Poales Small
, legitimate , scientific
Anarthriaceae D.F.Cutler & Airy Shaw
, legitimate , scientific
Bromeliaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Centrolepidaceae Endl.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Cyperaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Ecdeiocoleaceae D.F.Cutler & Airy Shaw
, legitimate , scientific
Eriocaulaceae Martinov
, nom. cons. , scientific
Flagellariaceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Juncaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Mayacaceae Kunth
, nom. cons. , scientific
Poaceae Barnhart
, nom. cons. , scientific
Restionaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Sparganiaceae Hanin
, nom. cons. , scientific
Typhaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Xyridaceae C.Agardh
, nom. cons. , scientific
Liliales Perleb
, legitimate , scientific
Alstroemeriaceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Campynemataceae Dumort.
, legitimate , scientific
Colchicaceae DC.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Corsiaceae Becc.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Liliaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Luzuriagaceae Lotsy
, legitimate , scientific
Melanthiaceae Batsch
, nom. cons. , scientific
Petermanniaceae Hutch.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Philesiaceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Ripogonaceae Conran & Clifford
, legitimate , scientific
Smilacaceae Vent.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Zingiberales Griseb.
, legitimate , scientific
Cannaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Costaceae Nakai
, legitimate , scientific
Heliconiaceae Vines
, legitimate , scientific
Marantaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Musaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Strelitziaceae Hutch.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Zingiberaceae Martinov
, nom. cons. , scientific
Asterales Link
, legitimate , scientific
Alseuosmiaceae Airy Shaw
, legitimate , scientific
Argophyllaceae Takht.
, legitimate , scientific
Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl
, nom. cons. , scientific
Campanulaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Donatiaceae B.Chandler
, nom. cons. , scientific
Goodeniaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Lobeliaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Menyanthaceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Rousseaceae DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Stylidiaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Dipsacales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
, legitimate , scientific
Adoxaceae E.Mey.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Caprifoliaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Dipsacaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Valerianaceae Batsch
, nom. cons. , scientific
Gentianales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
, legitimate , scientific
Apocynaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Gelsemiaceae Struwe & V.A.Albert
, legitimate , scientific
Gentianaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Loganiaceae R.Br. ex Mart.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Rubiaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Lamiales Bromhead
, legitimate , scientific
Acanthaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Bignoniaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Byblidaceae Domin
, nom. cons. , scientific
Calceolariaceae ( D.Don) Raf. ex Olmstead
, legitimate , scientific
Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Lamiaceae Martinov
, nom. cons. , scientific
Lentibulariaceae Rich.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Linderniaceae Borsch, Kai Müll. & Eb.Fisch.
, legitimate , scientific
Martyniaceae Horan.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Oleaceae Hoffmanns. & Link
, nom. cons. , scientific
Orobanchaceae Vent.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Paulowniaceae Nakai
, legitimate , scientific
Pedaliaceae R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Phrymaceae Schauer
, nom. cons. , scientific
Plantaginaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Scrophulariaceae Juss.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Tetrachondraceae Wettst.
, legitimate , scientific
Verbenaceae J.St.-Hil.
, nom. cons. , scientific