Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Dracaena filiformis Thunb.
, legitimate , scientific
Dracaena obliqua Thunb.
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra confertifolia ( F.M.Bailey) Fahn
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra confertifolia ( F.M.Bailey) Fahn subsp. confertifolia
, legitimate , autonym
Lomandra confertifolia subsp. pallida A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra elongata ( Benth.) Ewart
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra filiformis ( Thunb.) Britten
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra gracilis ( R.Br.) A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra hystrix ( R.Br.) L.R.Fraser & Vickery
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra laxa ( R.Br.) A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra leucocephala ( R.Br.) Ewart
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra longifolia Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra longifolia subsp. exilis A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra longifolia subsp. hystrix ( R.Br.) A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra multiflora ( R.Br.) Britten
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra obliqua ( Thunb.) J.F.Macbr.
, legitimate , scientific
Lomandra spicata A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Romnalda P.F.Stevens
, legitimate , scientific
Romnalda strobilacea R.J.F.Hend. & Sharpe
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Xanthorrhoea Sol. ex Sm.
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea fulva ( A.T.Lee) D.J.Bedford
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea glauca D.J.Bedford
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea johnsonii A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea latifolia ( A.T.Lee) D.J.Bedford subsp. latifolia
, legitimate , autonym
Xanthorrhoea latifolia subsp. maxima D.J.Bedford
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea macronema F.Muell. ex Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea media subsp. latifolia A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Xanthorrhoea resinosa subsp. fulva A.T.Lee
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes confertifolia F.M.Bailey
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes elongata Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes filiformis ( Thunb.) R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes gracilis R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes hystrix R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes laxa R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes leucocephala R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes longifolia ( Labill.) R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes longifolia var. arenaria ( R.Br.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes longifolia var. macrocarpa Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes longifolia var. typica Domin
, nom. inval. , scientific
Xerotes multiflora R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes multiflora var. aemula ( R.Br.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes multiflora var. decomposita ( R.Br.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes multiflora var. distans ( R.Br.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes multiflora var. media ( R.Br.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes obliqua ( Thunb.) Domin
, legitimate , scientific
Xerotes savannorum Domin
, legitimate , scientific