Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Lomaria vulcanica Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Aspidium Sw.
, legitimate , scientific
Aspidium capense ( L.f.) Sw.
, legitimate , scientific
Aspidium hispidum Sw.
, legitimate , scientific
Polystichum Roth
, nom. cons. , scientific
Hymenophyllum bivalve ( G.Forst.) Sw.
, legitimate , scientific
Trichomanes javanicum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Asplenium marinum L.
, legitimate , scientific
Asplenium pallidum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Asplenium umbrosum J.Sm. ex Hook.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Pteridium Gled. ex Scop.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Lindsaea trichomanoides Dryand.
, legitimate , scientific
Acrostichum conforme Sw.
, legitimate , scientific
Acrostichum repandum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Adiantum diaphanum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Cheilanthes prenticei Luerss.
, legitimate , scientific
Pteris L.
, legitimate , scientific
Pteris arguta Aiton
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Pteris biaurita L.
, legitimate , scientific
Pteris quadriaurita Retz.
, legitimate , scientific
Lycopodium carolinianum L.
, legitimate , scientific
Polypodium nigrescens Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Polypodium subauriculatum Blume
, legitimate , scientific
Alisma parnassifolium Bassi ex L.
, legitimate , scientific
Diplanthera Thouars
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Halodule Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Ottelia Pers.
, legitimate , scientific
Maundia F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Triglochin L.
, legitimate , scientific
Potamogeton perfoliatus L.
, legitimate , scientific
Potamogeton plantagineus Roem. & Schult.
, legitimate , scientific
Bacularia minor ( W.Hill) F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Calyptrocalyx australasicus ( H.Wendl. & Drude) Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Drymophloeus Zipp.
, legitimate , scientific
Howea Becc.
, legitimate , scientific
Howiea Becc.
, orth. var. , scientific
Kentia Blume
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Kentia minor ( W.Hill) F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Livistona australis ( R.Br.) Mart.
, legitimate , scientific
Livistona mariae F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Ptychosperma Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Ptychosperma laccospadix Benth.
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Agonizanthos F.Muell.
, orth. var. , scientific
Anigozanthos Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Carex brownii Tuck.
, legitimate , scientific
Carex lacistoma R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Carex longebrachiata Boeckeler
, legitimate , scientific
Carex longibrachiata F.Muell.
, orth. var. , scientific
Carex longifolia R.Br.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Carex neesiana Endl.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus corymbosus Rottb.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus diphyllus Retz.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus flavidus Retz.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus fulvus R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus sporobolus R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus tenellus L.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Cyperus tenuiflorus Rottb.
, legitimate , scientific
Fimbristylis neilsonii F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Schoenus sculptus ( Nees) Boeckeler
, legitimate , scientific
Andropogon annulatus Forssk.
, legitimate , scientific
Anisopogon avenaceus R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Aristida vagans Cav.
, legitimate , scientific
Cynodon Rich.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Danthoinia F.Muell.
, orth. var. , scientific
Danthonia DC.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Fibichia Koeler
, legitimate , scientific
Micraira subulifolia F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Neurachne mitchelliana Nees
, legitimate , scientific
Oryza sativa L.
, legitimate , scientific
Stenotaphrum Trin.
, legitimate , scientific
Stenotaphrum dimidiatum ( L.) Brongn.
, legitimate , scientific
Stipa teretifolia Steud.
, legitimate , scientific
Xerochloa barbata R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Calorophus fastigiatus ( R.Br.) F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Xyris complanata R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Xyris elongata Rudge
, legitimate , scientific
Schelhammera R.Br.
, nom. cons. , scientific
Isandra Salisb.
, legitimate , scientific
Parduyna Salisb.
, nom. inval., nom. nud. , scientific
Thysanella Salisb.
, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. , scientific
Achnophora F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Achnophora tatei F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Aster L.
, legitimate , scientific
Aster exiguifolius F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Athrixia Ker Gawl.
, legitimate , scientific
Brachyscome basaltica F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Brachyscome diversifolia (Graham ex Hook.) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
, legitimate , scientific
Calocephalus drummondii ( A.Gray) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Calotis breviseta Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Calotis scabiosifolia Sond. & F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Cotula L.
, legitimate , scientific
Ctenosperma Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Dimorphocoma F.Muell. & Tate
, legitimate , scientific
Diplopappus Cass.
, legitimate , scientific
Doratolepis ( Benth.) Schltdl.
, legitimate , scientific
Enydra fluctuans Lour.
, legitimate , scientific
Epaltes tatei F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Helichrysum ambiguum Turcz.
, nom. illeg. , scientific
Helichrysum cuneifolium Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Helipterum chlorocephalum ( Turcz.) Benth.
, legitimate , scientific