Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Triglochin sp. A (N.N.Donner 3596) Aston
, [n/a] , phrase name
Triglochin sp. B (J.Z.Weber 1330) Aston
, [n/a] , phrase name
Triglochin sp. C (J.Z.Weber 6793) Aston
, [n/a] , phrase name
Zostera muelleri var. Estuarine (E.L.Robertson 13 Oct 1981) E.L.Robertson
, [n/a] , phrase name
Tradescantia blossfeldiana Mildbr.
, legitimate , scientific
Tradescantia cerinthoides Kunth
, legitimate , scientific
Eleocharis pallens S.T.Blake
, legitimate , scientific
Gahnia sp. West Bay (B.M.Overton 2685) R.L.Taplin
, [n/a] , phrase name
Isolepis aff. hookeriana
, [n/a] , phrase name
Lepidosperma aff. congestum
, [n/a] , phrase name
Lepidosperma leptophyllum Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Schoenoplectus litoralis ( Schrad.) Palla
, legitimate , scientific
Aira elegantissima Schur subsp. elegantissima
, legitimate , autonym
Amphibromus amphigastrus W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, orth. var. , scientific
Triticum scaber W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, orth. var. , scientific
Lepyrodia valliculae J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Wurmbea dioica ( R.Br.) F.Muell. subsp. dioica
, legitimate , autonym
Wurmbea dioica subsp. Short upper leaf (S.Williams CBP23) R.J.Bates
, [n/a] , phrase name
Wurmbea sp. Nilpinna (F.J.Badman 7107) R.J.Bates
, [n/a] , phrase name
Acanthocladium dockeri F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Arctotheca populifolia ( P.J.Bergius) Norl.
, legitimate , scientific
Arctotis nivea W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Arctotis populifolia P.J.Bergius
, legitimate , scientific
Aster pannosus ( Hook.) F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Basedowia helichrysoides E.Pritz.
, legitimate , scientific
Basedowia tenerrima ( F.Muell. & Tate) J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Cassinia arcuata R.Br.
, legitimate , scientific
Centaurea nigrescens Willd. subsp. nigrescens
, legitimate , autonym
Cryptostemma niveum ( L.f.) G.Nicholson
, legitimate , scientific
Crytostemma W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, orth. var. , scientific
Crytostemma niveum W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, orth. var. , scientific
Eriochlamys behrii Sond. & F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Euchiton involucratus ( G.Forst.) Holub
, legitimate , scientific
Eurybia pannosa ( Hook.) F.Muell.
, nom. inval. , scientific
Helichrysum semipapposum ( Labill.) DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Helichrysum squarrulosum var. brevifolium Haegi
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Helichrysum squarrulosum var. brevifolium W.R.Barker, R.M.Barker, Jessop & Vonow
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Humea tenerrima F.Muell. & Tate
, legitimate , scientific
Lagenophora gracilis Steetz
, legitimate , scientific
Leucanthemum vulgare Lam.
, legitimate , scientific
Olearia microdisca J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Olearia pannosa Hook. subsp. pannosa
, legitimate , autonym
Olearia sp. Arckaringa (P.J.Lang BSOP-422) P.J.Lang
, [n/a] , phrase name
Senecio pinnatifolius A.Rich.
, legitimate , scientific
Steetzia pannosa ( Hook.) Sond.
, legitimate , scientific
Taraxacum pseudocalocephalum Soest
, legitimate , scientific
Lobelia heterophylla Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Dampiera lanceolata var. intermedia Rajput & Carolin
, legitimate , scientific
Goodenia fascicularis F.Muell. & Tate
, legitimate , scientific
Goodenia glauca var. sericea Benth.
, legitimate , scientific
Goodenia subintegra F.Muell. ex J.M.Black
, legitimate , scientific
Asclepias arborescens L.
, legitimate , scientific
Gomphocarpus arborescens ( L.) W.T.Aiton
, legitimate , scientific
Chionogentias clelandii L.G.Adams
, legitimate , scientific
Microcala filiformis ( L.) Hoffmanns. & Link
, legitimate , scientific
Asperula gunnii Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Asperula scoparia Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Asperula sp. A (A.B.Cashmore, September 1933) Toelken
, [n/a] , phrase name
Asperula subsimplex Hook.f.
, legitimate , scientific
Galium australe DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Galium binifolium N.A.Wakef.
, legitimate , scientific
Galium divaricatum Pourr. ex Lam.
, legitimate , scientific
Galium gaudichaudii DC.
, legitimate , scientific
Ajuga australis f. A Toelken
, legitimate , scientific
Ajuga australis f. A (A.G.Spooner 9058) Toelken
, [n/a] , phrase name
Ajuga australis f. B Toelken
, legitimate , scientific
Ajuga australis f. B (R.L.Taplin 972) Toelken
, [n/a] , phrase name
Lavandula multifida L.
, legitimate , scientific
Newcastelia dixonii F.Muell. & Tate
, legitimate , scientific
Teucrium grandiusculum subsp. pilosum Toelken
, legitimate , scientific
Utricularia dichotoma Labill.
, legitimate , scientific
Orobanche ramosa L.
, legitimate , scientific
Callitriche hamulata Kütz. ex W.D.J.Koch
, legitimate , scientific
Derwentia derwentiana subsp. homalodonta B.G.Briggs & Ehrend.
, legitimate , scientific
Linaria sp.
, [n/a] , phrase name
Stemodia sp. Haegii (J.Z.Weber 9055) W.R.Barker
, [n/a] , phrase name
Eremophila sp. Decussate (R.J.Chinnock 7735) Chinnock
, [n/a] , phrase name
Eremophila sp. Dendritica (W.S.Reid AD98581189) Chinnock
, [n/a] , phrase name
Eremophila willsii var. integrifolia Ewart
, legitimate , scientific
Eremophila willsii subsp. integrifolia ( Ewart) Chinnock
, legitimate , scientific
Anthocercis angustifolia F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Anthotroche blackii F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Grammosolen dixonii ( F.Muell. & Tate) Haegi
, legitimate , scientific
Nicotiana burbidgeae Symon
, legitimate , scientific
Nicotiana maritima H.-M.Wheeler
, legitimate , scientific
Nicotiana sp. Corunna (D.E.Symon 17088) Symon
, [n/a] , phrase name
Nicotiana truncata Symon
, legitimate , scientific
Nicotiana velutina H.-M.Wheeler
, legitimate , scientific
Physalis angulata L.
, legitimate , scientific
Physalis peruviana L.
, legitimate , scientific
Physalis viscosa L.
, legitimate , scientific
Solanum eremophilum F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Solanum petrophilum F.Muell.
, legitimate , scientific
Solanum physalifolium Rusby
, legitimate , scientific
Solanum retroflexum Dunal
, legitimate , scientific
Litocarpus cordifolius ( L.f.) L.Bolus
, legitimate , scientific
Amaranthus sp. Todd River (G.Chippendale 482) J.Palmer
, [n/a] , phrase name
Ptilotus astrolasius F.Muell. var. astrolasius
, legitimate , autonym
Ptilotus sp. Cordillo Downs (B.Lay 1487) W.R.Barker
, [n/a] , phrase name
Austrocylindropuntia subulata ( Muehlenpf.) Backeb.
, legitimate , scientific