Vascular Plants

APC: Tetratheca
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APC (version 51786579) published 14/10/24 by amonro
APC Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Charophyta / Equisetopsida / Magnoliidae / Rosanae / Oxalidales / Elaeocarpaceae
70 sub taxa
Tetratheca affinis Endl., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca affinis Endl. var. affinis, legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca affinis var. platycaula Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) taxonomic synonymTetratheca platycaula (Benth.) Ostenf., legitimate (1921) taxonomic synonymTetratheca sp. Mt Solus (F.Obbens 307/98) WA Herbarium, [n/a] (2007) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca bauerifolia F.Muell. ex Schuch., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca baueraefolia Schuch., orth. var. (1853) orthographic variantTetratheca bauerifolia F.Muell., nom. inval., nom. nud. (20 October 1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca ericifolia Sm., legitimatemisapplication by Willis, J.H. (1973), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2
Tetratheca ciliata Lindl., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca ciliata Lindl. var. ciliata, legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca ciliata var. glabra Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca ciliata var. alba Ewart, nom. illeg. (1931) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca ericifolia Sm., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Petrotheca ericaefolia Steud., orth. var. (1841) orthographic variantTetratheca ericifolia Sm. var. ericifolia, legitimate (February 1862) nomenclatural synonym
Tetratheca glandulosa Sm., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Petrotheca glandulosa Steud., orth. var. (1841) orthographic variantTetratheca glandulosa Sm. var. glandulosa, legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca denticulata Sieber ex Spreng., legitimate (1827) taxonomic synonymTetratheca pilosa var. denticulata (Sieber ex Spreng.) Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) taxonomic synonymTetratheca pilosa var. denticulata Sieber ex Steetz, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1853) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca gunnii Hook.f., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca pilosa var. calva Rodway, legitimate (1903) pro parte taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca halmaturina J.M.Black, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2014), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca halmaturina J.M.Black, isonym (1924) isonymTetratheca ericifolia var. aphylla Tate, nom. illeg. (1889) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca hirsuta Lindl., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca epilobioides var. hirsuta (Lindl.) Steetz, legitimate (1848) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca rubriseta Lindl., legitimate (1 January 1840) taxonomic synonymTremandra hugelii Lindl., nom. inval., pro syn. (1844) taxonomic synonymTetratheca aculeata Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca epilobioides Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca epilobioides Steetz var. epilobioides, legitimate (1848) taxonomic synonymTetratheca hirsuta var. epilobioides (Steetz) Diels & E.Pritz., legitimate (6 December 1904) taxonomic synonymTremandra floribunda Steetz, nom. inval., pro syn. (1848) taxonomic synonymTremandra hugelii Steetz, nom. inval., pro syn. (1848) taxonomic synonymTremandra hugelii W.H.Baxter, nom. inval., pro syn. (1850) taxonomic synonymTetratheca hirsuta var. alba Ewart & Jean White, legitimate (1908) taxonomic synonymTetratheca floribunda A.D.Chapm., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1991) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca hirsuta Lindl. subsp. hirsuta, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca hirsuta Lindl. var. hirsuta, legitimate (1908) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca sp. Granite (S.Patrick SP1224) WA Herbarium, [n/a] (2007) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca hirsuta subsp. viminea (Lindl.) Joyce, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (7 July 2021), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca viminea Lindl., legitimate (1 January 1840) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca viminea Lindl. var. viminea, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca gracilis Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca viminea var. setosa Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca viminea β microphylla Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca insularis Joy Thomps., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca ericifolia var. pilosa Tate, legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymTetratheca ericifolia Sm., legitimatemisapplication by Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2
Tetratheca juncea Sm., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Bauera juncea (Sm.) Walp., legitimate (May 1843) nomenclatural synonym
Tetratheca labillardierei Joy Thomps., legitimate Thompson, J. (10 December 1976), A revision of the genus Tetratheca (Tremandraceae). Telopea 1(3) Tetratheca glandulosa Labill., nom. illeg. (November 1805) replaced synonymTetratheca glandulosa var. angustifolia Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca glandulosa var. orbifolia Blakely ex Court, legitimate (1957) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca nephelioides R.Butcher, legitimate Butcher, R. (26 April 2007), New taxa of 'leafless' Tetratheca (Elaeocarpaceae, formerly Tremandraceae) from Western Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 20(2) Tetratheca sp. Eneabba (L.Sweedman 3364) WA Herbarium, [n/a] (2003) taxonomic synonymTetratheca (Eneabba), [n/a] (26 April 2007) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca paynterae subsp. cremnobata R.Butcher, legitimate Butcher, R. (26 April 2007), New taxa of 'leafless' Tetratheca (Elaeocarpaceae, formerly Tremandraceae) from Western Australia. Australian Systematic Botany 20(2) Tetratheca sp. Die Hardy Range (R.Ryan BR 1) WA Herbarium, [n/a] (2007) taxonomic synonymTetratheca (Die Hardy Range), [n/a] (26 April 2007) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca pilifera Lindl., legitimate Thompson, J. (10 December 1976), A revision of the genus Tetratheca (Tremandraceae). Telopea 1(3) Tetratheca preissiana Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca preissiana Steetz var. preissiana, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca preissiana var. integrifolia Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca micrantha Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca pilosa Labill., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca ericifolia var. pilosa (Labill.) Maiden & Betche, nom. illeg. (1916) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca calva F.Muell. ex Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca calva F.Muell. ex Schuch. var. calva, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca calva var. hispidula Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca glandulosa var. glabrata Schuch., nom. inval., pro syn. (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca glandulosa var. pilosa Hook.f., nom. inval., pro syn. (24 October 1855) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca pilosa Labill. subsp. pilosa, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca pilosa Labill. var. pilosa, legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonym
Tetratheca procumbens Gunn ex Hook.f., legitimate Jeanes, J.A. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Tremandraceae. Flora of Victoria 4 Tetratheca pilosa var. procumbens (Gunn ex Hook.f.) Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca calva var. pulchella F.Muell. ex Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca pilosa var. calva Rodway, legitimate (1903) pro parte taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca pubescens Turcz., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca pubescens Turcz. var. pubescens, legitimate (1923) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca pubescens var. typica Domin, nom. inval. (1923) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca tenuiramea Turcz., legitimate (1852) taxonomic synonymTetratheca pubescens var. tenuiramea (Turcz.) Domin, legitimate (1923) taxonomic synonymTetratheca setigera var. montana E.Pritz., legitimate (6 December 1904) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca rubioides A.Cunn., legitimate Thompson, J. (10 December 1976), A revision of the genus Tetratheca (Tremandraceae). Telopea 1(3) Tetratheca rubiaeoides A.Cunn., orth. var. (April 1825) orthographic variantTetratheca ericifolia var. rubioides (A.Cunn.) Benth., legitimate (30 May 1863) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca ericifolia var. rubaeoides Benth., orth. var. (30 May 1863) taxonomic synonymTetratheca richardsiana Blakely, legitimate (1940) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca setigera Endl., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca setigera Endl. var. setigera, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca setigera var. elongata Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymTetratheca elongata (Steetz) Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca setigera var. elongata (Steetz) Wawra, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1883) taxonomic synonymTetratheca elliptica Joy Thomps., legitimate (10 December 1976) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca subaphylla Benth., legitimate Jeanes, J.A. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Tremandraceae. Flora of Victoria 4 Tetratheca ericifolia var. aphylla F.Muell., legitimate (February 1862) nomenclatural synonymLeafless Pink-bells, [n/a] common name
Tetratheca thymifolia Sm., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca thymifolia Sm. var. thymifolia, legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca ericifolia var. thymifolia (Sm.) Maiden & Betche, legitimate (1916) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca thymifolia Sm. f. thymifolia, legitimate (1927) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca thymifolia var. angustifolia Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca thymifolia var. hebecarpa Schuch., nom. inval., pro syn. (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca thymifolia var. latifolia Schuch., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca thymifolia var. leiocarpa Schuch., nom. inval., pro syn. (1853) taxonomic synonymTetratheca thymifolia f. latifolia Domin, legitimate (1927) taxonomic synonym
Tetratheca virgata Steetz, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census Tetratheca virgata Steetz var. virgata, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonymTetratheca virgata var. setigera Steetz, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonym

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