A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Boissiaea Lem. Bossiaea Vent. Bossiaea alpina I.Thomps. Bossiaea arenicola J.H.Ross Bossiaea armitii F.Muell. Bossiaea bombayensis K.L.McDougall Bossiaea bracteosa F.Muell. exBenth. Bossiaea brownii Benth. Bossiaea buxifolia A.Cunn. Bossiaea carinalis Benth. Bossiaea cinerea R.Br. Bossiaea cinerea var. rigida Rodway Bossiaea cinerea var. rosmarinifolia ( Lindl.) Benth. Bossiaea coccinea Bonpl. Bossiaea concolor ( Maiden & Betche) I.Thomps. Bossiaea cordifolia Sweet Bossiaea cordigera Benth. exHook.f. Bossiaea dasycarpa I.Thomps. Bossiaea decumbens F.Muell. Bossiaea distichoclada F.Muell. Bossiaea ensata Sieber exDC. Bossiaea foliosa A.Cunn. Bossiaea fragrans K.L.McDougall Bossiaea grayi K.L.McDougall Bossiaea hendersonii Regel Bossiaea heterophylla Vent. Bossiaea heterophylla var. stenoclada Domin Bossiaea horizontalis F.Muell. Bossiaea humilis Meisn. Bossiaea kiamensis Benth. Bossiaea lanceolata ( Andrews) Sims Bossiaea lenticularis Sieber exDC. Bossiaea lenticularis Lodd., G.Lodd. & W.Lodd. Bossiaea linnaeoides G.Don Bossiaea microphylla ( Sims) Sm. Bossiaea milesiae K.L.McDougall Bossiaea neoanglica F.Muell. Bossiaea nummularia Endl. Bossiaea obcordata ( Vent.) Druce Bossiaea obovata I.Thomps. Bossiaea oligosperma A.T.Lee Bossiaea ovata ( Andrews) Sm. Bossiaea peninsularis I.Thomps. Bossiaea plumosa Har. Bossiaea prostrata R.Br. Bossiaea prostrata var. (Tuan Creek M.S.Clemens AQ22827) Bossiaea rhombifolia Sieber exDC. Bossiaea rhombifolia subsp. concolor ( Maiden & Betche) A.T.Lee Bossiaea rhombifolia var. concolor Maiden & Betche Bossiaea riparia A.Cunn. exBenth. Bossiaea rosmarinifolia Lindl. Bossiaea rotundifolia DC. Bossiaea rupicola A.Cunn. exBenth. Bossiaea scolopendria ( Andrews) Sm. Bossiaea scortechinii F.Muell. Bossiaea sericea I.Thomps. Bossiaea sp. A Bossiaea stephensonii F.Muell. Bossiaea tasmanica I.Thomps. Bossiaea tenuicaulis Graham Bossiaea vombata J.H.Ross Bossiaea walkeri F.Muell. Bossieua Pers. Lalage Lindl. Platylobium lanceolatum Andrews Platylobium microphyllum Sims Platylobium obcordatum Vent. Platylobium ovatum Andrews Platylobium scolopendrium Andrews Scottia R.Br.
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