Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Pillon, Y., Crayn, D., Streiff, S.J.R. & de Vos, J.M. (30 September 2024), A suprageneric classification of Oxalidales. Swainsona 38 : 153-160 (Paper) Pillon, Y., Crayn, D., Streiff, S.J.R. & de Vos, J.M. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acrophylleae Pillon
  2. Aristoteliaceae Dumort.
  3. Aristotelieae K.Schum.
  4. Averrhoaceae Hutch.
  5. Averrhoideae Pillon
  6. Baueraceae Lindl.
  7. Bauerales Mart.
  8. Bauereae DC.
  9. Baueroideae Burnett
  10. Belangeraceae J.Agardh
  11. Belangereae Pfeiff.
  12. Callicomaceae J.Agardh
  13. Carpodonteae Dumort.
  14. Cephalotaceae Dumort.
  15. Cephalotales Mart.
  16. Cephaloteae Horan.
  17. Cephaloteae Meisn.
  18. Cephalotidae Burnett
  19. Cephalotinae Meisn.
  20. Cephalotoideae Burnett
  21. Cnestidaceae Raf.
  22. Cnestioideae Raf.
  23. Codieae G.Don
  24. Connaraceae R.Br.
  25. Connarales Link
  26. Connareae DC.
  27. Connarineae J.Presl
  28. Connaroideae Gilg
  29. Cunoniaceae R.Br.
  30. Cunoniales Mart.
  31. Cunonieae Schrank & Mart.
  32. Cunonioideae Beilschm.
  33. Davidsoniaceae Bange
  34. Dubouzetieae Pillon & Crayn
  35. Elaeocarpaceae Juss.
  36. Elaeocarpales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
  37. Elaeocarpineae Engl.
  38. Elaeocarpoideae Arn.
  39. Eucryphiaceae Gay
  40. Eucryphieae Cambess. ex G.Don
  41. Eucryphioideae Burnett
  42. Geissoieae Endl. ex Meisn.
  43. Gillbeeae Pillon
  44. Jollydoreae Lemmens
  45. Jollydoroideae Gilg
  46. Oxalidaceae R.Br.
  47. Oxalidales Bercht. & J.Presl
  48. Oxalideae Rchb.
  49. Oxalidineae Pillon, Crayn, Streiff & Vos
  50. Oxalidoideae Arn.
  51. Pancherieae Engl.
  52. Pulleeae Engl.
  53. Schizomerieae J.Bradford & R.W.Barnes
  54. Schizomerioideae Pillon
  55. Sloaneeae Endl.
  56. Sloaneinae Benth.
  57. Sloaneoideae Pillon & Crayn
  58. Spiraeanthemaceae Doweld
  59. Spiraeanthemeae Engl.
  60. Spiraeanthemoideae Reveal
  61. Tetrathecaceae R.Br.
  62. Thysanoideae Raf.
  63. Tremandraceae R.Br.
  64. Tremandrales Mart.
  65. Tremandreae Rchb.
  66. Tricholobeae Nakai
  67. Tricuspidarieae Endl.
  68. Xanthoxalideae Small

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