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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
- Boggabri bush-pea
- Bucketty bush-pea
- Canobolas bush-pea
- Conimbla bush-pea
- Coxs River Bush-pea
- Dalton bush-pea
- Inland bush-pea
- Marlborough bush-pea
- Mount Tambo bush-pea
- Nandewar bush-pea
- Pine Ridge bush-pea
- Pound Creek bush-pea
- Prickly bush-pea
Pultenaea acanthocalyx R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea boormanii H.B.Will. Pultenaea campbelli Maiden & Betche Pultenaea campbellii Maiden & Betche Pultenaea corrickiae R.L.Barrett, Orme & Clugston Pultenaea estelleae R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea farmeriana R.L.Barrett, Orme & P.H.Weston Pultenaea hoskingii R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea imminuta R.L.Barrett & S.F.McCune Pultenaea lapidosa Corrick Pultenaea murrayi R.L.Barrett Pultenaea palssoniae R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea praetermissa R.L.Barrett & Albr. Pultenaea procumbens A.Cunn. Pultenaea purdieae R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea renneri R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea setigera A.Cunn. exBenth. Pultenaea setulosa Benth. Pultenaea sp. Blakney Creek (E.M.Canning 6809) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Bucketty (C.Burgess s.n., 28 Sept. 1963) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Conimbla (D.E.Albrecht 15178) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. F Pultenaea sp. I Pultenaea sp. Lobs Hole (M.E.Phillips 176) Pultenaea sp. Maules Creek (M.V.Robinson s.n., NSW1115296) Pultenaea sp. Mount Canobolas (R.Coveny 4191b) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Narrabri (R.G.Coveny 8811 & S.K.Roy) Pultenaea sp. Pound Creek Station (P.H.Weston 3370 & P.Bernhardt) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Sutton (C.Burgess s.n., 20 Oct. 1963) Pultenaea sp. Wagga Wagga (G.Burrows 13) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Woolomin (J.R.Hosking 2072 et al.) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea sp. Woomargama (E.J.McBarron 2493) NSW Herbarium Pultenaea venusta R.L.Barrett & Orme Pultenaea westonii R.L.Barrett & Clugston Pultenaea woolcockiorum R.L.Barrett & Clugston - Queanbeyan bush-pea
- Ragged Bush-pea
- Ragged bush-pea
- Sandplain bush-pea
- Stony bush-pea
- Sutton bush-pea
- Talbingo bush-pea
- Wagga Wagga bush-pea
- Walcha bush-pea
- Woolomin bush-pea
- Woomargama bush-pea
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