Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Dowe, J.L. & Short, P.S. (2 February 2024), The Gullivers’ travels: Thomas Allen Gulliver (1848–1931), Benjamin John Gulliver (1851–1938) and Susannah Gulliver (1857–1938): their contribution to Australian natural history and horticulture. Swainsona 38 : 45-72 (Paper) Dowe, J.L. & Short, P.S. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia conjunctifolia F.Muell.
  2. Acacia dissoneura F.Muell.
  3. Acacia luehmannii F.Muell.
  4. Acaena tasmanica Bitter
  5. Aneilema calandrinioides F.Muell.
  6. Bridelia tomentosa var. ovoidea Benth.
  7. Carex appressa f. minor Kük.
  8. Carex chlorantha var. composita Benth.
  9. Cassia heptanthera F.Muell.
  10. Chionachne sclerachne F.M.Bailey
  11. Cissus muelleri Planch.
  12. Cladonia deformis var. tasmanica Kremp.
  13. Clerodendrum tomentosum var. mollissima Benth.
  14. Crinum muelleri Lehmiller & Lykos
  15. Dendrobium dicuphum F.Muell.
  16. Digitaria eriolepis Henrard
  17. Ectrosia confusa C.E.Hubb.
  18. Ectrosia gulliveri F.Muell.
  19. Ectrosia leporina var. micrantha Benth.
  20. Eleocharis nuda C.B.Clarke
  21. Eriachne armitii F.Muell. ex Benth.
  22. Gnaphalium japonicum var. sciadophora F.Muell.
  23. Goodenia humilis var. alpigena F.Muell.
  24. Goodenia minutiflora F.Muell.
  25. Haloragis sclopetifera F.Muell.
  26. Heterachne gulliveri Benth.
  27. Huanaca cordifolia var. minuta F.Muell.
  28. Hydrocotyle asiatica var. monantha F.Muell.
  29. Isotoma gulliveri F.Muell.
  30. Kentia wendlandiana F.Muell.
  31. Marsdenia rhyncholepis F.Muell.
  32. Melaleuca lysicephala F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey
  33. Mitrasacme montana var. minuta F.Muell.
  34. Polytrichum gullweri Hampe
  35. Randia sessilis F.Muell.
  36. Rhynchospora longisetis var. pterochaeta F.Muell.
  37. Rhynchospora pterochaeta F.Muell.
  38. Sowerbaea alliacea F.Muell.
  39. Tristania longivalvis F.Muell.
  40. Trochocarpa disticha var. microphylla F.Muell.
  41. Zornia areolata Mohlenbr.

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