Vascular Plants

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Thompson, J. & Logan, V. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (2002), Leptospermum. Flora of New South Wales Revised Edition 2 : 178-193 (Section) Thompson, J. & Logan, V. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Lemon-scented Teatree
  2. Leptospermum arachnoides Gaertn.
  3. Leptospermum argenteum Joy Thomps.
  4. Leptospermum attenuatum Sm.
  5. Leptospermum blakelyi Joy Thomps.
  6. Leptospermum brevipes F.Muell.
  7. Leptospermum continentale Joy Thomps.
  8. Leptospermum crassifolium Joy Thomps.
  9. Leptospermum deanei Joy Thomps.
  10. Leptospermum deuense Joy Thomps.
  11. Leptospermum divaricatum Schauer
  12. Leptospermum emarginatum H.L.Wendl. ex Link
  13. Leptospermum epacridoideum Cheel
  14. Leptospermum flavescens Sm.
  15. Leptospermum grandifolium Sm.
  16. Leptospermum gregarium Joy Thomps.
  17. Leptospermum juniperinum Sm.
  18. Leptospermum lanigerum (Sol. ex Aiton) Sm.
  19. Leptospermum lanigerum var. grandifolium (Sm.) Hook.f.
  20. Leptospermum lanigerum var. macrocarpum Maiden & Betche
  21. Leptospermum liversidgei R.T.Baker & H.G.Sm.
  22. Leptospermum macrocarpum (Maiden & Betche) Joy Thomps.
  23. Leptospermum microcarpum Cheel
  24. Leptospermum micromyrtus Miq.
  25. Leptospermum minutifolium C.T.White
  26. Leptospermum morrisonii Joy Thomps.
  27. Leptospermum multicaule A.Cunn.
  28. Leptospermum myrtifolium Sieber ex DC.
  29. Leptospermum namadgiense Lyne
  30. Leptospermum novae-angliae Joy Thomps.
  31. Leptospermum obovatum Sweet
  32. Leptospermum parvifolium Sm.
  33. Leptospermum petersonii F.M.Bailey subsp. petersonii
  34. Leptospermum petraeum Joy Thomps.
  35. Leptospermum polyanthum Joy Thomps.
  36. Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb.
  37. Leptospermum polygalifolium subsp. cismontanum Joy Thomps.
  38. Leptospermum polygalifolium subsp. montanum Joy Thomps.
  39. Leptospermum polygalifolium Salisb. subsp. polygalifolium
  40. Leptospermum polygalifolium subsp. transmontanum Joy Thomps.
  41. Leptospermum rotundifolium (Maiden & Betche) Domin
  42. Leptospermum rupicola Joy Thomps.
  43. Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
  44. Leptospermum sejunctum Joy Thomps.
  45. Leptospermum sp. A
  46. Leptospermum sp. C
  47. Leptospermum sp. D
  48. Leptospermum sp. G
  49. Leptospermum spectabile Joy Thomps.
  50. Leptospermum sphaerocarpum Cheel
  51. Leptospermum squarrosum Gaertn.
  52. Leptospermum subglabratum Joy Thomps.
  53. Leptospermum thompsonii Joy Thomps.
  54. Leptospermum trinervium (J.White) Joy Thomps.
  55. Leptospermum trivalve Cheel
  56. Leptospermum variabile Joy Thomps.
  57. Prickly Teatree
  58. Woolly Teatree

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