A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acacia abietina Willd. Acacia angulata Desv. Acacia arundelliana F.M.Bailey Acacia baileyana F.Muell. Acacia baileyana var. aurea Pescott Acacia blayana Tindale & Court Acacia cangaiensis Tindale & Kodela Acacia cardiophylla A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia chinchillensis Tindale Acacia chrysobotrya Meisn. Acacia chrysotricha Tindale Acacia constablei Tindale Acacia dangarensis Tindale & Kodela Acacia deanei ( R.T.Baker) M.B.Welch, Coombs & McGlynn Acacia deanei ( R.T.Baker) M.B.Welch, Coombs & McGlynn subsp. deanei Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga ( F.Muell. exN.A.Wakef.) Tindale Acacia debilis Tindale Acacia decurrens Willd. Acacia decurrens f. pauciglandulosa F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia decurrens var. ? leichhardtii Benth. Acacia decurrens var. angulata ( Desv.) Benth. Acacia decurrens var. deanei R.T.Baker Acacia decurrens var. lanigera Maiden Acacia decurrens var. normalis Benth. Acacia decurrens var. paucijuga F.Muell. & Maiden Acacia decurrens var. β Maiden Acacia elata A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia elata Graham Acacia filicifolia Cheel & M.B.Welch Acacia fulva Tindale Acacia glaucocarpa Maiden & Blakely Acacia irrorata Sieber exSpreng. Acacia irrorata Sieber exSpreng. subsp. irrorata Acacia irrorata subsp. velutinella Tindale Acacia jonesii F.Muell. & Maiden Acacia latisepala Pedley Acacia leptoclada A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia leucoclada Tindale Acacia leucoclada subsp. argentifolia Tindale Acacia leucoclada Tindale subsp. leucoclada Acacia linearis ( J.C.Wendl.) J.F.Macbr. Acacia linifolia ( Vent.) Willd. Acacia loroloba Tindale Acacia mearnsi De Wild. Acacia mearnsii De Wild. Acacia mitchelli Benth. Acacia mitchellii Benth. Acacia mollifolia Maiden & Blakely Acacia mollissima Willd. Acacia mollissima var. angulata ( Desv.) Walp. Acacia muelleriana Maiden & R.T.Baker Acacia nanodealbata J.H.Willis Acacia olsenii Tindale Acacia oshanesii F.Muell. & Maiden Acacia parramattensis Tindale Acacia parvipinnula Tindale Acacia paucijuga F.Muell. exN.A.Wakef. Acacia pedleyi Tindale & Kodela Acacia polybotrya Benth. Acacia polybotrya var. foliolosa Benth. Acacia polybotrya Benth. var. polybotrya Acacia polybotrya var. typica Domin Acacia pruinosa A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia pubescens ( Vent.) R.Br. Acacia schinoides Benth. Acacia silvestris Tindale Acacia spectabilis A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia spectabilis var. stuartii Benth. Acacia storyi Tindale Acacia sulcipes G.Don Acacia trachyphloia Tindale Acacia x nabonnandii Nash Black Wattle Blueskin Bodalla Silver Wattle Bodalla Wattle Cootamundra Wattle Deane's Wattle Downy Wattle Fern-leaved Wattle Flax-leaved Wattle Glory Wattle Golden Feather Wattle Green Cedar Wattle Green Wattle Mimosa abietina ( Willd.) Poir. Mimosa angulata ( Desv.) Poir. Mimosa decurrens J.C.Wendl. Mimosa decurrens Donn Mimosa linearis J.C.Wendl. Mimosa linifolia Vent. Mimosa mollissima ( Humb. & Bonpl. exWilld.) Poir. Mimosa pubescens Vent. Mimosa pubigera Poir. Mountain Cedar Wattle Mudgee Wattle Parramatta Wattle Phyllodoce linifolia ( Vent.) Link Pilliga Wattle Racosperma baileyanum ( F.Muell.) Pedley Racosperma chinchillense ( Tindale) Pedley Racosperma deanei ( R.T.Baker) Pedley Racosperma debile Pedley Racosperma decurrens ( Willd.) Pedley Racosperma elatum ( A.Cunn. exBenth.) Pedley Racosperma filicifolium Pedley Racosperma glaucocarpum ( Maiden & Blakely) Pedley Racosperma irroratum ( Sieber exSpreng.) Pedley Racosperma latisepalum ( Pedley) Pedley Racosperma leucocladum ( Tindale) Pedley Racosperma leucocladum subsp. argentifolium Pedley Racosperma leucocladum ( Tindale) Pedley subsp. leucocladum Racosperma lorolobum Pedley Racosperma mearnsii ( De Wild.) Pedley Racosperma muellerianum Pedley Racosperma oshanesii ( F.Muell. & Maiden) Pedley Racosperma parramattense ( Tindale) Pedley Racosperma polybotryum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma pruinosum ( A.Cunn. exBenth.) Pedley Racosperma spectabile ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma storyi Pedley Red Wattle Silver-stemmed Wattle Sydney Green Wattle Velvet Wattle Western Silver Wattle White Wattle
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