A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acrostichaceae Mett. exA.B.Frank Acrostichum L. Actinostachys Wall. Adiantaceae Newman Adiantum L. Ampelopteris Kunze Amphineuron Holttum Anemiaceae Link Antrophyum Kaulf. Arachniodes Blume Arthropteris J.Sm. exHook.f. Aspleniaceae Newman Asplenium L. Athyriaceae Alston Azolla Lam. Belvisia Mirb. Blechnaceae Newman Blechnum L. Bolbitis Schott Callipteris Bory Calochlaena ( Maxon) M.D.Turner & R.A.White Calymmodon C.Presl Ceratopteris Brongn. Cheilanthes Sw. Chingia Holttum Christella H.Lev. Colysis C.Presl Coveniella Tindale Ctenopteris Blume exKunze Cyathea Sm. Cyatheaceae Kaulf. Cyatheales A.B.Frank Cyclosorus Link Cyrtomium C.Presl Cystopteris Bernh. Davallia Sm. Davalliaceae M.R.Schomb. Dennstaedtia Bernh. Dennstaedtiaceae Lotsy Deparia Hook. & Grev. Dicksonia L'Hér. Dicksoniaceae M.R.Schomb. Dicranopteris Bernh. Dictymia J.Sm. Diplazium Sw. Diplopterygium ( Diels) Nakai Dipteridaceae Seward & E.Dale Dipteris Reinw. Doodia R.Br. Doryopteris J.Sm. Drynaria ( Bory) J.Sm. Dryopteridaceae Herter Dryopteris Adans. Elaphoglossum Schott exJ.Sm. Equisetaceae Michx. exDC. Equisetales DC. exBercht. & J.Presl Equisetopsida C.Agardh Gleichenia Sm. Gleicheniaceae C.Presl Gleicheniales Schimp. Goniophlebium ( Blume) C.Presl Grammitidaceae Newman Grammitis Sw. Helminthostachyaceae Ching Histiopteris ( J.Agardh) J.Sm. Humata Cav. Hymenophyllales A.B.Frank Hypolepis Bernh. Lastreopsis Ching Lecanopteris Reinw. Lemmaphyllum C.Presl Leptochilus Kaulf. Leptopteris C.Presl Lindsaeaceae C.Presl exM.R.Schomb. Lindsaeales Doweld exA.R.Sm. Lomariopsidaceae Alston Lomariopsis Fée Lonchitidales A.R.Sm. Lygodiaceae M.Roem. Lygodium Sw. Macrothelypteris ( H.Ito) Ching Marattiaceae Kaulf. Marattiales Link Marattiopsida Doweld Marsilea L. Marsileaceae Mirb. Microlepia C.Presl Microsorum Link Monogramma Comm. exSchkuhr Nephrolepis Schott Oleandra Cav. Oleandraceae Ching exPic.Serm. Ophioglossaceae Martinov Ophioglossales Link Osmundaceae Martinov Osmundales Link Paraceterach Copel. Parkeriaceae Hook. Pellaea Link Phlebodium ( R.Br.) J.Sm. Pilularia L. Pityrogramma Link Platycerium Desv. Platyzoma R.Br. Platyzomataceae Nakai Plesioneuron Holttum Pleurosorus Fée Pneumatopteris Nakai Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl Polypodiales Link Polypodiopsida Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm. Polypodium L. Polystichum Roth Pronephrium C.Presl Prosaptia C.Presl Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr. Psilotales Prantl Psilotopsida D.H.Scott Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn. Pteridoblechnum Hennipman Pteridrys C.Chr. & Ching Pteris L. Pyrrosia Mirb. Revwattsia D.L.Jones Rumohra Raddi Saccolomattales Doweld exA.R.Sm. Salvinia Ség. Salviniaceae Martinov Salviniales Link Schizaea Sm. Schizaeaceae Kaulf. Schizaeales Schimp. Scleroglossum Alderw. Sphaerostephanos J.Sm. Stenochlaena J.Sm. Stenochlaenaceae Ching Sticherus C.Presl Taenitis Willd. exSchkuhr Tectaria Cav. Tectariaceae Panigrahi Teratophyllum Mett. exKuhn Thelypteridaceae Pic.Serm. Thelypteris Schmidel Todea Willd. exBernh. Vittaria Sm. Vittariaceae Ching Woodsiaceae Herter
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