A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Callistemon acuminatus Cheel Callistemon brachyandrus Lindl. Callistemon chisholmii Cheel Callistemon comboynensis Cheel Callistemon flavovirens ( Cheel) Cheel Callistemon formosus S.T.Blake Callistemon linearifolius ( Link) DC. Callistemon montanus C.T.White exS.T.Blake Callistemon pachyphyllus Cheel Callistemon pallidus ( Bonpl.) DC. Callistemon pauciflorus R.D.Spencer & Lumley Callistemon pearsonii R.D.Spencer & Lumley Callistemon phoeniceus Lindl. Callistemon pinifolius ( J.C.Wendl.) Sweet Callistemon pityoides F.Muell. Callistemon polandii F.M.Bailey Callistemon pungens Lumley & R.D.Spencer Callistemon recurvus R.D.Spencer & Lumley Callistemon rugulosus ( Schltdl. exLink) DC. Callistemon rugulosus var. flavo-virens Cheel Callistemon salignus ( Sm.) Colvill exSweet Callistemon salignus f. sieberi Siebert & Voss Callistemon salignus f. viridiflorus ( Sims) Siebert & Voss Callistemon salignus var. sieberi ( DC.) F.Muell. Callistemon salignus var. viridiflorus ( Sims) F.Muell. Callistemon shiressii Blakely Callistemon sieberi DC. Callistemon sieberi var. pityoides ( F.Muell.) Cheel Callistemon subulatus Cheel Callistemon teretifolius F.Muell. Callistemon viridiflorus ( Sims) Sweet Melaleuca brachyandra ( Lindl.) Craven Melaleuca chisholmii ( Cheel) Craven Melaleuca comboynensis ( Cheel) Craven Melaleuca faucicola Craven Melaleuca flammea Craven Melaleuca flavovirens ( Cheel) Craven Melaleuca formosa ( S.T.Blake) Craven Melaleuca linearifolia ( Link) Craven Melaleuca linearis Schrad. & J.C.Wendl. var. linearis Melaleuca linearis var. pinifolia ( J.C.Wendl.) Craven Melaleuca montana ( C.T.White exS.T.Blake) Craven Melaleuca orophila Craven Melaleuca pachyphylla ( Cheel) Craven Melaleuca pallida ( Bonpl.) Craven Melaleuca paludicola Craven Melaleuca pearsonii ( R.D.Spencer & Lumley) Craven Melaleuca phoenicea ( Lindl.) Craven Melaleuca pityoides ( F.Muell.) Craven Melaleuca polandii ( F.M.Bailey) Craven Melaleuca recurva ( R.D.Spencer & Lumley) Craven Melaleuca rugulosa ( Schltdl. exLink) Craven Melaleuca salicina Craven Melaleuca shiressii ( Blakely) Craven Melaleuca subulata ( Cheel) Craven Melaleuca virens Craven Melaleuca williamsii Craven Metrosideros linearifolia Link Metrosideros pallida Bonpl. Metrosideros pinifolia J.C.Wendl. Metrosideros rugulosa Schltdl. exLink Metrosideros saligna Sm. Metrosideros viridiflora Sims
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- Note you can access JSON and XML versions of this object by setting the correct mime type in the ACCEPTS header of your HTTP request or by appending ".json" or ".xml" to the end of the URL.
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- These are all the non deprecated permalinks to this object. The link with a is the preferred link.
- Deprecated (old, no longer used) links will not appear here, but will still resolve. You will get a 301, moved permanently, redirect if you use a deprecated link.
- You may link to this resource with any of the specific links, but we would prefer you used the preferred link as this makes later comparisons of linked resources easier.