Vascular Plants

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Mueller, F.J.H. von (1862), Fragmenta Phytographiae Australiae 3(18) : 25-40 (Section) Mueller, F.J.H. von Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Bolbophyllum aurantiacum F.Muell.
  2. Bridelia exaltata F.Muell.
  3. Briedelia exaltata F.Muell.
  4. Bulbophyllum aurantiacum F.Muell.
  5. Cassia notabilis F.Muell.
  6. Choripetalum A.DC.
  7. Choripetalum australianum F.Muell.
  8. Coatesia F.Muell.
  9. Coatesia paniculata F.Muell.
  10. Encephalartos miquelii F.Muell.
  11. Encephalartos sect. Macrozamia F.Muell.
  12. Flindersia australis R.Br.
  13. Flindersia schottiana F.Muell.
  14. Gompholobium polyzygum F.Muell.
  15. Gompholobium sect. Disporaea F.Muell.
  16. Gompholobium stenophyllum F.Muell.
  17. Goodenia hirsuta F.Muell.
  18. Goodenia microptera F.Muell.
  19. Goodenia spicata F.Muell.
  20. Haloragis hexandra F.Muell.
  21. Haloragis leptotheca F.Muell.
  22. Haloragis sect. Apogynus F.Muell.
  23. Haloragis sect. Pterogynus F.Muell.
  24. Helichrysum davenportii F.Muell.
  25. Helichrysum sect. Acroclinium F.Muell.
  26. Helicia ferruginea F.Muell.
  27. Helicia praealta F.Muell.
  28. Lechenaultia divaricata F.Muell.
  29. Leschenaultia divaricata F.Muell.
  30. Osbornia F.Muell.
  31. Osbornia octodonta F.Muell.
  32. Premna glycycocca F.Muell.
  33. Scaevola patens F.Muell.
  34. Stenopetalum nutans F.Muell.
  35. Streptothamnus F.Muell.
  36. Streptothamnus beckleri F.Muell.
  37. Streptothamnus becklerii F.Muell.
  38. Streptothamnus moorei F.Muell.
  39. Streptothamnus moorii F.Muell.

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