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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Acacia acanthoclada F.Muell. Acacia acinacea Lindl. Acacia aculeatissima J.F.Macbr. Acacia alpina F.Muell. Acacia amoena H.L.Wendl. Acacia ancistrophylla var. lissophylla ( J.M.Black) R.S.Cowan & Maslin Acacia argyrophylla Hook. Acacia armata R.Br. Acacia aspera Lindl. Acacia aspera var. densifolia ( Benth.) Benth. Acacia ausfeldii Regel Acacia baileyana F.Muell. Acacia binervia ( J.C.Wendl.) J.F.Macbr. Acacia bivenosa subsp. wayi ( Maiden) Pedley Acacia boormanii Maiden Acacia botrycephala ( Vent.) Desf. Acacia brachybotrya Benth. Acacia brachybotrya f. argyrophylla ( Hook.) Benth. Acacia brachybotrya var. argyrophylla ( Hook.) Maiden Acacia brownii ( Poir.) Steud. Acacia buxifolia A.Cunn. subsp. buxifolia Acacia buxifolia var. subvelutina F.Muell. Acacia caerulescens Maslin & Court Acacia calamifolia Sweet exLindl. Acacia cognata Domin Acacia colletioides Benth. Acacia colletioides var. nyssophylla ( F.Muell.) Benth. Acacia cupularis Domin Acacia cyanophylla Lindl. Acacia dallachiana F.Muell. Acacia dawsonii R.T.Baker Acacia dealbata Link Acacia deanei ( R.T.Baker) M.B.Welch, Coombs & McGlynn Acacia deanei ( R.T.Baker) M.B.Welch, Coombs & McGlynn subsp. deanei Acacia deanei subsp. paucijuga ( F.Muell. exN.A.Wakef.) Tindale Acacia decora Rchb. Acacia decurrens Willd. Acacia decurrens var. deanei R.T.Baker Acacia difformis R.T.Baker Acacia diffusa Ker Gawl. Acacia dodonaeifolia ( Pers.) Balb. Acacia doratoxylon A.Cunn. Acacia elata A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia enterocarpa R.V.Sm. Acacia falciformis DC. Acacia farinosa Lindl. Acacia flexifolia A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia floribunda ( Vent.) Willd. Acacia frigescens J.H.Willis Acacia genistifolia Link Acacia glandulicarpa Reader Acacia gunnii Benth. Acacia hakeoides A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia hakeoides var. angustifolia ( H.B.Will.) J.H.Willis Acacia halliana Maslin Acacia havilandiorum Maiden Acacia homalophylla A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia howittii F.Muell. Acacia hunteriana N.A.Wakef. Acacia implexa Benth. Acacia irrorata Sieber exSpreng. subsp. irrorata Acacia juniperina ( Vent.) Willd. Acacia kettlewelliae Maiden Acacia kybeanensis Maiden & Blakely Acacia lanigera A.Cunn. Acacia lanigera var. gracilipes Benth. Acacia lanigera A.Cunn. var. lanigera Acacia lanigera var. whanii ( F.Muell. exBenth.) Pescott Acacia leprosa Sieber exDC. Acacia leprosa (Dandenong Range variant) Acacia leprosa (Seymour variant) Acacia leprosa (large phyllode variant) Acacia leprosa (type variant) Acacia ligulata A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia ligulata var. angustifolia H.B.Will. Acacia linearis ( J.C.Wendl.) Sims Acacia lineata A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia lineolata Benth. Acacia loderi Maiden Acacia longifolia ( Andrews) Willd. Acacia longifolia f. sophorae ( Labill.) Voss Acacia longifolia var. alpina F.Muell. Acacia longifolia var. floribunda ( Vent.) Benth. Acacia longifolia ( Andrews) Willd. var. longifolia Acacia longifolia var. phlebophylla F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia longifolia var. sophorae ( Labill.) Benth. Acacia lophantha Willd. Acacia lucasii Blakely Acacia maidenii F.Muell. Acacia mearnsii De Wild. Acacia melanoxylon R.Br. Acacia melvillei Pedley Acacia microcarpa F.Muell. Acacia microcarpa var. linearis J.M.Black Acacia mitchellii Benth. Acacia montana Benth. Acacia montana var. psilocarpa J.H.Willis Acacia mucronata var. longifolia Benth. Acacia myrtifolia ( Sm.) Willd. Acacia nanodealbata J.H.Willis Acacia notabilis F.Muell. Acacia nyssophylla F.Muell. Acacia obliquinervia Tindale Acacia obtusifolia A.Cunn. Acacia oswaldii F.Muell. Acacia oxycedrus Sieber exDC. Acacia paradoxa DC. Acacia paucijuga F.Muell. exN.A.Wakef. Acacia pendula A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia penninervis var. falciformis ( DC.) Benth. Acacia penninervis Sieber exDC. var. penninervis Acacia phasmoides J.H.Willis Acacia phlebophylla F.Muell. exH.B.Will. Acacia phlebophylla F.Muell. Acacia pravissima F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia prominens A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia pycnantha Benth. Acacia retinodes Schltdl. Acacia retinodes Schltdl. var. retinodes Acacia retinodes var. uncifolia J.M.Black Acacia rigens A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia rotundifolia Hook. Acacia rubida A.Cunn. Acacia rupicola F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia ruscifolia A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia salicina Lindl. Acacia saligna ( Labill.) H.L.Wendl. Acacia sclerophylla var. lissophylla J.M.Black Acacia sclerophylla Lindl. var. sclerophylla Acacia sentis F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia siculiformis A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia siculiformis var. bossiaeoides Benth. Acacia silvestris Tindale Acacia sophorae ( Labill.) R.Br. Acacia sophorae var. montana F.Muell. Acacia sp. aff. sowdenii Acacia spinescens Benth. Acacia stenophylla A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia stricta ( Andrews) Willd. Acacia stuartiana F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia suaveolens ( Sm.) Willd. Acacia subporosa F.Muell. Acacia subtilinervis F.Muell. Acacia tenuifolia F.Muell. Acacia terminalis ( Salisb.) J.F.Macbr. Acacia trineura F.Muell. Acacia triptera Benth. Acacia ulicifolia ( Salisb.) Court Acacia verniciflua A.Cunn. Acacia verniciflua (Bacchus Marsh variant) Acacia verniciflua (Casterton variant) Acacia verniciflua (Southern variant) Acacia verniciflua (common variant) Acacia verticillata ( L'Hér.) Willd. Acacia verticillata var. cephalantha F.Muell. Acacia verticillata var. latifolia Benth. Acacia verticillata var. ovoidea ( Benth.) Benth. Acacia victoriae Benth. Acacia vomeriformis A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia whanii F.Muell. exBenth. Acacia wilhelmiana F.Muell. Acacia williamsonii Court Acacia x grayana J.H.Willis Albizia lophantha ( Willd.) Benth. subsp. lophantha Alpine Wattle Ausfeld's Wattle Bent-leaf Wattle Black Wattle Blackwood Boomerang Wattle Bower Wattle Box-leaf Wattle Bramble Wattle Buchan Blue Wattle Buffalo Sallow-wattle Buffalo Wattle Cape Wattle Catkin Wattle Cedar Wattle Cinnamon Wattle Coast Myall Coast Wattle Cootamundra Wattle Crested Wattle Dagger Wattle Drooping Wattle Dwarf Myall Dwarf Nealie Dwarf Silver-wattle Early Black-wattle Frosted Wattle Gold-dust Wattle Golden Wattle Gosford Wattle Gossamer Wattle Green Wattle Grey Mulga Hairy Wattle Hairy-pod Wattle Hakea Wattle Hard-leaf Wattle Harrow Wattle Haviland's Wattle Heath Wattle Hedge Wattle Hickory Hickory Wattle Hop Wattle Jumping Jack Wattle Juniper Wattle Kangaroo Thorn Kybean Wattle Kybeyan Wattle Large-leaf Hickory-wattle Lightwood Maiden's Wattle Mallee Wattle Manna Wattle Mealy Wattle Mesquite Mimosa binervia J.C.Wendl. Mimosa brownii Poir. Mimosa dodonaeifolia Pers. Mimosa floribunda Vent. Mimosa juliflora Sw. Mimosa longifolia Andrews Mimosa myrtifolia Sm. Mimosa saligna Labill. Mimosa sophorae Labill. Mimosa stricta Andrews Mimosa suaveolens Sm. Mimosa terminalis Salisb. Mimosa ulicifolia Salisb. Mimosa verticillata L'Hér. Mimosaceae R.Br. Mitchell's Wattle Mitta Wattle Montane Wattle Mountain Hickory Wattle Myall Myrtle Wattle Narrow-leaf Bower-wattle Narrow-leaf Wattle Needle Wattle Orange Wattle Ovens Wattle Paraserianthes I.C.Nielsen Paraserianthes lophantha ( Willd.) I.C.Nielsen subsp. lophantha Phantom Wattle Ploughshare Poverty Wattle Prickly Moses Prickly Wattle Prosopis L. Prosopis juliflora ( Sw.) DC. Racosperma armata ( R.Br.) Mart. Racosperma baileyanum ( F.Muell.) Pedley Racosperma brownei Pedley Racosperma buxifolium ( A.Cunn.) Pedley Racosperma dawsonii ( R.T.Baker) Pedley Racosperma dealbatum ( Link) Pedley Racosperma deanei ( R.T.Baker) Pedley Racosperma decorum ( Rchb.) Pedley Racosperma decurrens ( Willd.) Pedley Racosperma elatum ( A.Cunn. exBenth.) Pedley Racosperma falciforme ( DC.) Pedley Racosperma flexifolium ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma floribundum ( Vent.) Pedley Racosperma gunnii ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma hakeoides ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma implexum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma lanigerum ( A.Cunn.) Pedley Racosperma ligulatum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma lineatum ( A.Cunn. exG.Don) Pedley Racosperma maidenii ( F.Muell.) Pedley Racosperma mearnsii ( De Wild.) Pedley Racosperma melanoxylon ( R.Br.) Pedley Racosperma melvillei ( Pedley) Pedley Racosperma montanum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma obtusifolium ( A.Cunn.) Pedley Racosperma omalophyllum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma oswaldii ( F.Muell.) Pedley Racosperma pendulum ( A.Cunn. exG.Don) Pedley Racosperma penninerve ( DC.) Pedley Racosperma pravissimum ( F.Muell. exBenth.) Pedley Racosperma rigens ( A.Cunn. exG.Don) Pedley Racosperma rubidum ( A.Cunn.) Pedley Racosperma salicinum ( Lindl.) Pedley Racosperma salignum ( Labill.) Pedley Racosperma sophorae ( Labill.) Mart. Racosperma stenophyllum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma tripterum ( Benth.) Pedley Racosperma ulicifolium ( Salisb.) Pedley Racosperma vernicifluum ( A.Cunn.) Pedley Racosperma verticillatum Pedley Racosperma victoriae ( Benth.) Pedley Red Wattle Red-leaf Wattle Red-stem Wattle River Myall Rock Wattle Rough Wattle Sallow Wattle Sally Wattle Silver Mulga Silver Wattle Snake Wattle Snowy River Wattle Spike Wattle Spinebush Spiny Wattle Spreading Wattle Spur-wing Wattle Sticky Wattle Stiff Golden-wattle Streaked Wattle Sunshine Wattle Sweet Wattle Thin-leaf Wattle Three-nerved Wattle Umbrella Wattle Variable Sallow-wattle Varnish Wattle Wait-a-while Wallowa Wedge-leaf Wattle Weeping Myall Western Silver Wattle Whipstick Cinnamon Wattle Whirrakee Wattle White Sallow-wattle Willow Wattle Woolly Wattle Woolly-bear Wattle
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