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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Acacia angustifolia B.D.Jacks. Acacia chrysobotrys B.D.Jacks. Acacia lunata Sieber exDC. Acacia oleifolia A.Cunn. exG.Don Acacia thegonocarpa B.D.Jacks. Acacia uncinata B.D.Jacks. Acaena adscendens Vahl Acialyptus B.D.Jacks. Acrachne verticillata ( Roxb.) B.D.Jacks. Acronychia hillii F.Muell. Agyneia lanceolata F.Dietr. Alyxia pugioniformis B.D.Jacks. Alyxia ruscifolia R.Br. Amphipogon brownei B.D.Jacks. Andersonia homatostoma B.D.Jacks. Anotis mitrasacmoides ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Anotis pterospora ( F.Muell.) Benth. & Hook.f. exB.D.Jacks. Antherocephala B.D.Jacks. Antirhea tenuifolia B.D.Jacks. Antirrhoea tenuifolia B.D.Jacks. Antommarchia speciosa ( Donn exAndrews) Meisn. exB.D.Jacks. Aporosa microcalyx ( Hassk.) Hassk. Argyrocome apiculata B.D.Jacks. Argyrocome bracteata B.D.Jacks. Arthrocnemum ambiguum Moq. Athrixia chatopodo Hook. & B.D.Jacks. Atylus fucifolia B.D.Jacks. Baeckea carnulosa B.D.Jacks. Banksia tridentata ( Meisn.) B.D.Jacks. Bertya psiloclada ( Müll.Arg.) Baill. Beyeriopsis drummondi B.D.Jacks. Beyeriopsis drummondii B.D.Jacks. Beyeriopsis lasiocarpa B.D.Jacks. Billottia ovatifolia B.D.Jacks. Blennodia blennodes B.D.Jacks. Boerhavia repens L. Brasenia schreberi J.F.Gmel. Bridelia leichardtii B.D.Jacks. Calandrinia strophiolata ( F.Muell.) F.Muell. exB.D.Jacks. Calorophus dentatus B.D.Jacks. Calycothrix birdii F.Muell. Calycothrix creswellii F.Muell. Calycothrix diversifolia Turcz. Calycothrix plumulosa F.Muell. Calycothrix pulchella Turcz. Calycothrix sullivanii F.Muell. Calythrix birdii B.D.Jacks. Calythrix creswellii B.D.Jacks. Calythrix diversifolia B.D.Jacks. Calythrix plumulosa B.D.Jacks. Calythrix pulchella B.D.Jacks. Calythrix sullivanii B.D.Jacks. Calytrix birdii ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Calytrix creswellii ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Calytrix diversifolia ( Turcz.) B.D.Jacks. Calytrix plumulosa ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Calytrix pulchella ( Turcz.) B.D.Jacks. Calytrix sullivanii ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Cansjera rheedei J.F.Gmel. Cassinia aculeata ( Labill.) R.Br. Cassinia affinis R.Br. Cassinia aurea R.Br. Ceratochloa brevis Nees exB.D.Jacks. Chapelliera teretifolia B.D.Jacks. Chromochiton aculeata B.D.Jacks. Chromochiton affinis B.D.Jacks. Chromochiton aurea B.D.Jacks. Chrysocoryne huegelii B.D.Jacks. Citrus hillii ( F.Muell.) B.D.Jacks. Cladium teretifolium R.Br. Claytonia strophiolata F.Muell. Conospermum coeruleum B.D.Jacks. Conostephium nitens B.D.Jacks. Corchorus tomentillus B.D.Jacks. Correa speciosa Donn exAndrews Cryptostemon fascicularis Jacks. Cyathodes squamuligera B.D.Jacks. Cycas rumphii Miq. Darwinia radinophylla B.D.Jacks. Darwinia thryptomenioides B.D.Jacks. Dryandra tridentata Meisn. Hedyotis mitrasacmoides F.Muell. Hedyotis pterospora F.Muell. Helichrysum apiculatum ( Labill.) D.Don Helichrysum rutilans ( L.) D.Don exG.Don Stenanthera squamuligera F.Muell.
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