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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Mitrasacme Labill. Mitrasacme aggregata Dunlop Mitrasacme alsinoides R.Br. Mitrasacme alsinoides var. latifolia ( Benth.) Domin Mitrasacme ambigua R.Br. Mitrasacme arnhemica Specht Mitrasacme arnhemica var. pygmaea Specht Mitrasacme benthamiana Domin Mitrasacme brachystemonea Domin Mitrasacme canescens R.Br. Mitrasacme capillaris Wall. Mitrasacme cinerascens R.Br. Mitrasacme clarksonii Dunlop Mitrasacme commutata Leenh. Mitrasacme connata R.Br. Mitrasacme constricta F.Muell. Mitrasacme crystallina Griff. Mitrasacme cunninghamii Benth. Mitrasacme diffusa Benth. Mitrasacme elata R.Br. Mitrasacme elata var. brevicalyx Leenh. Mitrasacme epigaea Dunlop Mitrasacme exserta F.Muell. Mitrasacme floribunda Dunlop Mitrasacme foliosa C.A.Gardner Mitrasacme galbina Dunlop Mitrasacme geniculosa Dunlop Mitrasacme gentianea F.Muell. Mitrasacme glaucescens Dunlop Mitrasacme graminea Dunlop Mitrasacme hirsuta C.Presl Mitrasacme hispida W.Fitzg. Mitrasacme indica Wight Mitrasacme indica var. latifolia Benth. Mitrasacme inornata Dunlop Mitrasacme kenneallyi Dunlop Mitrasacme laevis Benth. Mitrasacme laricifolia R.Br. Mitrasacme latiflora S.Moore Mitrasacme laxiceps Dunlop Mitrasacme lepidocalyx W.Fitzg. Mitrasacme longiflora F.Muell. exBenth. Mitrasacme lutea F.Muell. Mitrasacme malaccensis Wight Mitrasacme maritima Dunlop Mitrasacme micrantha Domin Mitrasacme multicaulis R.Br. Mitrasacme neglecta Leenh. Mitrasacme neldneri Dunlop Mitrasacme nidulifera Dunlop Mitrasacme nudicaulis Reinw. exBlume Mitrasacme nudicaulis var. citrina Dunlop Mitrasacme nudicaulis Reinw. exBlume var. nudicaulis Mitrasacme nummularia S.Moore Mitrasacme oasena Dunlop Mitrasacme paludosa R.Br. Mitrasacme paludosa f. diffusa ( Benth.) Domin Mitrasacme paludosa f. pilosula ( F.Muell.) Domin Mitrasacme patens Dunlop Mitrasacme perpusilla Hook.f. Mitrasacme phascoides R.Br. Mitrasacme pilosa Labill. Mitrasacme pilosa Labill. var. pilosa Mitrasacme pilosa var. stuartii Hook.f. Mitrasacme pilosula F.Muell. Mitrasacme polymorpha R.Br. Mitrasacme polymorpha var. calycina Benth. Mitrasacme polymorpha var. canescens ( R.Br.) Domin Mitrasacme polymorpha var. squarrosa ( R.Br.) Domin Mitrasacme polymorpha var. typica Domin Mitrasacme polymorpha var. typica Hochr. Mitrasacme prolifera R.Br. Mitrasacme prolifera var. diffusa Benth. Mitrasacme prolifera var. major Benth. Mitrasacme pygmaea R.Br. Mitrasacme pygmaea var. malaccensis ( Wight) H.Hara Mitrasacme ramosa R.Br. Mitrasacme retroloba Dunlop Mitrasacme scopata Dunlop Mitrasacme scrithicola Dunlop Mitrasacme secedens Dunlop Mitrasacme serpyllifolia R.Br. Mitrasacme sieberi DC. Mitrasacme spergulacea Domin Mitrasacme squamigera Dunlop Mitrasacme squarrosa R.Br. Mitrasacme stellata R.Br. Mitrasacme stellata var. latifolia Benth. Mitrasacme subvolubilis F.Muell. Mitrasacme tenuiflora Benth. Mitrasacme trinervis Span. Mitrasacme troglodytica Dunlop Mitrasacme volubilis O.Schwarz
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