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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Bale-hook Eremophila Blueberry Tree Boobialla Crimson Eremophila Dense-felted Eremophila Dense-leaved Eremophila Desert Pride Eremophila adenotricha ( F.Muell. exBenth.) F.Muell. Eremophila alternifolia R.Br. Eremophila angustifolia ( S.Moore) Ostenf. Eremophila battii F.Muell. Eremophila calorhabdos Diels Eremophila chamaephila Diels Eremophila clarkei Oldfield & F.Muell. Eremophila compacta S.Moore Eremophila cuneifolia Kraenzl. Eremophila decipiens Ostenf. Eremophila delisseri F.Muell. Eremophila densifolia F.Muell. Eremophila denticulata F.Muell. Eremophila dichroantha Diels Eremophila dielsiana ( Kraenzl.) C.A.Gardner Eremophila drummondii F.Muell. Eremophila drummondii var. brevis S.Moore Eremophila drummondii F.Muell. var. drummondii Eremophila duttonii F.Muell. Eremophila elachantha Diels Eremophila elderi F.Muell. Eremophila eriocalyx F.Muell. Eremophila exilifolia F.Muell. Eremophila exotrachys Kraenzl. Eremophila foliosissima Kraenzl. Eremophila forrestii F.Muell. Eremophila fraseri F.Muell. Eremophila georgei Diels Eremophila gibsonii F.Muell. Eremophila gilesii F.Muell. Eremophila glabra ( R.Br.) Ostenf. Eremophila glabra var. viridiflora ( F.Muell. exBenth.) J.M.Black Eremophila graciliflora F.Muell. Eremophila granitica S.Moore Eremophila hastieana W.Fitzg. Eremophila homoplastica ( S.Moore) C.A.Gardner Eremophila hughesii F.Muell. Eremophila imbricata ( Benth.) F.Muell. Eremophila inflata C.A.Gardner Eremophila interstans ( S.Moore) Diels Eremophila ionantha Diels Eremophila ionantha var. brevifolia Diels Eremophila kochii Ewart Eremophila kraenzlinii C.A.Gardner Eremophila laanii F.Muell. Eremophila lachnocalyx C.A.Gardner Eremophila latrobei F.Muell. Eremophila latrobei var. tuberculosa S.Moore Eremophila leucophylla Benth. Eremophila longifolia ( R.Br.) F.Muell. Eremophila mackinlayi F.Muell. Eremophila macmillaniana C.A.Gardner Eremophila maculata ( Ker Gawl.) F.Muell. Eremophila maculata var. brevifolia Benth. Eremophila maculata var. linearifolia S.Moore Eremophila maitlandii Benth. Eremophila margarethae S.Moore Eremophila metallicorum S.Moore Eremophila microtheca ( F.Muell. exBenth.) F.Muell. Eremophila muelleriana C.A.Gardner Eremophila oldfieldii F.Muell. Eremophila oppositifolia var. angustifolia S.Moore Eremophila pachyphylla Diels Eremophila paisleyi F.Muell. Eremophila pantonii F.Muell. Eremophila phillipsii F.Muell. Eremophila platycalyx F.Muell. Eremophila platycalyx var. lancifolia Kraenzl. Eremophila platythamnos Diels Eremophila pterocarpa W.Fitzg. Eremophila punicea S.Moore Eremophila pustulata S.Moore Eremophila resinosa ( Endl.) F.Muell. Eremophila rotundifolia F.Muell. Eremophila saligna ( S.Moore) C.A.Gardner Eremophila sargentii ( S.Moore) Chinnock Eremophila scaberula W.Fitzg. Eremophila scoparia ( R.Br.) F.Muell. Eremophila serrulata ( A.Cunn. exA.DC.) Druce Eremophila spathulata W.Fitzg. Eremophila spectabilis C.A.Gardner Eremophila strongylophylla F.Muell. Eremophila subfloccosa Benth. Eremophila turtonii F.Muell. Eremophila veronica ( S.Moore) C.A.Gardner Eremophila virens C.A.Gardner Eremophila viscida Endl. Eremophila websteri S.Moore Eremophila willsii F.Muell. Eremophila youngii F.Muell. Glandular Myoporum Glandular haired Eremophila Granite Poverty Bush Granite-loving Eremophila Green-flowered Eremophila Grey Poverty Bush Grey Turpentine Bush Long-leaved Eremophila Monopsis simplex ( L.) E.Wimm. Myoporum apiculatum A.DC. Myoporum beckeri ( F.Muell.) F.Muell. exBenth. Myoporum deserti A.Cunn. exBenth. Myoporum gracile Bartl. Myoporum insulare R.Br. Myoporum montanum R.Br. Myoporum oppositifolium R.Br. Myoporum parvifolium R.Br. Myoporum platycarpum R.Br. Myoporum salsoloides Turcz. Myoporum tetrandrum ( Labill.) Domin Myoporum tuberculatum R.Br. Native Myrtle Resinous Eremophila Round-leaved Eremophila Showy Eremophila Silvery Emubush Slender Myoporum Slender flowered Eremophila Spiked Eremophila Spoon-leaved Eremophila Spotted Emubush Stylidium junceum R.Br. subsp. junceum Stylidium squamellosum DC. Stylidium striatum Lindl. Swollen-flowered Eremophila Tar Bush Toothed Eremophila Turpentine Bush Twin-leaf Myoporum Varnish Bush Wahlenbergia graniticola Carolin Warted Eremophila Wedge-shaped Eremophila Willowy Eremophila Wing-fruited Eremophila Woolly-calyxed Eremophila
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