Vascular Plants

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Thomas, M.B. & McDonald, W.J.F. (1989), Rare and threatened plants of Queensland: a checklist of geographically restricted, poorly collected and/or threatened vascular plant species Edn. 2 : null - null (Section) Thomas, M.B. & McDonald, W.J.F. Unknown
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia adunca A.Cunn. ex G.Don
  2. Acacia albizioides Pedley
  3. Acacia ammophila Pedley
  4. Acacia armitii F.Muell. ex Maiden
  5. Acacia attenuata Maiden & Blakely
  6. Acacia calantha Pedley
  7. Acacia centrinervia Maiden & Blakely
  8. Acacia chinchillensis Tindale
  9. Acacia crombiei C.T.White
  10. Acacia curranii Maiden
  11. Acacia deuteroneura Pedley
  12. Acacia eremophiloides Pedley & P.I.Forst.
  13. Acacia fleckeri Pedley
  14. Acacia floydii Tindale
  15. Acacia gittinsii Pedley
  16. Acacia gnidium Benth.
  17. Acacia grandifolia Pedley
  18. Acacia guymeri Tindale
  19. Acacia handonis Pedley
  20. Acacia hockingsii Pedley
  21. Acacia holotricha Pedley
  22. Acacia homaloclada F.Muell.
  23. Acacia hylonoma Pedley
  24. Acacia islana Pedley
  25. Acacia jackesiana Pedley
  26. Acacia latisepala Pedley
  27. Acacia lauta Pedley
  28. Acacia longipedunculata Pedley
  29. Acacia orites Pedley
  30. Acacia perangusta (C.T.White) Pedley
  31. Acacia peuce F.Muell.
  32. Acacia pubicosta C.T.White
  33. Acacia pubifolia Pedley
  34. Acacia purpureopetala F.M.Bailey
  35. Acacia ramiflora Domin
  36. Acacia ruppii Maiden & Betche
  37. Acacia saxicola Pedley
  38. Acacia sp. 'Biloela' (F.Ford s.n. May 1987)
  39. Acacia sp. 'Lakeland Downs' (J.R.Clarkson 6291)
  40. Acacia sp. 'Lappa, Sandy Tate River' (L.J.Brass 1745)
  41. Acacia sp. 'McIvor River' (J.R.Clarkson 4575)
  42. Acacia sp. 'Weipa' (K.A.Williams 78088)
  43. Acacia sp. 'Whitsunday Islands' (G.N.Batianoff 3354)
  44. Acacia sp. Beeron (P.I.Forster 4673 & C.E.Wilkinson)
  45. Acacia sp. Roper Peak (A.Bean 630)
  46. Acacia spania Pedley
  47. Acacia storyi Tindale
  48. Acacia strongylophylla F.Muell.
  49. Acacia tenuinervis Pedley
  50. Acacia wardellii Tindale
  51. Aceratium doggrellii C.T.White
  52. Aceratium sericoleopsis Balgooy
  53. Acianthus amplexicaulis (F.M.Bailey) Rolfe
  54. Acianthus ledwardii Rupp
  55. Acianthus sublestus Dockrill
  56. Acmena divaricata Merr. & L.M.Perry
  57. Acmena mackinnoniana B.Hyland
  58. Acmenosperma pringlei B.Hyland
  59. Acomis acoma (F.Muell.) Druce
  60. Acomis sp. 'Alice River' (J.R.Clarkson 3765)
  61. Acronychia aberrans T.G.Hartley
  62. Acronychia acuminata T.G.Hartley
  63. Acronychia baeuerlenii T.G.Hartley
  64. Acronychia chooreechillum (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White
  65. Acronychia crassipetala T.G.Hartley
  66. Acronychia eungellensis T.G.Hartley & B.Hyland
  67. Acrotriche baileyana (Domin) J.M.Powell
  68. Actephila foetida Domin
  69. Actephila sessilifolia Benth.
  70. Actinotus paddisonii R.T.Baker
  71. Agapetes meiniana F.Muell.
  72. Agathis atropurpurea B.Hyland
  73. Agathis microstachya J.F.Bailey & C.T.White
  74. Aglaia argentea Blume
  75. Aglaia sp. Mt Lewis (L.J.Webb & J.G.Tracey 11937)
  76. Aidia sp. Cowley Beach (C.Puttock & A.Graham UNSW14851)
  77. Albizia retusa Benth.
  78. Albizia sp. 'Windsor Tableland' (B.Gray 2181)
  79. Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.
  80. Alectryon ramiflorus S.T.Reynolds
  81. Alectryon repandodentatus Radlk.
  82. Alectryon semicinereus (F.Muell.) Radlk.
  83. Alectryon sp. 'Cordalba' (K.Sarnadsky s.n. Jan 1986)
  84. Alectryon tropicus (S.T.Reynolds) S.T.Reynolds
  85. Alpinia hylandii R.M.Sm.
  86. Alyxia orophila Domin
  87. Amaranthus pallidiflorus F.Muell.
  88. Amomum dallachyi F.Muell.
  89. Amomum queenslandicum R.M.Sm.
  90. Amoora cucullata Roxb.
  91. Amorphospermum whitei Aubrév.
  92. Amphibromus whitei C.E.Hubb.
  93. Amphineuron immersum (Blume) Holttum
  94. Amphineuron queenslandicum Holttum
  95. Anacolosa sp. Chester River (B.Hyland 9472)
  96. Ancana sp. Henrietta Creek (L.W.Jessup 512)
  97. Angianthus brachypappus F.Muell.
  98. Antrophyum plantagineum (Cav.) Kaulf.
  99. Antrophyum sp. 'Blue Pool' (C.Harman s.n. Nov 1983)
  100. Antrophyum subfalcatum Brack.
  101. Apatophyllum olsenii McGill.
  102. Apatophyllum sp. 'Expedition Range' (E.J.Thompson s.n. Mar 1984 AQ440723)
  103. Aphyllorchis anomala Dockrill
  104. Aphyllorchis queenslandica Dockrill
  105. Apluda mutica L.
  106. Aralia macdowallii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey
  107. Archidendron hirsutum I.C.Nielsen
  108. Archidendron lovelliae (F.M.Bailey) I.C.Nielsen
  109. Archidendron lucyi F.Muell.
  110. Archidendron muellerianum (Maiden & R.T.Baker) I.C.Nielsen
  111. Archidendron whitei I.C.Nielsen
  112. Archidendropsis xanthoxylon (C.T.White & W.D.Francis) I.C.Nielsen
  113. Ardisia bakeri C.T.White
  114. Ardisia bifaria C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  115. Ardisia fasciculata C.T.White
  116. Arenga australasica (H.Wendl. & Drude) S.T.Blake ex H.E.Moore
  117. Arenga microcarpa Becc.
  118. Argophyllum cryptophlebum Zemann
  119. Argophyllum nullumense R.T.Baker
  120. Argyreia queenslandica Domin
  121. Argyreia soutteri (F.M.Bailey) Domin
  122. Argyrodendron sp. 'Boonjee' (B.Hyland 2139 RFK)
  123. Argyrodendron sp. 'Whyanbeel' (B.Hyland 1106 RFK)
  124. Aristida annua B.K.Simon
  125. Aristida burraensis B.K.Simon
  126. Aristida cumingiana Trin. & Rupr.
  127. Aristida granitica B.K.Simon
  128. Aristolochia chalmersii O.C.Schmidt
  129. Aristolochia sp. 'Iron Range' (G. & N.Sankowsky 382)
  130. Aristolochia sp. 'Woopen Creek' (G. & N.Sankowsky 685)
  131. Aristolochia sp. Border Ranges (C.T.White s.n. Feb. 1912)
  132. Artabotrys sp. 'Claudie River' (B.Gray 3240)
  133. Arthraxon hispidus (Thunb.) Makino
  134. Arundinella grevillensis B.K.Simon
  135. Arundinella montana S.T.Blake
  136. Arytera dictyoneura S.T.Reynolds
  137. Arytera macrobotrys (Merr. & L.M.Perry) R.W.Ham
  138. Arytera sp. Bamaga (L.S.Smith 12579)
  139. Asplenium bicentenniale D.L.Jones
  140. Asplenium excisum C.Presl
  141. Asplenium normale D.Don
  142. Asplenium pellucidum Lam.
  143. Asplenium sp. Atherton Tableland (S.B.Andrews 266)
  144. Asplenium sp. McIlwraith Range (J.R.Clarkson 2426)
  145. Asplenium unilaterale Lam.
  146. Asplenium wildii F.M.Bailey
  147. Astroloma sp. 'Baal Gammon' (B.P.Hyland 10341)
  148. Asystasia sp. 'Newcastle Bay' (L.J.Brass 18671) Qld Herbarium
  149. Atalaya calcicola S.T.Reynolds
  150. Atalaya rigida S.T.Reynolds
  151. Atriplex fissivalvis F.Muell.
  152. Atriplex lobativalvis F.Muell.
  153. Atriplex morrisii R.H.Anderson
  154. Austrobuxus nitidus Miq.
  155. Austrobuxus swainii (Beuzev. & C.T.White) Airy Shaw
  156. Austromuellera sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.Hyland RFK 2975)
  157. Austromuellera trinervia C.T.White
  158. Austromyrtus fragrantissima (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Burret
  159. Austromyrtus gonoclada (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Burret
  160. Austromyrtus inophloia (J.F.Bailey & C.T.White) Burret
  161. Austromyrtus lasioclada (F.Muell.) L.S.Sm.
  162. Austromyrtus lucida (Banks ex Gaertn.) L.S.Sm.
  163. Austromyrtus pubiflora (C.T.White) L.S.Sm.
  164. Austromyrtus sp. 'Bamaga' (B.Hyland 10235)
  165. Austromyrtus sp. 'Blackall Range' (W.A.T.Summerville s.n. Easter 1925)
  166. Austromyrtus sp. 'Byerstown Range' (G.P.Guymer 2037)
  167. Austromyrtus sp. 'Claudie River' (B.Hyland 13102)
  168. Austromyrtus sp. 'McIlwraith Range' (B.Hyland 7645)
  169. Austromyrtus sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.Gray 2844)
  170. Austromyrtus sp. Border Ranges (N.Byrnes 4069 & L.W.Jessup)
  171. Backhousia bancroftii F.M.Bailey
  172. Baeckea sp. 'Mt Minda' (M.B.Thomas 257)
  173. Baeckea sp. 'Mt Tozer' (L.J.Brass 19348)
  174. Baileyoxylon lanceolatum C.T.White
  175. Baloghia marmorata C.T.White
  176. Bambusa forbesii (Ridl.) Holttum
  177. Banksia conferta A.S.George
  178. Banksia plagiocarpa A.S.George
  179. Barongia lophandra Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  180. Beilschmiedia oligandra L.S.Sm.
  181. Beilschmiedia sp. Boonjee (A.K.Irvine 464)
  182. Beilschmiedia sp. China Camp (B.Hyland 12861)
  183. Beilschmiedia sp. McIlwraith Range (B.Hyland 11572)
  184. Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.
  185. Bertya glabrescens (C.T.White) Guymer
  186. Bertya glandulosa Grüning
  187. Bertya opponens (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Guymer
  188. Bertya pedicellata F.Muell.
  189. Bertya pinifolia Planch.
  190. Bertya polystigma Grüning
  191. Bertya sharpeana Guymer
  192. Bertya sp. 'Mt Coolum' (P.R.Sharpe 3345)
  193. Beyeria sp. 'Bull Ck Gorge' (B.O'Keeffe 573)
  194. Blechnum ambiguum (C.Presl) Kaulf. ex C.Chr.
  195. Bobea myrtoides (F.Muell.) Valeton
  196. Bonamia dietrichiana Hallier f.
  197. Boronia amabilis S.T.Blake
  198. Boronia eriantha Lindl.
  199. Boronia granitica Maiden & Betche
  200. Boronia keysii Domin
  201. Boronia repanda (F.Muell. ex Maiden & Betche) Maiden & Betche
  202. Boronia rivularis C.T.White
  203. Boronia sp. 'Hinchinbrook Island' (S.L.Everist 7786)
  204. Boronia sp. 'Mt Mulligan' (J.R.Clarkson 5769)
  205. Boronia sp. Jedda Creek (J.R.Clarkson 3712)
  206. Boronia sp. Massy Creek, Rocky River (R.Coveny 7174)
  207. Bosistoa medicinalis (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley
  208. Bosistoa monostylis (F.M.Bailey) T.G.Hartley
  209. Bosistoa selwynii T.G.Hartley
  210. Bosistoa sp. Biggenden (P.I.Forster 912)
  211. Bosistoa transversa J.F.Bailey & C.T.White
  212. Bossiaea sp. McIvor River (J.R.Clarkson 5322)
  213. Bothriochloa biloba S.T.Blake
  214. Bothriochloa bunyensis B.K.Simon
  215. Brachiaria kurzii (Hook.f.) A.Camus
  216. Brachychiton sp. Laura (G.P.Guymer 228)
  217. Brachychiton sp. McIlwraith Range (G.P.Guymer 257)
  218. Brachychiton sp. Mt Carbine (G.P.Guymer 885)
  219. Brachychiton sp. Mt Dryander (G.P.Guymer 1248)
  220. Brachychiton sp. Mt Isa (G.P.Guymer 687)
  221. Brachychiton velutinosus Kosterm.
  222. Brachyscome ascendens G.L.Davis
  223. Brachyscome eriogona (J.M.Black) G.L.Davis
  224. Brachyscome rara G.L.Davis
  225. Brachyscome tesquorum J.M.Black
  226. Brownlowia argentata Kurz
  227. Brunoniella spiciflora (Benth.) Bremek.
  228. Bubbia queenslandiana Vink
  229. Bubbia whiteana A.C.Sm.
  230. Buchanania mangoides F.Muell.
  231. Buckinghamia ferruginiflora Foreman & B.Hyland
  232. Buckinghamia sp. 'Noah Creek' (B.Hyland 2786 RFK)
  233. Bulbophyllum argyropus (Endl.) Rchb.f.
  234. Bulbophyllum boonjee B.Gray & D.L.Jones
  235. Bulbophyllum globuliforme Nicholls
  236. Bulbophyllum gracillimum (Rolfe) Rolfe
  237. Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars
  238. Bulbophyllum masdevalliaceum Kraenzl.
  239. Bulbophyllum weinthalii R.S.Rogers
  240. Cadellia pentastylis F.Muell.
  241. Cadetia collinsii Lavarack
  242. Cadetia wariana Schltr.
  243. Caesalpinia hymenocarpa (Prain) Hattink
  244. Caesalpinia robusta (C.T.White) Pedley
  245. Cajanus mareebensis (S.T.Reynolds & Pedley) Maesen
  246. Caladenia atroclavia D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  247. Caladenia reticulata Fitzg.
  248. Calamus aruensis Becc.
  249. Calamus warburgii K.Schum.
  250. Calandrinia sp. 'Lumeah' (R.W.Purdie 2168)
  251. Calandrinia sp. Milray
  252. Callicarpa caudata Maxim.
  253. Callicarpa thozetii Munir
  254. Callistemon chisholmii Cheel
  255. Callistemon flavovirens (Cheel) Cheel
  256. Callistemon formosus S.T.Blake
  257. Callistemon pearsonii R.D.Spencer & Lumley
  258. Callistemon sp. 'Boulia' (L.Pedley 5297)
  259. Callitris baileyi C.T.White
  260. Callitris monticola J.Garden
  261. Calocephalus sonderi F.Muell.
  262. Calochilus gracillimus Rupp
  263. Calophyllum bicolor P.F.Stevens
  264. Calotis glabrescens C.T.White
  265. Calotis suffruticosa Domin
  266. Calytrix gurulmundensis Craven
  267. Calytrix islensis Craven
  268. Calytrix sp. 'Gurulmundi' (K.A.Williams 75050)
  269. Calytrix sp. 'Isla Gorge' (S.L.Everist 8040)
  270. Canarium acutifolium (DC.) Merr.
  271. Canthium costatum C.T.White
  272. Canthium sp. 'Thornton Peak' (H.Flecker s.n. Dec 1949)
  273. Canthium sp. 'Thursday Island' (E.Cowley 10,29)
  274. Capparis humistrata (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  275. Capparis thozetiana (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  276. Carex breviscapa C.B.Clarke
  277. Carex rafflesiana Boott
  278. Carronia pedicellata Forman
  279. Cartonema baileyi F.M.Bailey
  280. Cartonema brachyantherum Benth.
  281. Casearia grayi Jessup
  282. Cassia marksiana (F.M.Bailey) Domin
  283. Cassia queenslandica C.T.White
  284. Cassia sp. 'Paluma Range' (G.Sankowsky+ 450) Qld Herbarium
  285. Cassinia collina C.T.White
  286. Casuarina sp. Boonoo Boonoo (L.A.S.Johnson 8539)
  287. Casuarina sp. Glasshouse Mountains (S.T.Blake 22762)
  288. Casuarina sp. Mt Coolum (L.A.S.Johnson 8562)
  289. Casuarina sp. Mt Emu (P.R.Sharpe 2650)
  290. Cecarria obtusifolia (Merr.) Barlow
  291. Centotheca philippinensis (Merr.) C.Monod
  292. Ceratopetalum corymbosum C.T.White
  293. Ceratopetalum macrophyllum Hoogland
  294. Ceratopetalum sp. 'Mt Hemmant' (B.Hyland RFK3338)
  295. Ceratopetalum sp. Mt Spurgeon (B.Hyland RFK1501)
  296. Ceratopetalum virchowii F.Muell.
  297. Cerbera inflata S.T.Blake
  298. Cheilanthes nudiuscula (R.Br.) T.Moore
  299. Chingia australis Holttum
  300. Choricarpia subargentea (C.T.White) L.A.S.Johnson
  301. Choriceras majus Airy Shaw
  302. Chrysocephalum sp. Mt Lewis (A.K.Irvine 1042)
  303. Chrysophyllum lanceolatum (Blume) A.DC.
  304. Cinnamomum baileyanum (F.Muell. ex F.M.Bailey) W.D.Francis
  305. Cinnamomum propinquum F.M.Bailey
  306. Cissampelos pareira L.
  307. Cissus aristata Blume
  308. Cleistanthus discolor Summerh.
  309. Cleistanthus myrianthus (Hassk.) Kurz
  310. Clematis fawcettii F.Muell.
  311. Clerodendrum parvulum L.S.Sm.
  312. Combretum trifoliatum Vent.
  313. Comesperma breviflorum Pedley
  314. Comesperma esulifolium (Gand.) Prain
  315. Comesperma oblongatum (Benth.) Pedley
  316. Comesperma praecelsum F.Muell.
  317. Comesperma sp. Zoe Bay (D.Fell 1032)
  318. Commersonia sp. 'Beeron' (P.I.Forster PIF4658)
  319. Commersonia sp. 'Cadarga' (G.P.Guymer 1642)
  320. Conospermum burgessiorum L.A.S.Johnson & McGill.
  321. Coopernookia scabridiuscula Carolin
  322. Corchorus cunninghamii F.Muell.
  323. Corchorus hygrophilus A.Cunn. ex Benth.
  324. Cordyline congesta (Sweet) Steud.
  325. Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A.Chev.
  326. Corsia sp. 'Herberton Range' (B.Gray 3994)
  327. Corybas abellianus Dockrill
  328. Corybas neocaledonicus (Schltr.) Schltr.
  329. Corynocarpus rupestris Guymer
  330. Cossinia australiana S.T.Reynolds
  331. Crateva religiosa G.Forst.
  332. Crepidomanes majoriae (Watts) N.A.Wakef.
  333. Crispiloba disperma (S.Moore) Steenis
  334. Croton densivestitus C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  335. Croton magneticus Airy Shaw
  336. Croton stockeri (Airy Shaw) Airy Shaw
  337. Croton storckii (Müll.Arg.) A.C.Sm.
  338. Croton tomentellus F.Muell.
  339. Crudia papuana Kosterm.
  340. Cryptandra lanosiflora F.Muell.
  341. Cryptandra sp. 'Mt Mulligan' (J.R.Clarkson 5949)
  342. Cryptandra sp. Barakula (V.Hando 151)
  343. Cryptandra sp. West Bald Rock (W.J.McDonald 295)
  344. Cryptocarya burckiana Warb.
  345. Cryptocarya floydii Kosterm.
  346. Cryptocarya foetida R.T.Baker
  347. Cryptocarya pleurosperma C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  348. Cryptocarya sp. Bamaga (B.Hyland 25037 RFK)
  349. Cryptocarya sp. Bellenden Ker (B.Gray 2868)
  350. Cryptocarya sp. Claudie River (B.Hyland 3628 RFK)
  351. Cryptocarya sp. Iron Range (B.Hyland 11499)
  352. Ctenopteris blechnoides (Grev.) W.H.Wagner & Grether
  353. Ctenopteris repandula (Mett.) C.Chr. & Tardieu
  354. Ctenopteris walleri (Maiden & Betche) S.B.Andrews
  355. Culcita villosa C.Chr.
  356. Cupaniopsis dallachyi S.T.Reynolds
  357. Cupaniopsis newmanii S.T.Reynolds
  358. Cupaniopsis shirleyana (F.M.Bailey) Radlk.
  359. Cupaniopsis tomentella (F.Muell. ex Benth.) S.T.Reynolds
  360. Cyathea baileyana (Domin) Domin
  361. Cyathea celebica Blume
  362. Cyathea cunninghamii Hook.f.
  363. Cyathea exilis Holttum
  364. Cyathea felina (Roxb.) C.V.Morton
  365. Cycas cairnsiana F.Muell.
  366. Cynanchum brachystelmoides P.I.Forst.
  367. Cynanchum leptolepis (Benth.) Domin
  368. Cynanchum sp. 'Watson River' (J.R.Clarkson 4053)
  369. Cyperus ohwii Kük.
  370. Cyperus rupicola S.T.Blake
  371. Cyperus semifertilis S.T.Blake
  372. Cyperus serotinus Rottb.
  373. Dactyliophora novae-guineae (F.M.Bailey) Danser
  374. Dansiea elliptica Byrnes
  375. Darlingia ferruginea J.F.Bailey
  376. Darwinia decumbens Byrnes
  377. Darwinia porteri C.T.White
  378. Darwinia sp. Mt Mulligan (J.R.Clarkson 5825)
  379. Darwinia thomasii (F.Muell.) Benth.
  380. Davidsonia sp. 'Mullumbimby' (G.P.Guymer 1625)
  381. Daviesia arthropoda F.Muell.
  382. Daviesia discolor Pedley
  383. Decaschistia sp. 'Rokeby' (J.R.Clarkson 7132)
  384. Decaspermum sp. 'Mt Morgan' (D.Hoy 71)
  385. Dendrobium antennatum Lindl.
  386. Dendrobium bigibbum Lindl. & Paxton
  387. Dendrobium carronii Lavarack & P.J.Cribb
  388. Dendrobium johannis Rchb.f.
  389. Dendrobium lobbii Teijsm. & Binn.
  390. Dendrobium malbrownii Dockrill
  391. Dendrobium mirbelianum Gaudich.
  392. Dendrobium nindii W.Hill
  393. Dendrobium schneiderae F.M.Bailey
  394. Dendrobium toressae (F.M.Bailey) Dockrill
  395. Dendrobium tozerense Lavarack
  396. Dendrobium wassellii S.T.Blake
  397. Dendromyza reinwardtiana (Blume ex Korth.) Danser
  398. Denhamia parvifolia L.S.Sm.
  399. Denhamia viridissima F.M.Bailey & F.Muell.
  400. Derris koolgibberah F.M.Bailey
  401. Derris rubrocalyx Verdc.
  402. Desmodium macrocarpum Domin
  403. Dianella sp. Laura (J.R.Clarkson 3673)
  404. Dianella sp. Mt Moffat (B.Jahnke s.n. 25 Sept 1986)
  405. Dichanthium setosum S.T.Blake
  406. Dichapetalum sp. Claudie River (B.Hyland 7006)
  407. Dichelachne parva B.K.Simon
  408. Didymoglossum exiguum (Bedd.) Copel.
  409. Didymoplexis pallens Griff.
  410. Digitaria porrecta S.T.Blake
  411. Dimeria acinaciformis R.Br.
  412. Dimocarpus leichhardtii (Benth.) S.T.Reynolds
  413. Dioclea reflexa Hook.f.
  414. Dioscorea pentaphylla L.
  415. Diospyros sp. 'Bamaga' (B.P.Hyland 2517)
  416. Diospyros sp. 'Millaa Millaa' (L.W.Jessup 515)
  417. Diospyros sp. 'Mt Lewis' (L.S.Smith 10107)
  418. Diospyros sp. 'Mt Spurgeon' (C.T.White 10677)
  419. Diplazium cordifolium Blume
  420. Diplocaulobium masonii (Rupp) Dockrill
  421. Diploglottis bracteata Leenh.
  422. Diploglottis campbellii Cheel
  423. Diploglottis harpullioides S.T.Reynolds
  424. Diploglottis obovata S.T.Reynolds
  425. Diploglottis pedleyi S.T.Reynolds
  426. Diploglottis sp. 'Dryander Creek' (P.R.Sharpe 4169)
  427. Diplopterygium longissimum (Blume) Nakai
  428. Dipodium pandanum F.M.Bailey
  429. Dipodium pictum (Lindl.) Rchb.f.
  430. Dipodium pulchellum D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  431. Dipodium sp. 'Tallebudgera Range' (D.L.Jones 2230)
  432. Dipteris conjugata Reinw.
  433. Discaria pubescens (Brongn.) Druce
  434. Diuris parvipetala (Dockrill) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  435. Diuris sp. 'Brigooda' (W.Power s.n. Sept 1954)
  436. Dodonaea biloba J.G.West
  437. Dodonaea hirsuta (Maiden & Betche) Maiden & Betche
  438. Dodonaea macrossanii F.Muell. & Scort.
  439. Dodonaea oxyptera F.Muell.
  440. Dodonaea rupicola C.T.White
  441. Dodonaea sp. 'Barakula' (H.Dillewaard 942)
  442. Dodonaea sp. Mariala (C.Sandercoe A681)
  443. Dodonaea uncinata J.G.West
  444. Dolichandrone spathacea (L.f.) K.Schum.
  445. Doodia maxima J.Sm. ex C.Chr.
  446. Doryopteris ludens (Wall. ex Hook.) J.Sm.
  447. Dracophyllum sayeri F.Muell.
  448. Drosera adelae F.Muell.
  449. Drosera prolifera C.T.White
  450. Drosera schizandra Diels
  451. Drummondita calida (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
  452. Dryadodaphne sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.P.Hyland+ RFK1496)
  453. Dryopteris sparsa (D.Don) Kuntze
  454. Durringtonia paludosa R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer
  455. Dysoxylum setosum (Span.) Miq.
  456. Dysoxylum sp. 'Gosschalk' (B.Gray 786)
  457. Ectrosia anomala C.E.Hubb.
  458. Ectrosia blakei C.E.Hubb.
  459. Ehretia microphylla Lam.
  460. Ehretia sp. Isaac River (E.R.Anderson 2875)
  461. Elacholoma hornii F.Muell. & Tate
  462. Elaeocarpus carolinae B.Hyland & Coode
  463. Elaeocarpus coorangooloo J.F.Bailey & C.T.White
  464. Elaeocarpus grahamii F.Muell.
  465. Elaeocarpus johnsonii F.Muell.
  466. Elaeocarpus linsmithii Guymer
  467. Elaeocarpus sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.Hyland 2907 RFK)
  468. Elaeocarpus stellaris L.S.Sm.
  469. Elaeocarpus thelmae B.Hyland & Coode
  470. Elaphoglossum callifolium (Blume) T.Moore
  471. Elattostachys megalantha S.T.Reynolds
  472. Eleocharis blakeana L.A.S.Johnson & O.D.Evans
  473. Eleocharis retroflexa (Poir.) Urb.
  474. Endiandra anthropophagorum Domin
  475. Endiandra dichrophylla F.Muell.
  476. Endiandra dicrophylla M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  477. Endiandra globosa Maiden & Betche
  478. Endiandra hayesii Kosterm.
  479. Endiandra introrsa C.T.White
  480. Endiandra microneura C.T.White
  481. Endiandra sp. Alexandra (B.Gray 3305)
  482. Endiandra sp. Bellenden Ker (B.Gray 2948)
  483. Endiandra sp. Boonjee (B.Gray 2913)
  484. Endiandra sp. Cooper Creek (B.Gray 1507)
  485. Endiandra sp. Iron Range Creek (B.Hyland 25005 RFK)
  486. Endiandra sp. Mt Lewis (B.Gray 3009)
  487. Enteropogon dolichostachyus (Lag.) Keng ex Lazarides
  488. Eragrostiella bifaria (Vahl) Bor
  489. Eragrostis subsecunda (Lam.) E.Fourn.
  490. Eremochloa ciliaris (L.) Merr.
  491. Eremochloa muricata (Retz.) Hack.
  492. Eremophila alatisepala Chinnock
  493. Eremophila strongylophylla F.Muell.
  494. Eremophila tetraptera C.T.White
  495. Eria dischorensis Schltr.
  496. Eria irukandjiana St.Cloud
  497. Eriocaulon fistulosum R.Br. ex Sm.
  498. Eriocaulon pusillum Sol. ex R.Br.
  499. Eriostemon sp. 'Mt Tozer' (L.J.Brass 19483)
  500. Erythroxylum ecarinatum Burck ex Hochr.
  501. Ethulia conyzoides L.f.
  502. Etlingera australasica (R.M.Sm.) R.M.Sm.
  503. Eucalyptus approximans Maiden
  504. Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely
  505. Eucalyptus codonocarpa Blakely & McKie
  506. Eucalyptus conglomerata Maiden & Blakely
  507. Eucalyptus curtisii Blakely & C.T.White
  508. Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden
  509. Eucalyptus exilipes Brooker & A.R.Bean
  510. Eucalyptus gilbertensis (Maiden & Blakely) S.T.Blake
  511. Eucalyptus hallii Brooker
  512. Eucalyptus howittiana F.Muell.
  513. Eucalyptus melanoleuca S.T.Blake
  514. Eucalyptus michaeliana Blakely
  515. Eucalyptus pachycalyx Maiden & Blakely
  516. Eucalyptus quadricostata Brooker
  517. Eucalyptus raveretiana F.Muell.
  518. Eucalyptus rhodops D.J.Carr & S.G.M.Carr
  519. Eucalyptus rubiginosa Brooker
  520. Eucalyptus scoparia Maiden
  521. Eucalyptus sp. 'Mt Beerwah' (A.Bean 6)
  522. Eucalyptus sp. 'White Mountains' (M.I.Brooker 8082)
  523. Eucalyptus sp. Binjour Plateau (A.Bean 687)
  524. Eucalyptus sp. Blackdown (M.I.Brooker 3776)
  525. Eucalyptus sp. Castle Tower (A.Bean 480)
  526. Eucalyptus sp. Glen Geddes (A.Bean 753)
  527. Eucalyptus sp. Herberton (D.Blaxall 1633)
  528. Eucalyptus sp. Herries Range (A.Bean 936)
  529. Eucalyptus sp. Lakefield (J.R.Clarkson 4846)
  530. Eucalyptus sp. Minerva Hills (K.Hill 1190)
  531. Eucalyptus sp. Mt Stuart (M.I.Brooker 8958)
  532. Eucalyptus sp. Newcastle Range (K.Hill 3587)
  533. Eucalyptus sp. Waaje (A.Bean 19)
  534. Eucalyptus sphaerocarpa L.A.S.Johnson & Blaxell
  535. Eucalyptus virens Brooker & A.R.Bean
  536. Eucryphia sp. 'Mt Bartle Frere' (M.Godwin C1158)
  537. Eulophia fitzalanii F.Muell. ex Benth.
  538. Eulophia pulchra (Thouars) Lindl.
  539. Eulophia zollingeri (Rchb.f.) J.J.Sm.
  540. Euodia sp. 'Noah Creek' (B.P.Hyland 5987)
  541. Euodia sp. 'Oliver Creek' (B.Hyland 8283)
  542. Euonymus globularis Ding Hou
  543. Euphorbia carissoides F.M.Bailey
  544. Euphorbia sarcostemmoides J.H.Willis
  545. Euphrasia bella S.T.Blake
  546. Euphrasia orthocheila W.R.Barker
  547. Fatoua pilosa Gaudich.
  548. Ficus melinocarpa Blume
  549. Ficus triradiata Corner
  550. Fimbristylis adjuncta S.T.Blake
  551. Fimbristylis clavata S.T.Blake
  552. Fimbristylis costiglumis Domin
  553. Fimbristylis distincta S.T.Blake
  554. Fimbristylis dolera S.T.Blake
  555. Fimbristylis elegans S.T.Blake
  556. Fimbristylis micans S.T.Blake
  557. Fimbristylis odontocarpa S.T.Blake
  558. Fimbristylis vagans S.T.Blake
  559. Firmiana papuana Mildbr.
  560. Flickingeria convexa (Blume) A.D.Hawkes
  561. Flindersia brassii T.G.Hartley & B.Hyland
  562. Flindersia oppositifolia (F.Muell.) T.G.Hartley & Jessup
  563. Floscopa scandens Lour.
  564. Floydia praealta (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson & B.G.Briggs
  565. Fontainea picrosperma C.T.White
  566. Fontainea rostrata Jessup & Guymer
  567. Fontainea venosa Jessup & Guymer
  568. Frankenia flabellata Sprague
  569. Frankenia orthotricha (J.M.Black) J.M.Black
  570. Frankenia scabra Lindl.
  571. Freycinetia marginata Blume
  572. Gahnia insignis S.T.Blake
  573. Galium terrae-reginae Ehrend. & McGill.
  574. Garcinia brassii C.T.White
  575. Garcinia gibbsiae S.Moore
  576. Garcinia mestonii F.M.Bailey
  577. Garcinia sp. 'Claudie & Chester Rivers' (L.J.Brass 19658)
  578. Gardenia actinocarpa Puttock
  579. Gardenia jardinei F.Muell. ex Benth.
  580. Gardenia psidioides Puttock
  581. Gardenia rupicola Puttock
  582. Gardenia scabrella Puttock
  583. Gardenia sp. 'Hann Creek' (C.Puttock & King UNSW 16953)
  584. Gardenia sp. 'Laura' (C.Puttock UNSW 15926)
  585. Gardenia sp. 'Oliver Creek'
  586. Garnotia stricta Brongn.
  587. Gastrodia queenslandica Dockrill
  588. Genus nov. (1) sp. Boonjee (B.Hyland 2519 RFK)
  589. Genus nov. (2) sp. 'Barong' (B.Hyland 2519 RFK)
  590. Genus nov. (3) sp. 'McNamee Creek' (B.Hyland 3565 RFK)
  591. Genus nov. (3) sp. 'Parrot Creek' (B.Hyland 12301)
  592. Genus nov. (4) sp. 'Whyanbeel' (B.Hyland 1116 RFK)
  593. Genus nov. (5) sp. Mt Bartle Frere (B.Hyland 3505 RFK)
  594. Germainia capitata Balansa & Poitr.
  595. Gleichenia milnei Baker
  596. Glinus orygioides F.Muell.
  597. Globba marantina L.
  598. Glochidion pruinosum Airy Shaw
  599. Glochidion pungens Airy Shaw
  600. Glossogyne orthochaeta F.Muell.
  601. Glycine argyrea Tindale
  602. Gomphrena conferta Benth.
  603. Goodenia angustifolia Carolin
  604. Goodenia megasepala Carolin
  605. Goodenia sp. 'Cardwell' (A.Thorsborne 16)
  606. Goodenia sp. 'Castle Tower' (M.Crisp 2753)
  607. Goodenia sp. Jericho (L.S.Smith 978)
  608. Goodenia subauriculata C.T.White
  609. Goodyera grandis (Blume) Blume
  610. Goodyera viridiflora (Blume) Lindl. ex D.Dietr.
  611. Gouania australiana F.Muell.
  612. Grammitis adspersa (Blume) Blume
  613. Grammitis albosetosa (F.M.Bailey) Parris
  614. Grammitis reinwardtii Blume
  615. Graptophyllum excelsum (F.Muell.) Druce
  616. Graptophyllum ilicifolium (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
  617. Graptophyllum thorogoodii C.T.White
  618. Grevillea cyranostigma McGill.
  619. Grevillea glossadenia McGill.
  620. Grevillea linsmithii McGill.
  621. Grevillea scortechinii (F.Muell. ex Scort.) F.Muell.
  622. Grevillea singuliflora F.Muell.
  623. Grevillea sp. 'Coominglah' (A.Bean 236)
  624. Grevillea venusta R.Br.
  625. Grewia australis Burret
  626. Guioa crenifoliola Merr. & L.M.Perry
  627. Gulubia costata (Becc.) Becc.
  628. Gymnema brevifolium Benth.
  629. Gymnostoma sp. Thornton Peak (S.F.Kajewski 1492)
  630. Habenaria divaricata R.S.Rogers & C.T.White
  631. Habenaria hymenophylla Schltr.
  632. Habenaria maccraithii Lavarack
  633. Habenaria xanthantha F.Muell.
  634. Hakea sp. Girraween-Torrington (J.James s.n. June 1972)
  635. Hakea sp. Mariala (C.Sandercoe 507)
  636. Hakea trineura (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  637. Haloragis exalata F.Muell.
  638. Haplostichanthus johnsonii F.Muell.
  639. Haplostichanthus sp. 'Johnstone River' (L.W.Jessup+ 471)
  640. Haplostichanthus sp. Cape Tribulation (B.Gray 2433)
  641. Haplostichanthus sp. Curtain Fig (L.W.Jessup 520)
  642. Haplostichanthus sp. Goldsborough Road (L.W.Jessup 748)
  643. Hardenbergia sp. 'Mt. Mulligan' (J.R.Clarkson 5775)
  644. Harpullia arborea (Blanco) Radlk.
  645. Harpullia ramiflora Radlk.
  646. Hedyotis novoguineensis Merr. & L.M.Perry
  647. Hedyotis polyclada F.Muell.
  648. Hedyotis sp. Talawanta (R.Pullen 8916)
  649. Helichrysum basedowii J.M.Black
  650. Helichrysum eriocephalum J.H.Willis
  651. Helichrysum lindsayanum Domin
  652. Helichrysum vagans C.T.White
  653. Helichrysum whitei N.T.Burb.
  654. Helicia blakei Foreman
  655. Helicia ferruginea F.Muell.
  656. Helicia grayi Foreman
  657. Helicia lamingtoniana (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White ex L.S.Sm.
  658. Helicia lewisensis Foreman
  659. Helicia recurva Foreman
  660. Heliotropium sp. Adels Grove ( Lestang 353) Qld Herbarium
  661. Heliotropium sp. Selwyn Range (S.L.Everist 4459) Qld Herbarium
  662. Helipterum sp. Noccundra (P.Warhurst s.n. Aug 1987)
  663. Helmholtzia glaberrima (Hook.f.) Caruel
  664. Hemigenia clotteniana F.M.Bailey
  665. Hemigraphis royenii Bremek.
  666. Hemisteptia lyrata (Bunge) Fisch. & C.A.Mey.
  667. Hernandia bivalvis Benth.
  668. Hetaeria polygonoides (F.Muell.) Dockrill
  669. Heterachne baileyi C.E.Hubb.
  670. Heterodendron tropicum M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  671. Heterodendrum tropicum S.T.Reynolds
  672. Hexaspora pubescens C.T.White
  673. Hibbertia echiifolia R.Br. ex Benth.
  674. Hibbertia elata Maiden & Betche
  675. Hibbertia hexandra C.T.White
  676. Hibbertia monticola Stanley
  677. Hibbertia sp. Tozer's Gap (L.J.Brass 19024)
  678. Hibiscus sp. Glen Garland (J.R.Clarkson 7181)
  679. Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia F.Muell.
  680. Hodgkinsonia frutescens C.T.White
  681. Hollandaea sayeriana (F.Muell.) L.S.Sm.
  682. Hollandaea sp. 'Roaring Meg Creek' (B.Hyland 10626)
  683. Homopholis belsonii C.E.Hubb.
  684. Homoranthus decasetus Byrnes
  685. Homoranthus papillatus Byrnes
  686. Homoranthus tropicus Byrnes
  687. Hoya gracilipes Schltr.
  688. Hoya macgillivrayi F.M.Bailey
  689. Hydrocharis dubia (Blume) Backer
  690. Hymenophyllum eboracense Croxall
  691. Hymenophyllum gracilescens Domin
  692. Hymenophyllum kerianum Watts
  693. Hymenophyllum lobbii T.Moore ex Bosch
  694. Hymenophyllum whitei Goy
  695. Hypolepis elegans Carruth.
  696. Hypolytrum compactum Kunth
  697. Hypserpa reticulata Forman
  698. Hypsophila halleyana F.Muell.
  699. Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth.
  700. Ichnanthus vicinus (F.M.Bailey) Merr.
  701. Idiospermum australiense (Diels) S.T.Blake
  702. Ilex sp. 'Gadgarra' (B.P.Hyland RFK 2011)
  703. Indigofera baileyi F.Muell.
  704. Ipomoea antonschmidii R.W.Johnson
  705. Ipomoea saintronanensis R.W.Johnson
  706. Ipomoea stolonifera J.F.Gmel.
  707. Isoglossa eranthemoides (F.Muell.) R.M.Barker
  708. Isotropis foliosa Crisp
  709. Isotropis sp. 'D'Aguilar Range' (P.Young 611)
  710. Ixora baileyana Bridson & L.G.Adams
  711. Jagera javanica (Blume) Blume ex Kalkman
  712. Jedda multicaulis J.R.Clarkson
  713. Keraudrenia adenolasia (F.Muell.) F.M.Bailey
  714. Kuntheria pedunculata (F.Muell.) Conran & Clifford
  715. Kunzea bracteolata Maiden & Betche
  716. Kunzea calida F.Muell.
  717. Kunzea flavescens C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  718. Kunzea graniticola Byrnes
  719. Labichea brassii C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  720. Labichea buettneriana F.Muell.
  721. Lagerstroemia subsessilifolia Koehne
  722. Lasianthus cyanocarpus Jack
  723. Lasianthus graciliflorus F.M.Bailey
  724. Lastreopsis grayi D.L.Jones
  725. Lastreopsis silvestris D.A.Sm. ex Tindale
  726. Lastreopsis sp. Tinaroo Hills (S.T.Blake 14752A)
  727. Lastreopsis tinarooensis Tindale
  728. Lastreopsis walleri Tindale
  729. Lawrencia buchananensis Lander
  730. Lecanopteris sinuosa (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel.
  731. Lemmaphyllum accedens (Blume) Donk
  732. Lenbrassia australiana (C.T.White) G.W.Gillett
  733. Lepidagathis sp. Massy Creek (J.R.Clarkson 3602)
  734. Lepiderema hirsuta S.T.Reynolds
  735. Lepiderema ixiocarpa S.T.Reynolds
  736. Lepiderema largiflorens S.T.Reynolds
  737. Lepiderema pulchella Radlk.
  738. Leptopteris fraseri (Hook. & Grev.) C.Presl
  739. Leptosema chapmanii M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  740. Leptospermum luehmannii F.M.Bailey
  741. Leptospermum sp. Glasshouse Mountains (L.A.S.Johnson s.n. June 1951)
  742. Leptospermum sp. Mt Tozer (J.R.Clarkson 2196)
  743. Leptospermum wooroonooran F.M.Bailey
  744. Lepturus geminatus C.E.Hubb.
  745. Lepturus xerophilus Domin
  746. Leucopogon confertus Benth.
  747. Leucopogon malayanus Jack
  748. Leucopogon recurvisepalus C.T.White
  749. Leucopogon rupicola C.T.White
  750. Leucopogon sp. Carnarvon Range (C.Gittins 371)
  751. Leucopogon sp. Echo Point (M.Olsen 801)
  752. Leucopogon sp. Mt. Barney (J.M.Powell 1050)
  753. Leucopogon sp. Mt. Mulligan (J.R.Clarkson 5768)
  754. Limnophyton australiense Aston
  755. Limnophyton sp. 'Bathurst Bay' (J.R.Clarkson 5434)
  756. Lindsaea pulchella (J.Sm. ex Fielding & Gardner) Mett. ex Kuhn
  757. Lindsaea terrae-reginae K.U.Kramer
  758. Lindsaea walkerae Hook.
  759. Linospadix microcaryus (Domin) Burret
  760. Linospadix palmerianus (F.M.Bailey) Burret
  761. Linospadix sp. 'Mt Lewis & Mt Spurgeon' (K.A.Williams 82/194)
  762. Liparis condylobulbon Rchb.f.
  763. Liparis simmondsii F.M.Bailey
  764. Litsea macrophylla Blume
  765. Litsea sp. Bellenden Ker (B.Hyland 12916)
  766. Litsea sp. Mt Lewis (B.Gray 3833)
  767. Livistona drudei F.Muell.
  768. Livistona sp. 'Blackdown Tableland' (R.J.Henderson 1180)
  769. Livistona sp. 'Cape River' (A.K.Irvine 1912)
  770. Livistona sp. 'Carnarvon and Taroom' (R.W.Johnson 2764)
  771. Livistona sp. 'Cooktown' (A.K.Irvine 2178)
  772. Livistona sp. 'Eungella' (A.N.Rodd 3798)
  773. Livistona sp. 'Paluma Range' (A.K.Irvine 1928)
  774. Lobelia douglasiana F.M.Bailey
  775. Logania cordifolia Hook.
  776. Logania diffusa R.J.F.Hend.
  777. Lomandra teres T.D.Macfarl.
  778. Lophatherum gracile Brongn.
  779. Lycopodium carinatum Desv.
  780. Lycopodium dalhousieanum Spring
  781. Lycopodium lockyeri D.L.Jones & B.Gray
  782. Lycopodium marsupiiforme D.L.Jones & B.Gray
  783. Lycopodium phlegmaria L.
  784. Lycopodium phlegmarioides Gaudich.
  785. Lycopodium polytrichoides Kaulf.
  786. Lycopodium proliferum Blume
  787. Lycopodium serpentinum Kunze
  788. Lycopodium serratum Thunb. ex Murray
  789. Lycopodium squarrosum G.Forst.
  790. Lysiana filifolia Barlow
  791. Macadamia heyana (F.M.Bailey) Sleumer
  792. Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche
  793. Macadamia sp. Granite Creek (R.Jansen 14)
  794. Macadamia sp. Iron Range (B.Hyland 3102 RFK)
  795. Macadamia sp. Woopen Creek (B.Hyland 3472 RFK)
  796. Macadamia ternifolia F.Muell.
  797. Macadamia tetraphylla L.A.S.Johnson
  798. Macaranga dallachyana (Baill.) Airy Shaw
  799. Macaranga polyadenia Pax & K.Hoffm.
  800. Macarthuria complanata E.M.Ross
  801. Macarthuria ephedroides C.T.White
  802. Macarthuria sp. 'McIvor River' (J.R.Clarkson 5447)
  803. Macropteranthes fitzalanii F.Muell.
  804. Macropteranthes montana (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
  805. Macrostelia grandifolia Fryxell
  806. Macrozamia platyrhachis F.M.Bailey
  807. Malaxis fimbriata Lavarack
  808. Malaxis lawleri Lavarack & B.Gray
  809. Malaxis xanthochila (Schltr.) Ames & C.Schweinf.
  810. Mammea touriga (C.T.White & W.D.Francis) L.S.Sm.
  811. Margaritaria indica (Dalzell) Airy Shaw
  812. Marsdenia coronata Benth.
  813. Marsdenia longiloba Benth.
  814. Medicosma elliptica T.G.Hartley
  815. Medicosma glandulosa T.G.Hartley
  816. Medicosma obovata T.G.Hartley
  817. Medicosma riparia (P.Royen) T.G.Hartley
  818. Medicosma sessiliflora (C.T.White) T.G.Hartley
  819. Medinilla balls-headleyi F.Muell.
  820. Melaleuca cheelii C.T.White
  821. Melaleuca groveana Cheel & C.T.White
  822. Melaleuca kunzeoides Byrnes
  823. Melodorum sp. 'Topaz' (G.Sankowsky+ 244)
  824. Mesua larnachiana (F.Muell.) Kosterm.
  825. Mesua sp. 'Boonjee' (A.K.Irvine 1218)
  826. Metrosideros queenslandica L.S.Sm.
  827. Microcitrus garrawayi (F.M.Bailey) Swingle
  828. Microcitrus inodora (F.M.Bailey) Swingle
  829. Microgonium mindorense (Christ) Copel.
  830. Microsorum membranifolium (R.Br.) Ching
  831. Microtrichomanes digitatum (Sw.) Copel.
  832. Millettia australis (Endl.) Benth.
  833. Millettia pilipes F.M.Bailey
  834. Millettia sp. Barratt Creek (G.Sankowsky 428)
  835. Mirbelia confertiflora Pedley
  836. Mischocarpus albescens S.T.Reynolds
  837. Mitrantia bilocularis Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  838. Mitreola petiolata (J.F.Gmel.) Torr. & A.Gray
  839. Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng.
  840. Monimiaceae Gen. Nov. sp. McDowall Range (B.Hyland 3938)
  841. Monogramma dareicarpa Hook.
  842. Muellerargia timorensis Cogn.
  843. Muellerina myrtifolia (A.Cunn. ex Benth.) Barlow
  844. Mukia sp. 'Little Annan River' (B.Gray 101)
  845. Mukia sp. 'Longreach' (D.Davidson s.n. Aug 1952)
  846. Musa fitzalanii F.Muell.
  847. Musa jackeyi W.Hill
  848. Myoporum latisepalum Domin
  849. Myriophyllum coronatum Meijden
  850. Myriophyllum implicatum Orchard
  851. Myriophyllum muricatum Orchard
  852. Neisosperma kilneri (F.Muell.) Fosberg & Sachet
  853. Neofabricia mjoebergii (Cheel) Joy Thomps.
  854. Neofabricia sp. Merapah (J.R.Clarkson 7142)
  855. Neoroepera buxifolia Müll.Arg. & F.Muell.
  856. Neosepicaea viticoides Diels
  857. Neostrearia fleckeri L.S.Sm.
  858. Nervilia crociformis (Zoll. & Moritzi) Seidenf.
  859. Nesaea robertsii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Koehne
  860. Newcastelia velutina Munir
  861. Nicotiana sp. Tomoulin (J.R.Clarkson 5122)
  862. Noahdendron nicholasii P.K.Endress, B.Hyland & Tracey
  863. Normanbya normanbyi (W.Hill) L.H.Bailey
  864. Notelaea lloydii Guymer
  865. Notelaea pungens Guymer
  866. Notelaea sp. 'Barakula' (V.Hando 378)
  867. Notelaea sp. 'Moggill' (G.P.Guymer 1990)
  868. Nothoalsomitra suberosa (F.M.Bailey) I.Telford
  869. Nymphoides elliptica Aston
  870. Nymphoides triangularis Aston
  871. Oberonia attenuata Dockrill
  872. Oberonia carnosa Lavarack
  873. Ochrosia moorei (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Benth.
  874. Oenanthe javanica DC.
  875. Oenotrichia dissecta (C.T.White & Goy) S.B.Andrews
  876. Olearia gravis (F.Muell.) Benth.
  877. Olearia heterocarpa S.T.Blake
  878. Olearia hygrophila (DC.) Benth.
  879. Omphalea queenslandiae F.M.Bailey
  880. Operculina brownii Ooststr.
  881. Oreocallis pinnata (Maiden & Betche) Sleumer
  882. Oreocallis sp. Atherton Tableland (A.K.Irvine 1575)
  883. Oreodendron biflorum C.T.White
  884. Orites sp. 'Mt Bartle Frere' (M.Godwin 2960)
  885. Orites sp. 'Mt Hemmant' (B.Hyland 3196 RFK)
  886. Ormocarpum cochinchinense (Lour.) Merr.
  887. Ormocarpum orientale (Spreng.) Merr.
  888. Ostrearia australiana Baill.
  889. Owenia cepiodora F.Muell.
  890. Pachystoma holtzei (F.Muell.) F.Muell. ex Dockrill
  891. Pachystoma pubescens Blume
  892. Palmeria hypotephra (F.Muell.) Domin
  893. Pandanus gemmifer H.St.John
  894. Pandanus zea H.St.John
  895. Pandorea baileyana (Maiden & R.T.Baker) Steenis
  896. Papillilabium beckleri (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Dockrill
  897. Paramapania parvibractea (C.B.Clarke) Uittien
  898. Parasarcochilus hirticalcar Dockrill
  899. Parsonsia densivestita C.T.White
  900. Parsonsia tenuis S.T.Blake
  901. Paspalidium grandispiculatum B.K.Simon
  902. Paspalidium scabrifolium S.T.Blake
  903. Paspalidium spartellum S.T.Blake
  904. Paspalidium udum S.T.Blake
  905. Paspalum sp. Statue Bay (G.N.Batianoff 651)
  906. Peripentadenia mearsii (C.T.White) L.S.Sm.
  907. Peripentadenia phelpsii B.Hyland & Coode
  908. Peristrophe brassii R.M.Barker
  909. Peristylus banfieldii (F.M.Bailey) Lavarack
  910. Persoonia amaliae Domin
  911. Persoonia sp. 'Wallangarra' (J.Boorman s.n. Nov 1904)
  912. Persoonia sp. Helidon Hills (L.A.S.Johnson 7075)
  913. Persoonia sp. Kroombit Tops (L.A.S.Johnson 7119)
  914. Persoonia sp. Wilsons Downfall (B.Briggs 4241)
  915. Phaius amboinensis Blume
  916. Phaius australis F.Muell.
  917. Phaius bernaysii Rchb.f.
  918. Phaius pictus T.E.Hunt
  919. Phaius tancarvilleae (Banks) Blume
  920. Phaius tankervillaea M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  921. Phaius tankervilliae Rupp
  922. Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume
  923. Phalaenopsis rosenstromii F.M.Bailey
  924. Phebalium ambiens (F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche
  925. Phebalium gracile C.T.White
  926. Phebalium obtusifolium Paul G.Wilson
  927. Phebalium rotundifolium (A.Cunn. ex Endl.) Benth.
  928. Phebalium whitei Paul G.Wilson
  929. Phylacium bracteosum Benn.
  930. Phyllanthus brassii C.T.White
  931. Phyllanthus distichus (L.) Müll.Arg.
  932. Phyllanthus eboracensis S.Moore
  933. Phyllanthus hypospodius F.Muell.
  934. Phyllanthus sauropodoides Airy Shaw
  935. Phyllodium pulchellum (L.) Desv.
  936. Phyllodium sp. Petford (H.S.McKee 9430)
  937. Picris evae Lack
  938. Pilidiostigma sp. 'Mt Lewis' (G.P.Guymer 2024)
  939. Pimelea umbratica A.Cunn. ex Meisn.
  940. Pimelodendron amboinicum Hassk.
  941. Piper mestonii F.M.Bailey
  942. Pittosporum oreillyanum C.T.White
  943. Pittosporum sp. '40 Mile Scrub' (B.Hyland 11638)
  944. Planchonella eerwah (F.M.Bailey) P.Royen
  945. Planchonella macrocarpa P.Royen
  946. Planchonella ripicola P.Royen
  947. Planchonella singuliflora (C.T.White & W.D.Francis) P.Royen
  948. Planchonella sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.Hyland 2475 RFK)
  949. Planchonella sp. Barong (B.Hyland 3240 RFK)
  950. Plectranthus alloplectus S.T.Blake
  951. Plectranthus argentatus S.T.Blake
  952. Plectranthus spectabilis S.T.Blake
  953. Plectranthus suaveolens S.T.Blake
  954. Plesioneuron tuberculatum (Ces.) Holttum
  955. Pleuromanes pallidum (Blume) C.Presl
  956. Pneumatopteris costata (Brack.) Holttum
  957. Pneumatopteris pennigera (G.Forst.) Holttum
  958. Podocarpus dispermus C.T.White
  959. Podochilus australiensis (F.M.Bailey) Schltr.
  960. Podolepis monticola R.J.F.Hend.
  961. Polyalthia michaelii C.T.White
  962. Polyalthia sp. 'Wyvuri' (B.P.Hyland RFK2632)
  963. Polyaulax sp. 'Mt Lewis' (L.J.Webb & J.G.Tracey 13731)
  964. Polygala pycnophylla Domin
  965. Polygonum elatius R.Br.
  966. Polyosma rigidiuscula F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey
  967. Polyosma sp. Mt Spurgeon (L.W.Jessup GJM1375)
  968. Polyscias bellendenkerensis (F.M.Bailey) Philipson
  969. Polyscias willmottii (F.Muell.) Philipson
  970. Polystichum fragile Watts
  971. Pomaderris notata S.T.Blake
  972. Pomaderris sp. Binjour (P.I.Forster 3322)
  973. Pomatocalpa marsupiale (Kraenzl.) J.J.Sm.
  974. Pothos brassii B.L.Burtt
  975. Pothos brownii Domin
  976. Prasophyllum trifidum Rupp
  977. Pratia podenzanae S.Moore
  978. Premna hylandiana Munir
  979. Proiphys alba (R.Br.) Mabb.
  980. Prostanthera albohirta C.T.White
  981. Prostanthera atroviolacea F.M.Bailey
  982. Prostanthera odoratissima Benth.
  983. Prostanthera sp. 'Dunmore' (D.M.Gordon 84)
  984. Prostanthera sp. 'Mt Mulligan' (J.R.Clarkson 5838)
  985. Prostanthera sp. 'Mt Tinbeerwah' (C.Sandercoe C1256)
  986. Prostanthera sp. Boonoo Boonoo (T.D.Stanley 78/76)
  987. Prumnopitys ladei (F.M.Bailey) de Laub.
  988. Pseuduvaria froggattii (F.Muell.) Jessup
  989. Pseuduvaria hylandii Jessup
  990. Pseuduvaria mulgraveana Jessup
  991. Pseuduvaria sp. 'Boonjee' (B.Gray 731)
  992. Pseuduvaria sp. 'Lower Palmerston' (L.Jessup 472)
  993. Pseuduvaria sp. 'Mulgrave River' (L.Jessup 534)
  994. Pseuduvaria villosa Jessup
  995. Psychotria coelosperma F.M.Bailey
  996. Psychotria lorentzii Valeton
  997. Psychotria sp. Lizard Island (R.L. & A.Specht LI410)
  998. Psychotria sp. Mt Lewis, Thornton Peak (G.P.Guymer 2018)
  999. Psychotria submontana Domin
  1000. Pterocarpus sp. Archer Bend (B.Hyland 3078RFK)
  1001. Pteroceras hirticalcar (Dockrill) Garay
  1002. Pterostylis bicornis D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  1003. Pterostylis longicurva Rupp
  1004. Pterostylis nigricans D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
  1005. Pterostylis setifera M.A.Clem., Matthias & D.L.Jones
  1006. Pterostylis sp. 'Coomera Valley' (J.Roberts s.n. Sept 1986)
  1007. Pterostylis sp. 'Gundiah' (W.Abell s.n. Sept 1961)
  1008. Pterostylis sp. 'Mt Maroon' (J.R.Clarkson & M.Olsen June 1978)
  1009. Pterostylis woollsii Fitzg.
  1010. Ptilotus blakeanus Benl
  1011. Ptilotus brachyanthus (F.Muell. ex Benth.) F.Muell.
  1012. Ptilotus extenuatus Benl
  1013. Ptilotus maconochiei Benl
  1014. Ptilotus pseudohelipteroides Benl
  1015. Ptilotus remotiflorus Benl
  1016. Ptilotus royceanus Benl
  1017. Pultenaea pycnocephala F.Muell. ex Benth.
  1018. Pultenaea setulosa Benth.
  1019. Pultenaea sp. 'Maryborough' (T.D.Stanley 87)
  1020. Pultenaea sp. Hidden Valley (B.Jackes Dec 1976)
  1021. Pultenaea stuartiana H.B.Will.
  1022. Pultenaea whiteana S.T.Blake
  1023. Quassia bidwillii (Hook.f.) Noot.
  1024. Quassia sp. 'Barong' (B.Hyland 8354)
  1025. Quassia sp. 'Kennedy River' (J.R.Clarkson 5645)
  1026. Quintinia quatrefagesii F.Muell.
  1027. Racosperma armillatum Pedley
  1028. Racosperma meiospermum Pedley
  1029. Racosperma ommatospermum Pedley
  1030. Racosperma polyadenium Pedley
  1031. Randia audasii C.T.White
  1032. Randia moorei F.Muell. ex Benth.
  1033. Randia sp. 'Conway Range' (P.R.Sharpe 4139)
  1034. Rauwenhoffia sp. Font Hills (G.Sankowsky 380)
  1035. Reediella endlicheriana (C.Presl) Pic.Serm.
  1036. Remusatia vivipara (Roxb.) Schott
  1037. Rhamphicarpa australiensis Steenis
  1038. Rhaphidophora pachyphylla K.Krause
  1039. Rhaphidospora bonneyana (F.Muell.) R.M.Barker
  1040. Rhaphidospora cavernarum (F.Muell.) R.M.Barker
  1041. Rhizanthella slateri (Rupp) M.A.Clem. & P.J.Cribb
  1042. Rhodamnia glabrescens Guymer & Jessup
  1043. Rhodamnia maideniana C.T.White
  1044. Rhodamnia pauciovulata Guymer
  1045. Rhodamnia sp. 'Sarina, Proserpine' (G.P.Guymer 2005)
  1046. Rhododendron lochiae F.Muell.
  1047. Rhodomyrtus sp. Claudie River (A.K.Irvine 671)
  1048. Rhodomyrtus sp. Whyanbeel (G.P.Guymer 2059)
  1049. Rhynchospora gracillima Thwaites
  1050. Ristantia gouldii Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  1051. Ristantia pachysperma (F.Muell. & F.M.Bailey) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh.
  1052. Ristantia sp. 'Boonjee' (B.Hyland 6764)
  1053. Ristantia sp. 'Mt Dryander' (V.K.Moriarty 1901)
  1054. Ristantia waterhousei Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  1055. Robiquetia wassellii Dockrill
  1056. Rockinghamia brevipes Airy Shaw
  1057. Romnalda grallata R.J.F.Hend.
  1058. Romnalda sp. Roaring Meg (G. & N.Sankowsky 655)
  1059. Romnalda strobilacea R.J.F.Hend. & Sharpe
  1060. Rourea brachyandra F.Muell.
  1061. Rulingia hermanniifolia (J.Gay ex Kunth) Steetz
  1062. Rulingia salviifolia (Hook. ex Steetz) Benth.
  1063. Ryparosa javanica (Blume) Kurz ex Koord. & Valeton
  1064. Ryticaryum longifolium K.Schum. & Lauterb.
  1065. Sarcochilus dilatatus F.Muell.
  1066. Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii F.Muell.
  1067. Sarcochilus hartmannii F.Muell.
  1068. Sarcochilus serrulatus D.L.Jones
  1069. Sarcochilus weinthalii F.M.Bailey
  1070. Sarcopteryx acuminata S.T.Reynolds
  1071. Sarcopteryx montana S.T.Reynolds
  1072. Sarcotoechia heterophylla S.T.Reynolds
  1073. Sarcotoechia serrata S.T.Reynolds
  1074. Sarcotoechia villosa S.T.Reynolds
  1075. Sauropus macranthus Hassk.
  1076. Schefflera versteegii Harms
  1077. Schizaea malaccana Baker
  1078. Schizomeria whitei Mattf.
  1079. Schoenorchis sarcophylla Schltr.
  1080. Schoenus scabripes Benth.
  1081. Scindapsus altissimus Alderw.
  1082. Scleria carphiformis Ridl.
  1083. Scleria pergracilis (Nees) Kunth
  1084. Sclerolaena blackiana (Ising) A.J.Scott
  1085. Sclerolaena blakei (Ising) A.J.Scott
  1086. Sclerolaena everistiana (Ising) A.J.Scott
  1087. Sclerolaena walkeri (C.T.White) A.J.Scott
  1088. Scrotochloa tararaensis (Jansen) Judz.
  1089. Scrotochloa urceolata (Roxb.) Judz.
  1090. Sesbania erubescens (Benth.) N.T.Burb.
  1091. Smilax blumei A.DC.
  1092. Smilax kaniensis K.Krause
  1093. Solanum callium C.T.White ex R.J.F.Hend.
  1094. Solanum carduiforme F.Muell.
  1095. Solanum dimorphispinum C.T.White
  1096. Solanum dunalianum Gaudich.
  1097. Solanum hamulosum C.T.White
  1098. Solanum multiglochidiatum Domin
  1099. Solanum sporadotrichum F.Muell.
  1100. Sophora fraseri Benth.
  1101. Sowerbaea subtilis D.A.Stewart
  1102. Spathoglottis plicata Blume
  1103. Sphaerantia chartacea Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  1104. Sphaerantia discolor Peter G.Wilson & B.Hyland
  1105. Sphalmium racemosum (C.T.White) B.G.Briggs, B.Hyland & L.A.S.Johnson
  1106. Stackhousia sp. 'McIvor River' (J.R.Clarkson 5201)
  1107. Stackhousia tryonii F.M.Bailey
  1108. Steenisioblechnum acuminatum (C.T.White & Goy) Hennipman
  1109. Stemona angusta I.Telford
  1110. Stenocarpus cryptocarpus Foreman & B.Hyland
  1111. Stenocarpus davallioides Foreman & B.Hyland
  1112. Stenocarpus sp. 'Boonjee' (B.Hyland 2199 RFK)
  1113. Stenocarpus sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.Hyland 3174 RFK)
  1114. Storckiella australiensis J.H.Ross & B.Hyland
  1115. Strongylodon ruber B.Vogel
  1116. Strongylodon siderospermus Cordem.
  1117. Symplocos ampulliformis C.T.White
  1118. Symplocos baeuerlenii R.T.Baker
  1119. Symplocos crassiramifera Noot.
  1120. Symplocos hayesii C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  1121. Symplocos hylandii Noot.
  1122. Symplocos sp. 'Mt Finnigan' (L.J.Brass 20129)
  1123. Symplocos sp. Bahr's Scrub (W.J.McDonald 3823)
  1124. Symplocos sp. Bellenden Ker (B.Hyland 5775)
  1125. Symplocos sp. Mt Lewis (B.Hyland 8773)
  1126. Syncarpia hillii F.M.Bailey
  1127. Syzygium alatoramulum B.Hyland
  1128. Syzygium alliiligneum B.Hyland
  1129. Syzygium amplum T.G.Hartley & L.M.Perry
  1130. Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston
  1131. Syzygium argyropedicum B.Hyland
  1132. Syzygium boonjee B.Hyland
  1133. Syzygium buettnerianum (K.Schum.) Nied.
  1134. Syzygium dansiei B.Hyland
  1135. Syzygium hodgkinsoniae (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson
  1136. Syzygium macilwraithianum B.Hyland
  1137. Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry
  1138. Syzygium moorei (F.Muell.) L.A.S.Johnson
  1139. Syzygium pseudofastigiatum B.Hyland
  1140. Syzygium puberulum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  1141. Syzygium rubrimolle B.Hyland
  1142. Syzygium sharoniae B.Hyland
  1143. Syzygium velarum B.Hyland
  1144. Syzygium xerampelinum B.Hyland
  1145. Taeniophyllum confertum B.Gray & D.L.Jones
  1146. Taeniophyllum lobatum Dockrill
  1147. Tainia parviflora Schltr.
  1148. Tapeinosperma flueckigeri (F.Muell.) Mez
  1149. Tecomanthe hillii (F.Muell.) Steenis
  1150. Tecomanthe sp. 'Roaring Meg' (L.J.Brass 20326)
  1151. Tectaria devexa (Kunze ex Mett.) Copel.
  1152. Tectaria siifolia (Willd.) Copel.
  1153. Tephrosia baueri Benth. ex A.Gray
  1154. Tephrosia debilis Domin
  1155. Tephrosia leveillei Domin
  1156. Tephrosia maculata Merr. & L.M.Perry
  1157. Tephrosia oligophylla Benth.
  1158. Tephrosia savannicola Domin
  1159. Tetrameles nudiflora R.Br.
  1160. Tetrasynandra sp. 'Mt Lewis' (B.P.Hyland 7907)
  1161. Teucrium ajugaceum F.M.Bailey & F.Muell.
  1162. Thelasis carinata Blume
  1163. Thelionema grande (C.T.White) R.J.F.Hend.
  1164. Thelypteris confluens (Thunb.) C.V.Morton
  1165. Thesium australe R.Br.
  1166. Thismia rodwayi F.Muell.
  1167. Thozetia racemosa F.Muell. ex Benth.
  1168. Thozetia sp. Lolworth Creek (H.Marsh s.n. Apr 1978)
  1169. Thryptomene hexandra C.T.White
  1170. Tiliacora australiana Forman
  1171. Tinospora tinosporoides (F.Muell.) Forman
  1172. Toechima monticola S.T.Reynolds
  1173. Torenia polygonoides Benth.
  1174. Torrenticola queenslandica (Domin) Domin
  1175. Trachoma papuanum (Schltr.) M.A.Clem., J.J.Wood & D.L.Jones
  1176. Trachoma subluteum (Rupp) Garay
  1177. Trachymene geraniifolia F.M.Bailey
  1178. Trachymene glandulosa (F.Muell.) Benth.
  1179. Trianthema rhynchocalyptrum F.Muell.
  1180. Trichoglottis australiensis Dockrill
  1181. Trichomanes aphlebioides Christ
  1182. Trigonostemon inopinatus Airy Shaw
  1183. Tristellateia australasiae A.Rich.
  1184. Tristiropsis canarioides Boerl. ex Valeton
  1185. Triunia montana (C.T.White) Foreman
  1186. Triunia robusta (C.T.White) Foreman
  1187. Trochocarpa bellendenkerensis Domin
  1188. Trymalium minutiflorum E.M.Ross
  1189. Tylophora calcarata Benth.
  1190. Tylophora colorata C.T.White
  1191. Tylophora sp. Lolworth Creek (H.Marsh s.n. Apr 1978)
  1192. Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr.
  1193. Uromyrtus metrosideros (F.M.Bailey) A.J.Scott
  1194. Uromyrtus sp. 'McPherson Range' (G.P.Guymer 2000)
  1195. Utricularia albiflora R.Br.
  1196. Uvaria sp. Archer Bend (J.G.Tracey 14250)
  1197. Uvaria sp. Claudie River (B.Hyland 21171V)
  1198. Valvanthera albiflora C.T.White
  1199. Vanda hindsii Lindl.
  1200. Veronica arenaria A.Cunn. ex Benth.
  1201. Vittadinia constricta N.T.Burb.
  1202. Vittadinia decora N.T.Burb.
  1203. Vittadinia scabra DC.
  1204. Vittadinia sericea N.T.Burb.
  1205. Vrydagzynea paludosa J.J.Sm.
  1206. Vrydagzynea sp. 'Daintree River' (B.Gray 3162)
  1207. Vyrdagzynea M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  1208. Vyrdagzynea paludosa M.B.Thomas & W.J.McDonald
  1209. Wahlenbergia sp. Isla Gorge (S.L.Everist 8069)
  1210. Wahlenbergia sp. Mt Cordeaux (D.A.Goy & L.S.Smith 458)
  1211. Wahlenbergia sp. Mt Lindesay (C.T.White 12737)
  1212. Waterhousea hedraiophylla (F.Muell.) B.Hyland
  1213. Waterhousea mulgraveana B.Hyland
  1214. Wendlandia basistaminea F.Muell.
  1215. Wendlandia connata C.T.White
  1216. Wendlandia inclusa C.T.White
  1217. Wendlandia psychotrioides (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  1218. Wendlandia urceolata C.T.White
  1219. Westringia amabilis B.Boivin
  1220. Westringia blakeana B.Boivin
  1221. Westringia grandifolia F.Muell. ex Benth.
  1222. Westringia parvifolia C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  1223. Westringia rupicola S.T.Blake
  1224. Westringia sericea B.Boivin
  1225. Whyanbeelia terrae-reginae Airy Shaw & B.Hyland
  1226. Wilkiea sp. 'Mt Lewis' (L.J.Webb & J.G.Tracey 10501)
  1227. Wilkiea sp. 'Palmerston' (B.P.Hyland 80)
  1228. Wilkiea wardellii (F.Muell.) Perkins
  1229. Wodyetia bifurcata A.K.Irvine
  1230. Wrightia versicolor S.T.Blake
  1231. Xanthophyllum fragrans C.T.White
  1232. Xanthostemon oppositifolius F.M.Bailey
  1233. Xanthostemon sp. Cooper Creek (B.Gray 3366)
  1234. Xanthostemon sp. Jardine River (L.J.Brass 18901)
  1235. Xanthostemon sp. Mt Hemmant (M.Godwin 2826)
  1236. Xanthostemon verticillatus (C.T.White & W.D.Francis) L.S.Sm.
  1237. Xanthostemon whitei Gugerli
  1238. Xanthostemon youngii C.T.White & W.D.Francis
  1239. Xerothamnella herbacea R.M.Barker
  1240. Xerothamnella parvifolia C.T.White
  1241. Xylosma ovata Benth.
  1242. Xylosma sp. 'Mt Lewis' (G.Sankowsky 502)
  1243. Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC.
  1244. Zieria collina C.T.White
  1245. Zieria rimulosa C.T.White
  1246. Zieria sp. 'Monogorilby' (P.Forster 1004)
  1247. Zieria sp. 'Thornton Peak' J.R.Clarkson 5556)
  1248. Zieria sp. Border Ranges (S.T.Blake 15844)
  1249. Zieria sp. Herberton (F.H.Kenny s.n. Jan 1912)
  1250. Zieria sp. Mt Barney (S.T.Blake 13099)
  1251. Zieria sp.' Russell River' (S.Johnson s.n. 1892)
  1252. Zornia pallida Mohlenbr.

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