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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acrostichum calomelanos L. Acrostichum calomelas Sw. Acrostichum ebeneum L. Acrostichum leptophyllum ( L.) Lam. & DC. Adiantaceae Newman Adiantum L. Adiantum aethiopicum L. Adiantum aethiopicum f. assimile ( Sw.) F.M.Bailey Adiantum affine Willd. Adiantum assimile Sw. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Adiantum diaphanum var. affine ( Willd.) Alderw. Adiantum hispidulum var. minus Bostock Adiantum lunulatum Burm.f. Adiantum lunulatum var. dolabriforme F.M.Bailey Adiantum paradoxum R.Br. Adiantum philippense L. Adiantum philippense var. dolabriforme D.A.Sm. Adiantum trigonum Labill. Adiantum viride ( Forssk.) Vahl Allosorus concolor ( Langsd. & Fisch.) Kuntze Allosorus falcatus ( R.Br.) Kunze Allosorus falcatus var. paradoxus ( R.Br.) Luerss. Allosorus paradoxus ( R.Br.) Kunze Anogramma Link Anogramma leptophylla ( L.) Link Asplenium leptophyllum ( L.) Sw. Cheilanthes concolor ( Langsd. & Fisch.) R.F.Tryon & A.F.Tryon Cheilanthes preissiana Kunze Cheilanthes viridis ( Forssk.) Sw. Common Maidenhair Dictyogramme pinnata ( J.Sm.) T.Moore Doryopteris concolor ( Langsd. & Fisch.) Kuhn Doryopteris ludens ( Wall. exHook.) J.Sm. Doryopteris papuana Copel. Dwarf Sickle Fern Gold Fern Gold-dust Fern Grammitis leptophylla ( L.) Sw. Grammitis muelleri ( Hook.) F.Muell. Grammitis pinnata ( J.Sm.) F.Muell. Grammitis reynoldsii ( F.Muell.) Benth. Grammitis sect. Paraceterach F.Muell. Gymnogramma calomelanos ( L.) Kaulf. Gymnogramma leptophylla ( L.) Desv. Gymnogramma muelleri Hook. Gymnogramma novae-zelandiae Colenso Gymnogramma papaverifolia Kunze Gymnogramma reynoldsii ( F.Muell.) J.M.Black Gymnogramme muelleri Hook. Gymnogramme reynoldsii J.M.Black Gymnopteris muelleri ( Hook.) Underw. Gymnopteris muelleri f. cordifolia Domin Holttumiella Copel. Maidenhair Ferns Nothochlaena reynoldsii F.Muell. Notholaena reynoldsii F.Muell. Paraceterach Copel. Paraceterach muelleri ( Hook.) Copel. Paraceterach reynoldsii ( F.Muell.) Tindale Parkeriaceae Hook. Pellaea Link Pellaea calidirupium Brownsey & Lovis Pellaea concolor ( Langsd. & Fisch.) Baker Pellaea falcata ( R.Br.) Fée Pellaea falcata var. denticulata Bonap. Pellaea falcata var. nana Hook. Pellaea geraniaefolia Fée Pellaea geraniifolia ( Raddi) Fée Pellaea nana ( Hook.) Bostock Pellaea nana ‘Herberton’ Pellaea nana ‘silver Pellaea’ Pellaea paradoxa ( R.Br.) Hook. Pellaea paradoxa var. trichophora Domin Pellaea rotundifolia ( G.Forst.) Hook. Pellaea viridis ( Forssk.) Prantl Pellaea viridis ( Forssk.) Prantl var. viridis Pityrogramma Link Pityrogramma austroamericana Domin Pityrogramma calomelanos ( L.) Link Pityrogramma calomelanos var. austroamericana ( Domin) Farw. Pityrogramma calomelanos ( L.) Link var. calomelanos Pityrogramma chrysophylla ( Sw.) Link Pityrogramma leptophylla ( L.) Domin Platyloma J.Sm. Platyloma brownii J.Sm. Platyloma falcata ( R.Br.) J.Sm. Platyloma falcata var. caudata E.J.Lowe Platyloma falcata var. nana ( Hook.) F.M.Bailey Platyloma geraniifolium ( Raddi) E.J.Lowe Platytaenia Kuhn Polypodium leptophyllum L. Pteridella viridis ( Forssk.) Kuhn Pteris blechnoides Willd. Pteris concolor Langsd. & Fisch. Pteris falcata R.Br. Pteris falcata var. nana F.M.Bailey Pteris falcata var. paradoxa ( R.Br.) F.M.Bailey Pteris geraniifolia Raddi Pteris ludens Wall. exHook. Pteris paradoxa ( R.Br.) Baker exBenth. Pteris pedata L. Pteris rotundifolia G.Forst. Pteris viridis Forssk. Riccia tuberosa Taylor Schizolepton Fée Sickle Fern Silver Fern Syngramma pinnata J.Sm. Taenitis Willd. exSchkuhr Taenitis blechnoides ( Willd.) Sw. Taenitis pinnata ( J.Sm.) Holttum Trismeria Fée
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