Vascular Plants

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Rye, B.L. (31 July 1996), A synopsis of the genera Pomaderris, Siegfriedia, Spyridium and Trymalium (Rhamnaceae) in Western Australia. Nuytsia 11(1) : 109-131 (Paper) Rye, B.L. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Ceanothus spatulatus Labill.
  2. Cryptandra angustifolia (Reissek) F.Muell.
  3. Cryptandra anomala Steud.
  4. Cryptandra billardierei F.Muell.
  5. Cryptandra cordata Turcz.
  6. Cryptandra floribunda Steud.
  7. Cryptandra glaucophylla Steud.
  8. Cryptandra ledifolia (Fenzl) F.Muell.
  9. Cryptandra microcephala Turcz.
  10. Cryptandra rotundifolia (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  11. Cryptandra spadicea (Fenzl) F.Muell.
  12. Cryptandra subochreata (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
  13. Cryptandra villosa Turcz.
  14. Cryptandra westringiifolia (Steud.) F.Muell.
  15. Karri Hazel
  16. Pomaderris Labill.
  17. Pomaderris bilocularis A.S.George
  18. Pomaderris brevifolia N.G.Walsh
  19. Pomaderris commixta Steud.
  20. Pomaderris forrestiana F.Muell.
  21. Pomaderris grandis F.Muell.
  22. Pomaderris hirsuta Steud.
  23. Pomaderris myrtilloides Fenzl
  24. Pomaderris paniculosa F.Muell. ex Reissek
  25. Pomaderris paniculosa F.Muell. ex Reissek subsp. paniculosa
  26. Pomaderris paniculosa subsp. paralia N.G.Walsh
  27. Pomaderris rosmarinifolia Steud.
  28. Pomaderris rotundifolia (F.Muell.) Rye
  29. Pomaderris spatulata (Labill.) Brongn. ex Sweet
  30. Pomaderris subochreata Reissek
  31. Pomaderris westringiifolia Steud.
  32. Siegfriedia C.A.Gardner
  33. Siegfriedia darwinioides C.A.Gardner
  34. Spyridium Fenzl
  35. Spyridium cordatum (Turcz.) Benth.
  36. Spyridium denticuliferum Diels
  37. Spyridium glaucum Rye
  38. Spyridium globulosum (Labill.) Benth.
  39. Spyridium kalganense Diels
  40. Spyridium majoranifolium (Fenzl) Rye
  41. Spyridium microcephalum (Turcz.) Benth.
  42. Spyridium minutum Rye
  43. Spyridium montanum Rye
  44. Spyridium mucronatum Rye
  45. Spyridium mucronatum Rye subsp. mucronatum
  46. Spyridium mucronatum subsp. multiflorum Rye
  47. Spyridium mucronatum subsp. recurvum Rye
  48. Spyridium oligocephalum (Turcz.) Benth.
  49. Spyridium polycephalum (Turcz.) Rye
  50. Spyridium riparium Rye
  51. Spyridium rotundifolium F.Muell.
  52. Spyridium sp. Frank Hann (K.R.Newbey 6688)
  53. Spyridium sp. Mt Beaumont (K.R.Newbey 6718)
  54. Spyridium spadiceum (Fenzl) Benth.
  55. Spyridium spadiceum var. majoranifolium (Fenzl) Benth.
  56. Spyridium spadiceum (Fenzl) Benth. var. spadiceum
  57. Spyridium subochreatum (F.Muell.) Reissek var. subochreatum
  58. Spyridium tricolor W.R.Barker & Rye
  59. Spyridium villosum (Turcz.) Benth.
  60. Spyridium westringiifolium (Steud.) Benth.
  61. Trymalium Fenzl
  62. Trymalium angustifolium Reissek
  63. Trymalium billardierei Fenzl
  64. Trymalium billardierei var. litorale Diels
  65. Trymalium billardierei var. urceolare F.Muell.
  66. Trymalium daphnifolium Reissek
  67. Trymalium densiflorum Rye
  68. Trymalium elachophyllum Rye
  69. Trymalium floribundum Steud.
  70. Trymalium floribundum Steud. subsp. floribundum
  71. Trymalium floribundum subsp. trifidum Rye
  72. Trymalium ledifolium Fenzl
  73. Trymalium ledifolium var. daphnifolium (Reissek) Benth.
  74. Trymalium ledifolium Fenzl var. ledifolium
  75. Trymalium ledifolium var. lineare Rye
  76. Trymalium ledifolium var. platyphyllum Diels
  77. Trymalium ledifolium var. rosmarinifolium (Steud.) Benth.
  78. Trymalium litorale (Diels) Domin
  79. Trymalium majoranaefolium var. velutinum Reissek
  80. Trymalium majoranifolium Fenzl
  81. Trymalium myrtillus S.Moore
  82. Trymalium myrtillus S.Moore subsp. myrtillus
  83. Trymalium myrtillus subsp. pungens Rye
  84. Trymalium oligocephalum Turcz.
  85. Trymalium polycephalum Turcz.
  86. Trymalium rosmarinifolium (Steud.) Reissek
  87. Trymalium spadiceum Fenzl
  88. Trymalium spatulatum (Labill.) G.Don
  89. Trymalium thomasioides Turcz.
  90. Trymalium urceolare (F.Muell.) Diels
  91. Trymalium vaccinioides Suess. & Overkott
  92. Trymalium venustum Rye
  93. Trymalium westringiifolium (Steud.) Reissek

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