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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Apteropteris ( Copel.) Copel. Apteropteris applanata A.M.Gray & R.G.Williams Apteropteris malingii ( Hook.) Copel. Cephalomanes C.Presl Cephalomanes atrovirens C.Presl Cephalomanes brassii ( Croxall) Bostock Cephalomanes caudatum ( Brack.) Bostock Cephalomanes obscurum ( Blume) K.Iwats. Craspedoneuron Bosch Craspedoneuron pallidum ( Blume) Bosch Craspedophyllum ( C.Presl) Copel. Craspedophyllum marginatum ( Hook. & Grev.) Copel. Crepidomanes ( C.Presl) C.Presl Crepidomanes aphlebioides ( Christ) Bostock Crepidomanes australiensis ( Domin) N.A.Wakef. Crepidomanes barnardianum ( F.M.Bailey) Tindale Crepidomanes barnardianum ( F.M.Bailey) Tindale subsp. barnardianum Crepidomanes bipunctatum ( Poir.) Copel. Crepidomanes bipunctatum var. venulosum ( Rosenst.) Croxall Crepidomanes digitatum ( Sw.) K.Iwats. Crepidomanes endlicherianum ( C.Presl) P.S.Green Crepidomanes humile ( G.Forst.) Bosch Crepidomanes johnstonense ( F.M.Bailey) K.Iwats. Crepidomanes kurzii ( Bedd.) Tagawa & K.Iwats. Crepidomanes majoriae ( Watts) N.A.Wakef. Crepidomanes pallidum ( Blume) K.Iwats. Crepidomanes proliferum ( Blume) Bostock Crepidomanes saxifragoides ( C.Presl) P.S.Green Crepidomanes venosum ( R.Br.) Bostock Crepidomanes venulosum ( Rosenst.) Copel. Crepidomanes walleri ( Watts) Tindale Crepidophyllum australiense ( Domin) C.F.Reed Crepidophyllum endlicheranum ( C.Presl) C.F.Reed Crepidophyllum wildii ( F.M.Bailey) C.F.Reed Crepidopteris endlicheriana ( C.Presl) Copel. Crepidopteris wildii ( F.M.Bailey) N.A.Wakef. Didymoglossum exiguum ( Bedd.) Copel. Gonocormus Bosch Gonocormus minutus ( Blume) Bosch Gonocormus prolifer ( Blume) Prantl Gonocormus saxifragoides ( C.Presl) Bosch Gonocormus sect. Microtrichomanes Mett. exPrantl Hemicyatheon ( Domin) Copel. Hemicyatheon baileyanum ( Domin) Copel. Hymenophyllum Sm. Hymenophyllum antarcticum C.Presl Hymenophyllum australe Willd. Hymenophyllum babindae Watts Hymenophyllum baileyanum Domin Hymenophyllum bivalve ( G.Forst.) Sw. Hymenophyllum catlettii C.Moore Hymenophyllum cattletti C.Moore Hymenophyllum ciliatum Sw. Hymenophyllum contiguum ( D.A.Sm.) Tindale Hymenophyllum crispum Nees & Blume Hymenophyllum cupressiforme Labill. Hymenophyllum demissum ( G.Forst.) Sw. Hymenophyllum dilatatum ( G.Forst.) Sw. Hymenophyllum eboracense Croxall Hymenophyllum exiguum Bedd. Hymenophyllum flabellatum Labill. Hymenophyllum formosum Brack. Hymenophyllum gracilescens Domin Hymenophyllum gunnii Hook. & Baker Hymenophyllum intricatum Bosch Hymenophyllum javanicum Spreng. Hymenophyllum kerianum Watts Hymenophyllum lobbii T.Moore exBosch Hymenophyllum lyallii Hook.f. Hymenophyllum marginatum Hook. & Grev. Hymenophyllum meyeri C.Presl Hymenophyllum nitens R.Br. Hymenophyllum peltatum ( Poir.) Desv. Hymenophyllum polyanthon Bostock & Spokes Hymenophyllum polyanthos var. contiguum ( D.A.Sm.) Croxall Hymenophyllum praetervisum var. australiense Domin Hymenophyllum pseudotunbridgense Watts Hymenophyllum pumilum C.Moore Hymenophyllum rarum R.Br. Hymenophyllum samoense Baker Hymenophyllum shirleyanum Domin Hymenophyllum spathulatum Colenso Hymenophyllum subdimidiatum Rosenst. Hymenophyllum subg. Apteropteris Copel. Hymenophyllum trichomanoides F.M.Bailey Hymenophyllum tunbrigense ( L.) Sm. Hymenophyllum tunbrigense var. cupressiforme ( Labill.) Hook.f. Hymenophyllum tunbrigense var. exsertum F.M.Bailey Hymenophyllum unilaterale Willd. Hymenophyllum walleri Maiden & Betche Hymenophyllum walleri var. orbiculatum Watts Hymenophyllum whitei Goy Macroglena ( C.Presl) Copel. Macroglena brassii Croxall Macroglena meifolia ( Bory exWilld.) Copel. Mecodium C.Presl exCopel. Mecodium australe ( Willd.) Copel. Mecodium contiguum D.A.Sm. Mecodium flabellatum ( Labill.) Copel. Mecodium javanicum ( Spreng.) Copel. Mecodium rarum ( R.Br.) Copel. Mecodium samoense ( Baker) Copel. Mecodium walleri ( Maiden & Betche) Copel. Mecodium whitei ( Goy) N.A.Wakef. Meringium C.Presl Meringium bivalve ( G.Forst.) Copel. Meringium kerianum ( Watts) Copel. Microtrichomanes ( Mett. exPrantl) Copel. Microtrichomanes digitatum ( Sw.) Copel. Pachyloma Bosch Pachyloma marginatum Bostock & Spokes Pleuromanes ( C.Presl) C.Presl Pleuromanes pallidum ( Blume) C.Presl Polyphlebium venosum ( R.Br.) Copel. Reediella Pic.Serm. Reediella australiensis ( Domin) Pic.Serm. Reediella endlicheriana ( C.Presl) Pic.Serm. Reediella humilis ( G.Forst.) Pic.Serm. Reediella wildii ( F.M.Bailey) Pic.Serm. Selenodesmium ( Prantl) Copel. Selenodesmium cupressoides ( Desv.) Copel. Selenodesmium elongatum subsp. queenslandicum Pic.Serm. Selenodesmium obscurum ( Blume) Copel. Sphaerocionium C.Presl Sphaerocionium applanatum ( A.M.Gray & R.G.Williams) K.Iwats. Sphaerocionium australe ( Willd.) C.Presl Sphaerocionium bivalve ( G.Forst.) C.Presl Sphaerocionium lyallii ( Hook.f.) Copel. Trichomanes aphlebioides Christ Trichomanes atrovirens ( C.Presl) Kunze Trichomanes barnardianum F.M.Bailey Trichomanes bauerianum Endl. Trichomanes bipunctatum Poir. Trichomanes bipunctatum var. venulosum Rosenst. Trichomanes bivalve G.Forst. Trichomanes calvescens Bosch Trichomanes cupressoides Desv. Trichomanes digitatum Sw. Trichomanes digitatum var. calvescens ( Bosch) Domin Trichomanes endlicherianum C.Presl Trichomanes exiguum ( Bedd.) Baker Trichomanes filicula ( Bory exWilld.) Bory Trichomanes humile G.Forst. Trichomanes javanicum Blume Trichomanes johnstonense F.M.Bailey Trichomanes kurzii Bedd. Trichomanes lyallii ( Hook.f.) Hook. Trichomanes minutum Blume Trichomanes nanum var. australiense Domin Trichomanes obscurum Blume Trichomanes pallidum Blume Trichomanes paradoxum Domin Trichomanes parviflorum Poir. Trichomanes parvulum Poir. Trichomanes peltatum Poir. Trichomanes proliferum Blume Trichomanes pyxidiferum L. Trichomanes rigidum Sw. Trichomanes saxifragoides C.Presl Trichomanes sect. Pleuromanes C.Presl Trichomanes sect. Selenodesmium Prantl Trichomanes serratulum Baker Trichomanes subg. Crepidomanes C.Presl Trichomanes subg. Macroglena C.Presl Trichomanes venosum R.Br. Trichomanes venulosum ( Rosenst.) Copel. Trichomanes walleri Watts Trichomanes wildii F.M.Bailey Vandenboschia Copel. Vandenboschia aphlebioides ( Christ) Copel. Vandenboschia johnstonensis ( F.M.Bailey) Copel.
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