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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Acacia acuminata Benth. Acacia adjutrices Maslin Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. exBenth. Acacia besleyi Maslin Acacia coatesii Maslin Acacia collegialis Maslin Acacia curryana Maslin Acacia dilloniorum Maslin Acacia doreta Maslin Acacia fraternalis Maslin Acacia haematites Maslin Acacia insolita subsp. efoliolata Maslin Acacia keigheryi Maslin Acacia kulinensis Maslin Acacia lapidosa Maslin Acacia mackenziei Maslin & R.L.Barrett Acacia nilotica ( L.) Willd. exDelile Acacia nilotica subsp. indica ( Benth.) Brenan Acacia parkerae Maslin Acacia petricola Maslin Acacia shapelleae Maslin Acacia sp. Bungalbin Hill (J.J.Alford 1119) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Diorite (B.R.Maslin 7329) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. East Fortescue (J.Bull & D.Roberts ONS A 27.01) Acacia sp. Jimberlana Hill (K.R.Newbey 6751) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Kulin (S.Murray 504) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Londonderry (N.Gibson 6433) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Minnie Creek (B.R.Maslin 5217) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Mt Augustus (S.D.Hopper 3181) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Narrow phyllode (B.R.Maslin 7831) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Norseman (B.Archer 1554) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. P174 (J.M.Brown 228) WA Herbarium Acacia sp. Wilgie Mia (D.Coultas & G.Woodman AW 03-Opp1) WA Herbarium Acacia thieleana Maslin Actinotus repens Keighery exHenwood Actinotus sp. Walpole (J.R.Wheeler & S.J.Patrick 3786) WA Herbarium Ammannia arnhemica ( F.Muell.) S.A.Graham & Gandhi Ammannia crinipes F.Muell. Ammannia fitzgeraldii R.L.Barrett Ammannia muelleri ( Hewson) S.A.Graham & Gandhi Ammannia striatiflora ( Hewson) S.A.Graham & Gandhi Anacardium occidentale L. Astartea sp. Bungalbin Hill (K.R.Newbey 8989) WA Herbarium Astartea sp. Fitzgerald (K.R.Newbey 10844) WA Herbarium Astartea sp. Jyndabinbin Rocks (K.R.Newbey 7689) WA Herbarium Astartea sp. Mt Dimer (C.McChesney TRL4/72) WA Herbarium Astartea sp. Red Hill (K.R.Newbey 8462) WA Herbarium Austrostipa sp. Mt Burgess (A.A.Mitchell & P.H.Waddell 10499) Brassica x napus L. Caladenia sp. 'Boyup Brook' Caladenia sp. Keninup (S.Clarke SC 127) Calandrinia baccata Obbens Calandrinia butcherensis Obbens Calandrinia mirabilis Chinnock & J.G.West Calandrinia oraria Obbens Calandrinia pumila ( Benth.) F.Muell. Calandrinia rubrisabulosa Obbens Calandrinia sp. Blackberry (D.M.Porter 171) WA Herbarium Calandrinia sp. Butchers Track (L.S.J.Sweedman 6608) WA Herbarium Calandrinia sp. Goongarrie (F.Obbens, F.Hort & J.Hort FO 18/13) Calandrinia sp. Mt Bruce (M.E.Trudgen 1544) WA Herbarium Calandrinia sp. Mt Clere (R.J.Dadd 5) Calandrinia sp. Red sand dunes (F.Obbens & G.Marsh FO 20/11) WA Herbarium Calandrinia sp. Two Rocks (K.Richardson 211) Calandrinia sp. Widgiemooltha (F.Obbens & E.Reid FO 9/05) Campsis x tagliabuana ( Vis.) Rehder Camptacra gracilis ( Benth.) Lander Centrolepis sp. Capel (G.J.Keighery 15786) Centrolepis sp. Eneabba (B.P.Miller s.n. 31/12/2009) Centrolepis sp. Kalannie (B.J.Lepschi et al. BJL 3517) Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D.Royce 4872) WA Herbarium Chamelaucium sp. S coastal plain (R.D.Royce 4872) WA Herbarium Conostylis sp. Eneabba (M.Hislop 3864) WA Herbarium Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg exSweet Coreopsis lanceolata L. Corymbia pachycarpa K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson Corymbia pachycarpa K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson subsp. pachycarpa Cucumis melo L. Cucumis melo subsp. agrestis ( Naudin) Pangalo Cyathostemon divaricatus Trudgen & Rye Cyathostemon gracilis Trudgen & Rye Cyathostemon sp. Jyndabinbin Rocks (K.R.Newbey 7689) Cyathostemon sp. Mt Dimer (C.McChesney TRL4/72) Cyathostemon verrucosus Trudgen & Rye Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. Dampiera sp. Wialki (B.H.Smith 482) Denhamia ferdinandi ( Jessup) M.P.Simmons Diplatia furcata Barlow Diuris hazeliae D.L.Jones & C.J.French Diuris jonesii C.J.French & G.Brockman Diuris sp. Eneabba (A.H.Burbidge 3941) Diuris tinkeri D.L.Jones & C.J.French Duma florulenta ( Meisn.) T.M.Schust. Duma horrida ( H.Gross) T.M.Schust. Duma horrida subsp. abdita ( K.L.Wilson) T.M.Schust. Eremophila latrobei subsp. tuberculate leaves (A.Markey & S.Dillon 5841) Eremophila microtheca subsp. narrow leaves (J.D.Start D12-150) Eriocaulon sp. Morgan River (A.T.Cross ATC 62) WA Herbarium Eucalyptus communalis Brooker & Hopper Eucalyptus decipiens Endl. Eucalyptus decipiens subsp. chalara Brooker & Hopper Eucalyptus decipiens Endl. subsp. decipiens Eucalyptus glomericassis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Eucalyptus insularis subsp. continentalis D.Nicolle & Brooker Eucalyptus insularis Brooker subsp. insularis Eucalyptus leucophylla Domin Eucalyptus planipes L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Eucalyptus trachybasis L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Eucalyptus x balanites Grayling & Brooker Eucalyptus x balanopelex L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Eucalyptus x intrasilvatica L.A.S.Johnson & K.D.Hill Gastrolobium argyrotrichum Hislop, Wege & A.D.Webb Gastrolobium sp. Quindalup (H.Cole & D.Carter 577) WA Herbarium Grevillea saxicola S.J.Dillon Grevillea sp. Koolyanobbing (W.P.Muir WPM 3344) Grevillea sp. Turee (J.Bull & G.Hopkinson ONS JJ 01.01) Hedypnois rhagadioloides ( L.) F.W.Schmidt Hedypnois rhagadioloides subsp. cretica ( L.) Hayek Hedypnois rhagadioloides ( L.) F.W.Schmidt subsp. rhagadioloides Heliophila seselifolia Burch. exDC. Hibbertia sp. Mt Gibson (R.D.Hoogland 12002) Hypoxis gardneri R.J.F.Hend. Hypoxis glabella R.Br. var. glabella Hypoxis glabella var. leptantha ( Benth.) R.J.F.Hend. Hypoxis occidentalis Benth. Hypoxis occidentalis Benth. var. occidentalis Hypoxis occidentalis var. quadriloba ( F.Muell.) R.J.F.Hend. Hypoxis salina M.Lyons & Keighery Hypoxis sp. Beaufort (V.Crowley DKN629) WA Herbarium Hypoxis vaginata Schltdl. Hypoxis vaginata Schltdl. var. vaginata Indigofera fractiflexa subsp. Mount Augustus (S.Patrick & A.Crawford SP 4737) WA Herbarium Indigofera sp. Mount Augustus (S.Patrick & A.Crawford SP 4737) Lasiopetalum adenotrichum R.A.Meissn. & Rathbone Lasiopetalum sp. Fitzgerald (C.J.Robinson 1145) Leontodon rhagadioloides ( L.) Enke & Zidorn Leucopogon audax Hislop Leucopogon corymbiformis Hislop Leucopogon darlingensis Hislop Leucopogon darlingensis Hislop subsp. darlingensis Leucopogon darlingensis subsp. rectus Hislop Leucopogon decrescens Hislop Leucopogon sp. Cape Arid (M.Paxman 50) WA Herbarium Leucopogon sp. Darkan (R.S.Smith BNC1047) WA Herbarium Leucopogon sp. Darling Range (F. & J.Hort 1804) WA Herbarium Leucopogon sp. Darradup (R.D.Royce 2998) WA Herbarium Leucopogon sp. Tutanning (K.Kershaw 2132) WA Herbarium Leucopogon subsejunctus Hislop Maytenus ferdinandi Jessup Microcybe ambigua ( C.A.Gardner) Paul G.Wilson Muehlenbeckia florulenta Meisn. Muehlenbeckia horrida H.Gross Muehlenbeckia horrida subsp. abdita K.L.Wilson Narcissus tazetta subsp. aureus ( Loisel.) Baker Narcissus tazetta subsp. italicus ( Ker Gawl.) Baker Narcissus tazetta L. subsp. tazetta Nesaea arnhemica ( F.Muell.) Koehne Nesaea crinipes ( F.Muell.) Koehne Nesaea muelleri Hewson Nesaea repens W.Fitzg. Nesaea striatiflora Hewson Olearia dampieri subsp. Eremicola (Diels & Pritzel s.n., May 1901 (PERTH 00449628)) WA Herbarium Olearia sp. Eremicola (Diels & Pritzel s.n. PERTH 00449628) Opuntia robusta J.C.Wendl. exPfeiff. Pauridia gardneri ( R.J.F.Hend.) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia glabella ( R.Br.) Snijman & Kocyan var. glabella Pauridia glabella var. leptantha ( Benth.) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia occidentalis ( Benth.) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia occidentalis ( Benth.) Snijman & Kocyan var. occidentalis Pauridia occidentalis var. quadriloba ( F.Muell.) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia salina ( M.Lyons & Keighery) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia sp. Beaufort (V.Crowley DKN 629) Pauridia vaginata ( Schltdl.) Snijman & Kocyan Pauridia vaginata ( Schltdl.) Snijman & Kocyan var. vaginata Pelargonium panduriforme Eckl. & Zeyh. Phebalium ambiguum C.A.Gardner Philotheca sp. Bremer Range (E.Adams EA 659) Phoenix canariensis H.Wildpret Platysace kochii ( E.Pritz.) L.A.S.Johnson Pluchea longiseta A.R.Bean Pluchea sp. B Kimberley Flora (K.F.Kenneally 9526A) WA Herbarium Polygala sp. Linear (I.D.Cowie 8206) NT Herbarium Polygala stenosepala ( Benth.) R.A.Kerrigan Portulaca decipiens Poelln. Potamogeton pectinatus L. Potamogeton reduncus Hagstr. Prasophyllum sp. early (G.Brockman GBB 1626) WA Herbarium Psylliostachys suworowii ( Regel) Roshkova Pterostylis brunneola D.L.Jones & C.J.French Pterostylis erubescens D.L.Jones & C.J.French Pterostylis jacksonii D.L.Jones & C.J.French Pterostylis karri D.L.Jones & C.J.French Pterostylis lortensis D.L.Jones & C.J.French Pterostylis sp. Cape Le Grand (I.Solomon 550) Pterostylis sp. Karri forest (W.Jackson BJ270) Pterostylis sp. late flowering (W.Jackson BJ298) Pterostylis sp. red flowered (W.Jackson BJ269) Pterostylis sp. yellow eared (W.Jackson BJ359) Pterostylis telmata D.L.Jones & C.J.French Ptilotus clivicola R.W.Davis & T.Hammer Ptilotus clivicolus R.W.Davis & T.Hammer Ptilotus distans ( R.Br.) Poir. Ptilotus distans ( R.Br.) Poir. subsp. distans Ptilotus falcatus R.W.Davis & T.Hammer Ptilotus sp. Eneabba (K.Kershaw & D.Leech 07-02-01) WA Herbarium Ptilotus sp. Warradarge (R.Warner & S.Werner WWF 12-14) Salix humboldtiana ‘Pyramidalis’ Samolus sp. Fortescue Marsh (A.Markey & R.Coppen FM 9702) WA Herbarium Scaevola sp. Waychinicup (E.M.Sandiford EMS 1336) Scaevola xanthina K.A.Sheph. & Hislop Schoenus sp. Little black fruit (A.C.Beauglehole ACB 12538) Spartothamnella canescens K.R.Thiele & K.A.Sheph. Spartothamnella puberula ( F.Muell.) Maiden & Betche Spartothamnella sp. Helena & Aurora Range (P.G.Armstrong 155-109) WA Herbarium Spermacoce rupicola Harwood Spermacoce sp. Platysperma (J.R.Clarkson 6546) NT Herbarium Sphaeromorphaea littoralis ( Retz.) A.R.Bean Stackhousia sp. Kennedy Range (G.J.Keighery & N.Gibson 1281) WA Herbarium Stackhousia sp. Lake Mackay (P.K.Latz 12870) NT Herbarium Stackhousia sp. Thick sepals (A.E.Orchard 1547) WA Herbarium Stuckenia pectinata ( L.) Borner Stylidium floodii F.Muell. Stylidium hesperium Wege Stylidium hesperium Wege Stylidium hygrophilum Wege Stylidium hygrophilum Wege Stylidium irriguum W.Fitzg. Stylidium lithophilum Wege Stylidium notabile A.R.Bean Stylidium oreophilum Wege Stylidium osculum A.R.Bean Stylidium paludicola Wege Stylidium paludicola Wege Stylidium thryonides Wege Stylidium thryonides Wege Symplectrodia lanosa Lazarides Tephrosia sp. Yampi (A.N.Start per R.L.Barrett RLB 2291) Tephrosia sp. deserts (J.R.Maconochie 1403) WA Herbarium Thelymitra graminea Lindl. Thelymitra petrophila Jeanes Thelymitra sp. Brookton (A.S.George 11631) Thelymitra sp. Esperance (N.S.Lander 1080) Thelymitra sp. Slender Sun Orchid (A.R.Annels 2884) Trianthema megaspermum A.M.Prescott Triodia sp. Millstream (A.A.Mitchell PRP 207) Tripterococcus brachylobus W.R.Barker Tripterococcus sp. Brachylobus (A.S.George 14234) W.R.Barker Vachellia nilotica ( L.) P.J.H.Hurter & Mabb. Vachellia nilotica subsp. indica ( Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr. Xanthosia bungei Keighery Xanthosia kochii ( E.Pritz.) J.M.Hart & Henwood Zanthoxylum parviflorum Benth. Zanthoxylum rhetsa ( Roxb.) DC.
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