Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Solanaceae Juss.
Physalis minima L.
, legitimate , scientific
Linnaeus, C. (1 May 1753) , Species Plantarum 1 :
[tax. nov.]
"Habitat in Indiae aridis sordidis."
Bentham, G. (16 December 1868) , Flora Australiensis 4 :
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Physalis parviflora R.Br.
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1881) , A catalogue of plants collected during Mr. Alexander Forrest's geographical exploration of North-west Australia in 1879. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 14 :
[secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882) , Systematic Census of Australian Plants :
[secondary reference]
Baker, E.G. in Andrews, C.W. (1900) , Gamopetalae. A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) :
[secondary reference]
Dixon, W.A. (1906) , The Plants of New South Wales :
[secondary reference]
Bailey, F.M. (1913) , Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants :
[secondary reference]
Sulman, F. (1914) , A Popular Guide to the Wild Flowers of New South Wales II :
137, 235, 239
[secondary reference]
Ewart, A.J. & Davies, O.B. (1917) , The Flora of the Northern Territory :
[secondary reference]
Specht, R.L. in Specht, R.L. & Mountford, C.P. (ed.) (August 1958) , The Gymnospermae and Angiospermae collected on the Arnhem Land Expedition. Records of the American-Australian Scientific Expedition to Arnhem Land No. 3 Botany and Plant Ecology :
[secondary reference]
Chippendale, G.M. (17 April 1972) , Check List of Northern Territory Plants. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 96(4) :
[secondary reference]
Heine, H. (1976) , Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 7 :
[secondary reference]
"herb. Hermann, (lecto–, BM!)."
Symon, D.E. (2 June 1981) , The Solanaceous genera, Browallia, Capsicum, Cestrum, Cyphomandra, Hyoscyamus, Lycopersicon, Nierembergia, Physalis, Petunia, Salpichroa and Withania, naturalised in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 3 (2) :
[secondary reference]
Purdie, R.W., Symon, D.E. & Haegi, L. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982) , Solanaceae. Flora of Australia 29 :
181, Fig. 46E-F, M, Map 192
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Physalis parviflora R.Br.
Green, J.W. (1985) , Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2 :
[secondary reference]
Ross, E.M. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986) , Solanaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2 :
429, Fig. 60C
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Physalis parviflora R.Br.
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Dunlop, C.R. (1987) , Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Northern Territory. Technical Report: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory 26 :
[secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987) , Solanaceae. Flora of the Perth Region 1 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Conn, B.J. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1992) , Solanaceae. Flora of New South Wales 3 :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Wheeler, J.R. in Wheeler, J.R. (ed.) (1992) , Solanaceae. Flora of the Kimberley Region :
723, Fig. 221D
[secondary reference]
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Barker, R.M. & Telford, I.R.H. (1993) , Solanaceae. Flora of Australia 50 :
[secondary reference]
doubtful taxonomic synonym:
Physalis angulata L.
Barker, R.M. & Telford, I.R.H. (1993) , Solanaceae. Flora of Australia 50 :
misapplied to:
Physalis pubescens L.
by Baker, E.G. in Andrews, C.W. (1900) , Gamopetalae. A Monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : 183
Hyland, B.P.M., Gray, B. & Elick, R.W. in Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (1994) , Appendix I: Provisional Species List. Fruits of the Rainforest :
[secondary reference]
Williams, D.G. (1994) , Vegetation and flora of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Atoll Research Bulletin 404 :
[secondary reference]
Kenneally, K.F., Edinger, D.C. & Willing, T. (1996) , Broome and Beyond. Plants and people of the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Hyland, B.P.M., Whiffin, T.P., Christophel, D.C., Gray, B., Elick, R.W. & Ford, A.J. (1999) , Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs. Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs :
[secondary reference]
Paczkowska, G. & Chapman, A.R. (2000) , The Western Australian Flora, a descriptive catalogue :
[secondary reference]
common name:
Wild Gooseberry
Short, P.S. in Cowie, I.D., Short, P.S. & Osterkamp Madsen, M. (2000) , Solanaceae. Floodplain Flora. A flora of the coastal floodplains of the Northern Territory, Australia :
123-124, Fig. 23
[secondary reference]
Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (2004) , Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest :
[secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym:
Physalis indica Lam.
taxonomic synonym:
Physalis parviflora R.Br.
common name:
common name:
Green Gooseberry
common name:
Ground Cherry
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006) , Australian Plant Census :
[pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Purdie, R.W., Symon, D.E. & Haegi, L. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982) , Solanaceae. Flora of Australia 29 : 181, Fig. 46E-F, M, Map 192
misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Ewart, A.J. & Davies, O.B. (1917) , The Flora of the Northern Territory : 241
misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Green, J.W. (1985) , Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2 : 148
Bean, A.R. (June 2006) , Physalis (Solanaceae) in Australia - nomenclature and identification. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 127 :
[secondary reference]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2008) , Australian Plant Census :
[secondary reference]
Physalis micrantha Link
by Symon, D.E. (1987) , Physalis micrantha (Solanaceae) recorded from the Northern Territory. Australian Systematic Botany 10(5) : 681
APC Dist.:
NT (naturalised), Qld (naturalised)
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2008) , Australian Plant Census :
[pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Purdie, R.W., Symon, D.E. & Haegi, L. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982) , Solanaceae. Flora of Australia 29 : 181, Fig. 46E-F, M, Map 192
misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Ewart, A.J. & Davies, O.B. (1917) , The Flora of the Northern Territory : 241
misapplied to:
Physalis angulata L.
by Green, J.W. (1985) , Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2 : 148