Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Pultenaea praetermissa
Fabaceae Lindl.
Pultenaea praetermissa R.L.Barrett & Albr. , legitimate, scientific
Barrett, R.L., Clugston, J.A.R., Albrecht, D.E., Elkan, L., Hosking, J.R., Jobson, P.C., McCune, S.F., Orme, A.E., Palsson, R.L., Renner, M.A.M., Wardrop, C. & Weston, P.H. (20 February 2024), Revision of the Pultenaea setulosa species complex (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae) including 14 new species. Australian Systematic Botany 37(2) [SB23014]: 66-67, 71, Figs 3e, 32-34 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "New South Wales: near Sutton, 13 miles [~20.9 km] NNE of Canberra City Post Office, 20 Oct. 1963, C.Burgess s.n. [Sands 6310.6.1] (holo: NSW 500263; iso: AD 96642134*, L 2034539*, L 2034541*, NSW 500266, PERTH 624152, n.v., SYD)."
taxonomic synonym: Pultenaea sp. Sutton (C.Burgess s.n., 20 Oct. 1963) [n/a] common name: Sutton bush-pea [n/a]
  • Etymology: "The epithet is from the Latin praetermissus (to overlook) in reference to this species not having been previously recognised, despite the geographic proximity to the Australian National Herbarium (CANB)."