Vascular Plants

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R.Br. Name author Brown, R. Reference author
Full name (discriminator):
Brown, Robert (1773-1858)
Author for:
3503 names
Base author for:
2433 names
Ex author for:
267 names
Ex base author for:
79 names
95 References:
  1. Brown, R. (1823), Chloris mellvilliana
  2. Brown, R. (1830), Supplementum primum prodromi florae Novae Hollandiae
  3. Brown, R. (1815), On Woodsia, a new genus of ferns. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 11(1)
  4. Brown, R. (1817), Observations on the Natural Family of Plants called Compositae
  5. Brown, R. in Britten, J. (1906), Plantae introductae vicinitatis Portus Jackson, in Introduced Plants at Sydney, 1802-4. Journal of Botany, British and Foreign 44
  6. Brown, R. Herbarium annotation
  7. Brown, R. in Aiton, W.T. (1810), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 1
  8. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1 August 1807), Botanical Magazine 26
  9. Brown, R. (1809), On Cultivation of Proteeae
  10. Brown, R. (27 March 1810), Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805
  11. Brown, R. (3 April 1810), On the Asclepiadeae
  12. Brown, R. (8 March 1810), On the Proteaceae of Jussieu. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 10(1)
  13. Brown, R. (27 March 1810), Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805
  14. Brown, R. (1810), Addenda. Prodromus florae Novae Hollandiae et insulae Van-Diemen, exhibens characteres plantarum quas annis 1802-1805
  15. Brown, R. (1811), On the Asclepiadeae. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society 1
  16. Brown, R. in Rees, A. (ed.) (1811), The Cyclopaedia 17
  17. Brown, R. (1811), Some observations on the parts of fructification in mosses; with characthers and descriptions of two new genera of that order. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 10(2)
  18. Brown, R. in Aiton, W.T. (1811), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 3
  19. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1812), Dillwynia parvifolia. Short-leaved Dillwynia. Botanical Magazine 37
  20. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1812), Botanical Magazine 37
  21. Brown, R. in Aiton, W.T. (1812), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 4
  22. Brown, R. in Aiton, W.T. (1813), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 5
  23. Brown, R. in Flinders, M. (1814), General remarks, geographical and systematical, on the Botany of Terra Australis. A Voyage to Terra Australis 2, Appendix III
  24. Brown, R. in Salt, H. (1814), Appendix. Voyage to Abyssinia
  25. Brown, R. (1817), Observations on the Natural Family of Plants called Compositae
  26. Brown, R. (1817), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 3
  27. Brown, R. (1818), Narrative of an Expedition to the Congo Appendix
  28. Brown, R. in Tuckey, J.H. (1818), Appendix No. V: Observations, systematical and geographical, on Professor Christian Smith's collection of plants from the vicinity of the River Congo. Narrative of an expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816
  29. Brown, R. (1818), Observations on the natural family of plants called Compositae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 12(1)
  30. Brown, R. in Abel, C. (1818), Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China
  31. Brown, R. (1818), Narrative of an Expedition to the Congo Appendix
  32. Brown, R. (1819), Melaleuca incana. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 5
  33. Brown, R. in Schultes, J.A. (1819), Systema Vegetabilium Edn. 16, 5
  34. Brown, R. (1820), Calytrix glabra. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 5
  35. Brown, R. (1820), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 6
  36. Brown, R. (1820), Callistemon rigidum. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 5
  37. Brown, R. (1820), Artabotrys odoratissimus. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 5
  38. Brown, R. (1820), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 6
  39. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1820), Botanical Magazine 48
  40. Brown, R. (1820), Cryptostegia grandiflora. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 5
  41. Brown, R. (1821), An account of a new genus of plants, named Rafflesia
  42. Brown, R. (1821), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 7
  43. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1821), Dillwynia cinerascens. Botanical Magazine 48
  44. Brown, R. (1821), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 7
  45. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1821), Dillwynia cinerascens. Grey Dillwynia. Botanical Magazine 48
  46. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1821), Botanical Magazine 48
  47. Brown, R. (1821), An account of a new genus of plants, named Rafflesia. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13
  48. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1822), Botanical Magazine 49
  49. Brown, R. (1823), Chloris mellvilliana
  50. Brown, R. in Sims, J. (1824), Botanical Magazine 51
  51. Brown, R. (1825), Curtis's Botanical Magazine 52
  52. Brown, R. (1825), Oxylobium retusum. Netted-leaved Oxylobium. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 11
  53. Brown, R. (1825), Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 13
  54. Brown, R. (1825), Carmichaelia australis. South-Sea Carmichaelia. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 11
  55. Brown, R. in Richard, A. (ed.) (1826), Commentatio Botanica de Conifereis et Cycadeis
  56. Brown, R. (1826), XXII. Botanical Appendix. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa
  57. Brown, R. in Richard, A. (ed.) (1826), Commentatio Botanica de Conifereis et Cycadeis
  58. Brown, R. (1826), Annales des Sciences Naturelles 8
  59. Brown, R. (1826), Memoire sur la Famille des Rhamnees. Annales des Sciences Naturelles
  60. Brown, R. (1826), Chorizema henchmanni. Mr Henchman's Chorizema. The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment 12
  61. Brown, R. (1827), Sammlung Schonblühender Gewasche für Blumen- und- Garten-freunde
  62. Brown, R. in Schultes, J.A. & Schultes, J.H. (1829), Systema Vegetabilium Edn. 16, 7(1)
  63. Brown, R. (1830), Proteaceas Novas. Supplementum primum prodromi florae Novae Hollandiae
  64. Brown, R. (1830), Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal
  65. Brown, R. (1831), General view of the botany of the vicinity of Swan River. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 1
  66. Brown, R. in Wallich, N. (1831), A Numerical List of Dried Specimens of Plants in the East India Companies Museum
  67. Brown, R. in Hooker, W.J. (ed.) (1832), Botanical Magazine 59
  68. Brown, R. in Otto, C.F. & Dietrich, A.G. (ed.) (1834), Allgemeine Gartenzeitung 2
  69. Brown, R. in Martius, C.F.P. von (1835), Conspectus Regni Vegetabilis
  70. Brown, R. (1837), Museum Senckenbergianum 2
  71. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1838), Plantae Javanicae Rariores 1
  72. Brown, R. (1839), Synopsis Plantarum seu Enumeratio Systematica ... 1
  73. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1840), Plantae Javanicae Rariores
  74. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1840), Plantae Javanicae Rariores 2
  75. Brown, R. in Spach, E. (20 March 1841), Histoire Naturelle des Vegetaux. Phanerogames 10
  76. Brown, R. in Endlicher, S.F.L. (1842), Catalogus Horti Academici Vindobonensis 1
  77. Brown, R. (1843), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment
  78. Brown, R. (1843), The Botanical Register: Consisting of Coloured Figures of Exotic Plants, Cultivated in British Gardens; with their History and Mode of Treatment
  79. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1844), Plantae Javanicae Rariores
  80. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1844), Plantae Javanicae Rariores 3
  81. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1844), Plantae Javanicae Rariores
  82. Brown, R. in Mitchell, T.L. (1848), Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  83. Brown, R. (1848), Annales des Sciences Naturelles
  84. Brown, R. (1848), Annales des Sciences Naturelles
  85. Brown, R. in Sturt, C. (1849), Botanical Appendix. Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia 2
  86. Brown, R. in Bennett, J.J., Brown, R. & Horsfield, T. (1852), Plantae Javanicae Rariores 4
  87. Brown, R. (1854), Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem ser. 2, 10
  88. Brown, R. in Hooker, W.J. & Baker, J.G. (1874), Synopsis Filicum Edn. 2
  89. Brown, R. (1874), Linnaea: ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde 38
  90. Brown, R. (1893), Notes on the New Zealand species of the genus Andreaea, together with descriptions of some new species. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 25
  91. Brown, R. (1895), Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 27
  92. Brown, R. (1899), Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 31
  93. Brown, R. (1900), Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute 32
  94. Brown, R. (1907), Journal of Botany, British and Foreign
  95. Brown, R. (1927), The Genus Lilæopsis: a Study in Geographical Distribution. Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 47

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