Fabaceae Lindl.
Swainsona tephrotricha F.Muell. , legitimate, scientific
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1853), Diagnoses et descriptiones plantarum novarum, quas in Nova Hollandia australi praecipue in regionibus interioribus. Linnaea: ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde 25: 392 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "In collibus nudis aridis pone fodinas Burra Burra, et secus rivos Broughton, Hutt et Hill."
Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 222 [basionym]
basionym of: Swainsona lessertiifolia var. tephrotricha (F.Muell.) Benth. legitimate
Cheel, E. in Maiden, J.H. (1911), Illustrations of New South Wales Plants 3: 77, Pl. 28 [secondary reference]
Black, J.M. (1924), Casuarinaceae - Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia 2: 322 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Swainsona lessertiifolia var. tephrotricha (F.Muell.) Benth. legitimate
Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 474 [secondary reference]
misapplication: Swainsona lessertiifolia var. tephrotricha (F.Muell.) Benth. legitimate by Bentham, G. (5 October 1864), Flora Australiensis 2: 222
  • Etymology: "The specific name means "ashy-haired.""
Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 471 [misapplied]
misapplied to: Swainsona behriana F.Muell. ex J.M.Black legitimate by Cheel, E. in Maiden, J.H. (1911), Illustrations of New South Wales Plants 3: 77, Pl. 28
Lee, A.T. (10 September 1948), The genus Swainsona. Contributions from the New South Wales National Herbarium 1(4): 188-189, Fig. 15, Map 7 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "Burra, Nov. Holl. Austr. interior (S.A.), Mueller; MEL."
Weber, J.Z. (27 March 1985), Plant Portraits. 15. Swainsona tephrotricha F.Muell. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae). Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 7(2): 211, 213-214 [secondary reference]
Thompson, J. (30 September 1993), A revision of the genus Swainsona (Fabaceae). Telopea 5(3): 537 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Swainsona lessertiifolia var. tephrotricha (F.Muell.) Benth. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Swainsona lessertiifolia var. tephrotricha (F.Muell.) Benth. legitimate
  • APC Dist.: SA