Lamiaceae Martinov
Callicarpa caudata Maxim. , legitimate, scientific
Maximowicz, C.J. (1887), Bulletin Scientifique publie par L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint Petersbourg: 76 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Philippinae (Cuming! n. 1095 flor.)"
Munir, A.A. (23 December 1982), A taxonomic revision of the genus Callicarpa L. (Verbenaceae) in Australia. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 6(1): 27-30, Fig. 6, Map 4 APC [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Callicarpa caudata var. magna H.J.Lam legitimate pro parte misapplication: Callicarpa pedunculata R.Br. legitimate by Beer, E. & Lam, H.J. (1936), The Verbenaceae, collected in Papua by L.J.Brass for the Archbold Expedition. Blumea 2(3): 222
  • APC Dist.: Qld
Thomas, M.B. & McDonald, W.J.F. (1987), Rare and threatened plants of Queensland: a checklist of geographically restricted, poorly collected and/or threatened vascular plant species Edn. 1: 50 [secondary reference]
Thomas, M.B. & McDonald, W.J.F. (1989), Rare and threatened plants of Queensland: a checklist of geographically restricted, poorly collected and/or threatened vascular plant species Edn. 2: 53 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M., Gray, B. & Elick, R.W. in Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (1994), Appendix I: Provisional Species List. Fruits of the Rainforest: 313 [secondary reference]
Hyland, B.P.M., Whiffin, T.P., Christophel, D.C., Gray, B., Elick, R.W. & Ford, A.J. (1999), Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs. Australian tropical rain forest trees and shrubs: 91 [secondary reference]
Cooper, W.E. & Cooper, W.T. (2004), Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest: 234 [secondary reference]