Nitrariaceae Lindl.
Nitraria billardierei DC. , legitimate, scientific
Candolle, A.P. de in Candolle, A.P. de (ed.) (1828), Ficoideae. Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis 3: 456 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "in Novâ-Hollandiâ. ... (v.s.)"
Mueller, F.J.H. von (24 October 1854), Second general report of the Government Botanist on the vegetation of the Colony. Victoria - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly: 7, 10 [secondary reference]
Mueller, F.J.H. von (February 1862), Thalamiflorae. The Plants Indigenous to the Colony of Victoria 1: 92-93, 228, Suppl. pl. 7 [secondary reference]
Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1: 291 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate
Komarov, V.L. (1908), Acta Horti Petropolitani 29: 155 [basionym]
basionym of: Nitraria schoberi var. billardierei (DC.) Kom. legitimate
Cunningham, G.M., Mulham, W.E., Milthorpe, P.L. & Leigh, J.H. (1981), Plants of Western New South Wales: 437 [secondary reference]
common name: Wild Grape [n/a] common name: Karumbil [n/a] common name: Nitre-bush [n/a] common name: Dillon Bush [n/a]
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 211 [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 102 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate
Dunlop, C.R. (1987), Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Northern Territory. Technical Report: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory 26: 81 [secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R. in Marchant, N.G., Wheeler, J.R., Rye, B.L., Bennett, E.M., Lander, N.S. & Macfarlane, T.D. (1987), Zygophyllaceae. Flora of the Perth Region 1: 490 [secondary reference]
common name: Nitre Bush [n/a]
Wilson, K.L. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1992), Nitrariaceae. Flora of New South Wales 3: 14 [secondary reference]
common name: Dillon Bush [n/a] common name: Nitre Bush [n/a]
Barker, R.M. (6 March 1998), Notes on Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) in Australia including the descriptions of five new species and one new subspecies, revised keys and typifications. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens 18(1): 73 [secondary reference]
doubtful taxonomic synonym: Zygophyllum australasicum Miq. legitimate
Jeanes, J.A. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1999), Zygophyllaceae. Flora of Victoria 4: 205, Fig. 38a [secondary reference]
misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Willis, J.H. (1973), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2: 326 common name: Nitre-bush [n/a]
  • Vernacular: Dillon Bush
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census: - [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Nitraria billardierii DC. orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Nitraria schoberi var. billardierei (DC.) Kom. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Zygophyllum australasicum Miq. legitimate misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Bailey, F.M. (1899), The Queensland Flora 1: 174 misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 486-487, Figs 600, A-B, 661 misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Willis, J.H. (1973), A Handbook to Plants in Victoria Edn. 2, 2: 326 misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Henderson, R.J.F. in Henderson, R.J.F. (ed.) (2002), Nitrariaceae. Names and Distribution of Queensland Plants, Algae and Lichens: 132
  • APC Dist.: WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic
Barker, R.M. in Wilson, A.J.G. (ed.) (2013), Zygophyllaceae. Flora of Australia 26: 513-514, Plates 63, 64, Fig. 72A-F [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Nitraria billardierii DC. orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Nitraria schoberi var. billardieri Kom. orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Nitraria schoberi var. billardierei (DC.) Kom. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Zygophyllum australasicum Miq. legitimate doubtful taxonomic synonym: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate common name: Dillon Bush [n/a] common name: Nitre Bush [n/a]
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2016), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
orthographic variant: Nitraria billardierii DC. orth. var. orthographic variant: Nitraria billardieri Eichler orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Nitraria schoberi var. billardieri Kom. orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Nitraria schoberi var. billardierei (DC.) Kom. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Zygophyllum australasicum Miq. legitimate misapplication: Nitraria schoberi L. legitimate by Black, J.M. (January 1948), Casuarinaceae-Euphorbiaceae. Flora of South Australia Edn. 2, 2: 486-487, Figs 600, A-B, 661
  • APC Dist.: WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic