Stylidiaceae R.Br.
Stylidium bulbiferum f. macrorhizum Mildbr. , legitimate, scientific
Mildbraed, G.W.J. in Engler, H.G.A. (26 May 1908), Stylidiaceae. Das Pflanzenreich 35: 92 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "West-Australien: Distr. Darling; Swan, auf sumpfigen Alluvialflächen mit lehmigem Boden; Midland Junction (blähend Ende Oktober 1901 – Diels n. 5112!); Bellevue (E. Pritzel n. 838!)."
Lowrie, A.S., Burbidge, A.H. & Kenneally, K.F. (17 December 1999), A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13(1): 111 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: Bellevue, Western Australia, E. Pritzel 838 (lecto: PERTH 02956535; isolecto: K, S, BM, B, NSW, E, W); Distr. Darling: Swan, auf sumpfigen Alluvialflachen mit lehmigem Boden Western Australia, (syn: B, n.v.): Midland Junction, Western Australua, October 1901, Diels 5112 (syn: B, n.v.).
Lowrie, A.S., Burbidge, A.H. & Kenneally, K.F. (17 December 1999), A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13(1): 111 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Stylidium bulbiferum Benth. legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Stylidium recurvum Graham legitimate