Stylidiaceae R.Br.
Stylidium bulbiferum var. macrocarpum Benth. , legitimate, scientific
Bentham, G. (16 December 1868), Flora Australiensis 4: 31 BHL [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Harvey river, Oldfield."
taxonomic synonym: Stylidium recurvum Graham legitimate
  • Comment: Bentham's name is here treated as being that of a new taxon, rather than as a replacement name for Stylidium recurvum Graham, following predominant usage by subsequent authors (ICN Art. 6.13 (Shenzhen Code, 2018)).
Lowrie, A.S., Burbidge, A.H. & Kenneally, K.F. (17 December 1999), A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13(1): 120 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "Harvey River, [Western Australia], Oldfield (lecto: K, here designated)."
Lowrie, A.S., Burbidge, A.H. & Kenneally, K.F. (17 December 1999), A taxonomic revision of the creeping triggerplants (Stylidiaceae: Stylidium sect. Appressae) from southern Australia. Nuytsia 13(1): 120 [replaced synonym]
replaced synonym of: Stylidium megacarpum Lowrie, A.H.Burb. & Kenneally legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011), Australian Plant Census: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Stylidium megacarpum Lowrie, A.H.Burb. & Kenneally legitimate
Western Australian Herbarium (2011), FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora Version 2.6: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Stylidium megacarpum Lowrie, A.H.Burb. & Kenneally legitimate