Myrtaceae Juss.
Eucalyptus staeri (Maiden) Kessell & C.A.Gardner , legitimate, scientific
Kessell, S.L. & Gardner, C.A. (1924), Key to the eucalypts of Western Australia, with descriptive and botanical notes concerning all arborescent species of Eucalyptus known to be indigenous to Western Australia. Bulletin (Western Australian Forests Department) 34: 110 [comb. et stat. nov.]
basionym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
  • Comment: Reference to basionym indirect, via Kessell & Gardner's citation of this name as "E. staeri, Maiden Ms." (ICN Art. 41.3 (Shenzhen Code, 2018)).
Maiden, J.H. & Blakely, W.F. (21 December 1925), Descriptions of sixteen new species of Eucalyptus. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales 59: 197-199 BHL [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
Maiden, J.H. (1927), A Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus 7(8): 374-375, pl. 278 BHL [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
Hall, N. & Brooker, M.I.H. (1973), Forest Tree Series 73: - [secondary reference]
Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2: 127 [secondary reference]
Chippendale, G.M. in George, A.S. (ed.) (27 June 1988), Eucalyptus. Flora of Australia 19: 140, Fig. 55A-B [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
Robson, Peter J. (1993), Checklist of Australian Trees: alphabetical listings of common and scientific names: - [secondary reference]
common name: Albany Blackbutt [n/a]
Brooker, M.I.H. (28 February 2000), A new classification of the genus Eucalyptus L'Her. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany 13(1): 131 [secondary reference]
Wheeler, J.R., Marchant, N.G. & Lewington, M. (2002), Dicotyledons. Flora of the South West 2: 701 [secondary reference]
common name: Albany Blackbutt [n/a]
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (2006), EUCLID Edn. 3: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census: - APC [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staerii Maiden orth. var. nomenclatural synonym: Eucalyptus marginata var. staeri Maiden legitimate
  • APC Comment: Hybrids are recorded between E. staeri and both E. preissiana and E. buprestium [FloraBase].
  • APC Dist.: WA
French, M. & Nicolle, D. (2019), Eucalypts of Western Australia: The south-west coast and ranges: 278-279 [secondary reference]
common name: coastal blackbutt [n/a] common name: Albany blackbutt [n/a]