Rutaceae Juss.
Cyanothamnus anethifolius Bartl. , legitimate, scientific
Bartling, F.G. in Lehmann, J.G.C. (ed.) (1845), Diosmeae. Plantae Preissianae 1(2): 170 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "In solo arenoso prope Spitesbrook ad fluvium Canning 14.Jul.1841. Herb. Preiss. No. 2035."
Bentham, G. (30 May 1863), Flora Australiensis 1: 320 [basionym]
basionym of: Boronia ramosa var. anethifolia (Bartl.) Benth. legitimate
Wilson, Paul G. (5 May 1971), Taxonomic notes on the family Rutaceae, principally of Western Australia. Nuytsia 1(2): 201 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia (Bartl.) Paul G.Wilson legitimate
Wilson, Paul G. (17 February 1998), New names and new taxa in the genus Boronia (Rutaceae) from Western Australia, with notes on seed characters. Nuytsia 12(1): 151 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "Near Spitesbrook on Canning river, 14 July 1841, L.Preiss 2035 (lecto: LD; isolecto: MEL 1058481, MEL 1058482), lectotype here chosen."
Wilson, Paul G. (17 February 1998), New names and new taxa in the genus Boronia (Rutaceae) from Western Australia, with notes on seed characters. Nuytsia 12(1): 151 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia (Bartl.) Paul G.Wilson legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2007), Australian Plant Census: - [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Boronia ramosa subsp. anethifolia (Bartl.) Paul G.Wilson legitimate
Duretto, M.F., Heslewood, M.M. & Bayly, M.J. (June 2020), Boronia (Rutaceae) is polyphyletic: Reinstating Cyanothamnus and the problems associated with inappropriately defined outgroups. Taxon 69(3): 494 [basionym]
basionym of: Cyanothamnus ramosus subsp. anethifolius (Bartl.) Duretto & Heslewood legitimate