Myrtaceae Juss.
Melaleuca lanceolata subsp. planifolia Barlow , legitimate, scientific
Barlow, B.A. & Cowley, K.J. (1988), Contributions to a Revision of Melaleuca (Myrtaceae): 4-6. Australian Systematic Botany 1(2): 119-121, Figs 10 (map), 11 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Western Australia: Esperance Region: North Twin Peak Island, Recherche Archipelago, 34°00′S., 122°51′E., Royce 6257, 9.ii.1960 (PERTH)."
taxonomic synonym: Melaleuca preissiana var. leiostachya Benth. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Melaleuca parviflora var. leiostachya (Benth.) Domin legitimate
Craven, L.A. & Lepschi, B.J. (21 December 1999), Enumeration of the species and infraspecific taxa of Melaleuca (Myrtaceae) occurring in Australia and Tasmania. Australian Systematic Botany 12(6): 884 [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Melaleuca lanceolata Otto legitimate
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2010), Australian Plant Census: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Melaleuca lanceolata Otto legitimate