Myrtaceae Juss.
Tristania laurina (Sm.) R.Br. , legitimate, scientific
Aiton, W.T. (1812), Hortus Kewensis Edn. 2, 4: 417 [comb. nov.]
basionym: Melaleuca laurina Sm. legitimate
Mueller, F.J.H. von (24 October 1854), Second general report of the Government Botanist on the vegetation of the Colony. Victoria - Parliamentary Papers- Votes and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly: 5, 11 [secondary reference]
Bentham, G. (5 January 1867), Orders XLVIII. Myrtaceae- LXII. Compositae. Flora Australiensis 3: 264 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Melaleuca laurina Sm. legitimate
Mueller, F.J.H. von (1882), Systematic Census of Australian Plants: 59 [secondary reference]
Dixon, W.A. (1906), The Plants of New South Wales: 142 [secondary reference]
doubtful misapplication: Bastard Box [n/a]
Bailey, F.M. (1913), Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants: 201 [secondary reference]
Sulman, F. (1913), A Popular Guide to the Wild Flowers of New South Wales 1: 170, 199 [secondary reference]
common name: Water Gum [n/a]
Ewart, A.J. (1925), Handbook of Forest Trees for Victorian Foresters: 237, Pl. CXVIII [secondary reference]
common name: Kanooka [n/a]
Domin, K. (1928), Beitrage zur Flora und Pflanzengeographie Australiens. Bibliotheca Botanica 22(89): 1025-1026 [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Melaleuca laurina Sm. legitimate
Beadle, N.C.W., Evans, O.D. & Carolin, R.C. (1962), Handbook of the Vascular Plants of the Sydney District and Blue Mountains: 262 [secondary reference]
common name: Water Gum [n/a]
McGillivray, D.J. (12 June 1973), Michel Gandoger's names of Australian plants. Contributions from the New South Wales National Herbarium 4(6): 355 [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Tristania bakeriana Gand. orth. var. taxonomic synonym: Tristania bakerana Gand. legitimate
Floyd, A.G. (1979), N.S.W. Rainforest trees Part III Family Myrtaceae. Forestry Commission of New South Wales Research Note Edn. 2, 28: 88-90 [secondary reference]
Williams, K.A.W. (1980), Native Plants of Queensland Edn. 2, 1: 274 [secondary reference]
common name: Water Gum [n/a]
Jacobs, S.W.L. & Pickard, J. (1981), Plants of New South Wales: 169 [secondary reference]
Wilson, Peter G. & Waterhouse, J.T. (1982), A review of the genus Tristania R.Br. (Myrtaceae): a heterogeneous assemblage of five genera. Australian Journal of Botany 30(4): 435 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Stanley, T.D. in Stanley, T.D. & Ross, E.M. (1986), Myrtaceae. Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2: 199 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Floyd, A.G. (1989), Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia: 267 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Wilson, Peter G. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1991), Syzygium - Leptospermum. Flora of New South Wales 2: 147 [pro parte taxonomic synonym]
pro parte taxonomic synonym of: Tristaniopsis collina Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Wilson, Peter G. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (1991), Syzygium - Leptospermum. Flora of New South Wales 2: 147 [pro parte nomenclatural synonym]
pro parte nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Jeanes, J.A. in Walsh, N.G. & Entwisle, T.J. (ed.) (1996), Myrtaceae. Flora of Victoria 3: 945 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Wilson, Peter G. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (2002), Tristaniopsis. Flora of New South Wales Revised Edition 2: 171 [pro parte taxonomic synonym]
pro parte taxonomic synonym of: Tristaniopsis collina Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Wilson, Peter G. in Harden, G.J. (ed.) (2002), Tristaniopsis. Flora of New South Wales Revised Edition 2: 170 [pro parte taxonomic synonym]
pro parte taxonomic synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate
Floyd, A.G. (2008), Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia Edn. 2: 267 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Tristaniopsis laurina (Sm.) Peter G.Wilson & J.T.Waterh. legitimate